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★TRUST YOURSELF [Judith Milburn, Ph.D.]


the article below- Judith Milburn, Ph.D.

I once/twice posted a link to the following article by Judith Milburn, though the link no longer exists.. Fortunately I had a copy to share…
other thread “:WITH ONE'S OWN HEART

I will continue to look for the link…since the article is a bit long… It is my hope someone, somewhere at sometime prospers. And it my sincere hope that the author finds it acceptable that I shared it here…I may call her(: Appreciating˚

[email protected]
About the author

Trusting the Inner Voice

    • We have been so accustomed to believing other people’s opinions rather than believing our own, that we have come to doubt our ability to know anything of value or to believe that we have anything of value or importance to say.

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  • We even go so far as to trust others’ opinions and ideas as to who we are and what we should do, rather than trust ourselves.

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  • We have two sources of information, of knowing; one is from external information and the other is intuitive wisdom. We have tended to negate the value of the intuitive wisdom, leaving us at the mercy of trying to accumulate enough information from the external world to feel confident that we know enough to be competent.

  • And the reality is that the part of us that is the inadequate part has a very difficult time believing that it knows enough or is competent enough to be trusted. It’s like eating chicken broth with a fork…. we can never get enough…. we can never know enough.


    • This part of us will never be able to override the inner‘factory program’ so that you can believe that you are good enough and loved. So it is very helpful to remember that this inadequate part is only one part of us and that we do have the ability to learn to access other parts of ourselves, like calling up another software program. We can learn how not be always be at the effect of our own feelings of inadequacy and at the effect of what seems to be criticism and put downs coming from another person.

    • Consider that you are like a very complex computer system with an infinite number of computer programs already loaded into your system. As an infant, you learned how to use several programs, out of necessity and survival. You learned how and when to use each of these and gradually from time to time you either had the opportunity, or were forced by circumstances to access other parts of you, or you might say, access other internal software programs.

    • It also seems that we are programmed with an immense amount of inertia that causes us to be content enough with the same old programs, even though there are others which might serve us far better.

    • The interesting thing is that we don’t seem seek other more effective programs until we’re forced to by life events.

    • I’ve noticed that sometimes we can access parts of ourselves that possess more self esteem and do believe we have worth and value. The problem is that we tend not be believe those parts, because we overly rely on the inadequacy side of the psyche, believing that that is all there is. This keeps us locked in fear and inadequacy. We feel trapped.The question is: Can you identify and begin to trust the parts of you, i.e., the internal messages, that you sometimes hear, which encourage you and tell you good and positive messages about yourself, and, which tell you that it’s okay for you to enjoy life and have fun.
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    • How do we learn to trust our ideas and ourselves?I’ve found that learning to center myself is of vital importance. When I center myself, I can pay attention to what’s going on. I inhale… taking a long deep diaphragmatic breath and then a long, slow exhale, breathing in to every pore of my body. At the same time, I send the focus of awareness into the Heart Center(between the breasts in the center of the chest) and hold your whole awareness there. In this moment, I notice any judgments/criticisms I may have had about myself, and let them go, and allow myself to move to a place of non-judgmental acceptance and love for myself. In this moment, I see myself as a multi-dimensional person, a person with many potential programs.

    • As I center myself in unconditional love, I breathe and rest in the beauty and amazement of all of my aspects. In my center place, I can be aware of various aspects of myself. Some of my aspects are immature and needy and don’t really know what’s going on. Other of my different parts have other resources available to me for my life’s journey and work. Some of these more mature aspects of myself can see me more accurately.These are programmed to teach me to trust myself.



    • Remember, aspects of you will always feel inadequate. They will not have the inner resources to handle life. Other parts of you, at the same time do have the inner resources and can be trusted to give you good information and assist you to move forward in life.This centering process stops the self-critical talk and enables you to ‘collect yourself’ enough to realize that you are seeing yourself from a very biased and skewed perspective.Only in this centered place can you really be clear enough within to hear the voice of your inner knowing, your intuition, and learn how to identify it, trust it and live from it.

    • You will begin to identify the particular form and sound of this voice. It will have a different ‘feeling’ than the voices of the ego that come from fear and uncertainty. It will be encouraging, affirming, and will speak the truth with love,giving clear direction for either the next step, the general direction, or the long-range outcome. The inner voice may also give guidance about how you may come into greater sync with who you really are and how you might allow your own unfolding to begin/continue.I find that my inner voice has a sense of humor, often amusing me with gales of laughter, especially when it has really gotten my attention about something I needed to be more conscious of.

    • For instance, when my planned tour to Bali did not materialize, I was very disappointed. When I got quiet and went inside to check things out, I heard the voice say that I was to take this time to go away and write,and that I was to take the entire three weeks (even though I was bargaining for two).Then the laughter came, “How else do you think we would have gotten you to take the time to write if we had not tricked you?” So I laughed… appreciating the lengths that these deeper forces will go to to direct my life process.I have learned through trial and error, and through just paying attention, which voices are which. This voice of inner intuitive knowing, for me, is specific and definite and has a certain loving quality…. and it never settles for second best from me. It is incredibly patient, never harsh, critical or punitive, even though the message may tell me to ‘shape up’. It is done is a way that I get the message and see its value, and feel the necessity of my ‘shaping up’.Ram Dass was once asked how you could tell the differences between the voices. He said quite simply,You fall on your face a lot.

    • And so you do. And you are never demeaned by the inner voice. I find I am encouraged to keep going deeper and learning the things I need to learn in order to trust myself and to love myself unconditionally. The way we learn to distinguish the-inner intuition from more fearful, less developed inner voices is that we listen and act, and if we make a mistake, we just fall on our face. It really doesn’t hurt too much. We fall and we get up and dust off our ego and see what valuable information we gained from the process. Then you learn how to ask your self to help you learn how to pay attention and work with the inner voice.This is another step in the journey of spiritual unfolding. The process of ‘how to do this’ and how to bring the aspects of the psyche (or soul) together with the spiritual parts of life and to facilitate the process of wholeness is the focus of the work that we do. We invite your inquiry as to the nature of this work if you find yourself desirous of self-exploration and opening to the unconscious and spiritual forces in your life.

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Other articles by this author
The Work-The Heart Center The Heart Center is a state of awareness that holds all of the pairs of opposites equally, so that we can see how the preferred and non-preferred aspects of our psyche all serve. to read more

    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      The Heart Center state of consciousness provides the way out of the domination by the ‘me me’ focused, fearful, striving, never good enough, power seeking state of the ego. to read more
      Many people experience this as a spiritual experience.
      to read more
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      JudithMilburn’s beginnings


trust yourself quote pic

Tags: Enoughness, Spiritual Growth, Unconditional Love, Love, Shifting, Encouraging, Affirming, Wholeness, Trusting Yourself, Centering, Inner Programming/SelfTalk, The Unconscious, Positivity, Positive Psychology, Articles,


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