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★Release ......

What does it mean for You to release something that needs a revision of how you perceive it?

Let’s share on releasing….

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Oh Yes. Good one for me to pick up again.
“ I release any fear of financial stability”

“ I release all negative events of the past”

By releasing you dissolve the negative and stop it from manifesting further in your life.

“I release old patterns/cycles of bad behaviour”
(thats an example that anyone can use – before finding positive thinking, I dont know about anyone else but my behaviour, thinking and actions were based on/influenced by the negative – which as we know, is so wrong!)

“I release all sense of anxiety towards….”

“I release my resentment toward ‘so-and-so’”

by releasing an angry thought/resentment you stop it from doing harm to yourself. Let it go and pray for them instead. (easier said than done sometimes!!)

“I release all sense of inadequacy and embrace my ability to succeed in any situation!” (just made that one up – but I guess its on my mind…feeling inadequate today perhaps…..)

Wow! Thanks Laurie for guiding my thoughts in a productive way. Just being mindful here on the site directs my thinking where it needs to be….! This site is so in tune with our needs somehow!!!

Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude Lee!! :O)

A full and thankful heart..


  • ** releasing & other types of affirmations 5 types of affirmations Affirmations1Releasing/Cleansing Affirmations2Receiving/Accepting Affirmations3Being/Intending Affirmations4Acting/Claiming Affirmations5Integrating/Embodying

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

tags: affirmations, gratitude, appreciation, forgiveness, abundance, Releasing/Cleansing,Receiving/Accepting Affirmations, Being/Intending Affirmations,Acting/Claiming Affirmations,Integrating/Embodying

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

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