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★What I do to succeed

I was interested to see what others are doing to succeed and what would help to do so.

What I do: Every time go outside I look at other people and try to examine them and determine what they do, how they feel, where they are going, what the family is like, etc. I decide all that just by looking at these people, what they wear, how they look, etc. Then I make a personal picture of these people and relate it to my life, my feelings and then appreciate what I have, what I do and make one affirmation as an outcome.

So please let everyone know what you do and how you approach affirmations, positive thought, where you get inspirations. What you have as a reminder to think positive in your daily life.

Today I saw a lady with a new children’s bicycle wrapped up as a present. I thought of that moment when a child receives this gift, the laughter, joy, excitement…! It made me think, that this gift already exists, but the child does not know of it yet, but still it will come to him/her.
Relating this event to myself: I have great things coming to me (even if I don’t know what it is)!

If we (I do) believe that we basically consist of water, then this is very interesting and feel free to try this at home.

-Fill three separate glass jars (A, B, and C) with clear and clean water from the same origin.
-On daily basis do the following:
Send all your positive thoughts to jar A
Send all your negative thoughts to jar B
Completely ignore jar C

Result (after a few weeks):
Jar A remained clear and clean (no visible changes)
Jar B turned darker colour
Jar C turned darker and with sediment

Personal Affirmation: I concentrate on positive, I recognize all that is not so positive, but never ignore it.

In response to Bendyamind’s post:
Like that(:

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Another old thread …this one from 2009… which could make a good sharing-thread…[at least I think so] (:

The intro post- below states/asks:
…how do we approach affirmations, positive thought & where do we get inspirations. What do we use as a reminder to think positive in daily life?

I like it…(:

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

One thing that I do to succeed: When looking at my home and that where do I begin-mode? -> …I think of what I’m attempting to reinforce for myself in a loving-prompt way and organize with things which draw my attention (in an appealing way)

I say loving & appealing…because I could easily overwhelm myself with what matters to me…and my reminders could show up like invaders…rather than helpful-friends(:

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

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