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★Let's Begin and End Our Day On a ☼Positive Note-





feel-good music Beautiful


Lucy Schwartz


Begin and End Your Day On a ☼Positive Note

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    11 Practical steps to a more optimistic attitude”
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    Learning to maintain a positive attitude during stressful times can be challenging. It may take some time before your natural response to almost any situation is optimistic. However, when you consider both the short term and long range benefits, your efforts are bound to pay big dividends. Let’s consider 10 simple steps you can start using immediately to move you in a positive direction.
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“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” Cicero

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      2. Choose Happiness. Being happy is not about circumstances or any other outside force. Happiness is a decision we make. Why not make up your mind to embrace happiness, starting now? Go ahead and make a decision. Let your personal identity get all wrapped up in the concept of happiness. Fold it around yourself like a big comfortable blanket.


“The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not our circumstances.” Martha Washington

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6. Begin Your Day On a Positive Note. Find a few minutes each morning to clear your mind and then think positive thoughts about the upcoming day. Focus on the people and events that bring you joy or a sense of satisfaction. What’s your favorite part of the day going to be? Take some time to look forward to everything that you will enjoy. Now carry that feeling with you all day long, even during the less enjoyable activities. Let your optimism flow into your entire day.

To Read Whole List AdvancedLivingSkills.com
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  • When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.

On Genius

Genius is nothing but a greater aptitude for patience. Benjamin Franklin
have seen others also credited with this quote


Genius. It is just attention to something specific. That’s all it is. Law of Attraction makes it happen, and so anyone who gives attention to any subject for a period of time will evolve in the direction of that understanding. Abe

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      850 Affirmations Bernadette Logue
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        • 5 Ways To Start Your Day
        •  8 Ways People Start Their Mornings
        • 2 Min Morning Ritual To Start Day
        • The Good News!
          If your day begins without much excitement, there is good news! You can easily transform your morning into a magical time that welcomes the potential of good things happening to you! The news gets even better. You don’t have to lose all that weight first. You don’t have to have life all figured out. No matter what is going on in your life right now, it is in your control to create a positive experience for yourself – today.
          What is your morning ritual when you first wake up? Are you consciously setting aside a few minutes to create your day with vision and positive expectation? By taking just a few minutes every morning, you can set your mood, put yourself in the right frame of mind, and maximize your outcomes for the upcoming day. You could also remember what is most important to you, and consciously place those tasks at the top of your mental to-do list.
          And now…DrumRoll please….. I present to you……


        • The Two Minute Morning Ritual to Start Your Day on a Positive Note:
          “read article in its entirety here”:http://positiveprovocations.com/2014/08/25/the-two-minute-morning-ritual-to-start-your-day-on-a-positive-note/

        • ** * “How To Get A Great Start On Your Day”:http://www.positivityblog.com/index.php/2013/12/18/great-start-to-your-day/ 7 Tips
        • ** * “Ending Your Day On a Positive Note”:http://truestar.com/article.aspx?article_url=ending-your-day-on-a-positive-note By Chanel Mulcahy
          article-link is broken…but found article elsewhere:

      Ending Your Day on a Positive Note
      By Chanel Mulcahy

      Ending your day with positivity and gratitude is just as important as starting it that way. It is easy to let one stressful situation in work, or from a relationship come all the way to bed with us. We have a hard time letting things go and this can cause us anxiety and even disturb our sleep. This is why it is so beneficial to have a set of nightly practices that we can use to decrease anxieties and invite motivation to make tomorrow an even better day. We all have the ability to create each day to be a perfect day for ourselves and through inviting nightly practices into our lives, we will be conscious of what needs to happen in order for us to live our lives to our fullest potential.

      Here is a list of nightly practices to help you end your day on a positive note:

      1) Write a list of 10 great things that happened during the day. When one thing goes wrong in our day we tend to focus all of our attention on that one thing and it clouds over all of the great things that did happened in the day. We have an easier time focusing on the negative instead of the positive. When we write down a list of all the great things that happened to us, we are able to see how wonderful our day really was!

      2) Tell your partner one thing that you love about him/her. When we verbalize our love to our partners, it sends both of us to sleep full of gratitude and love for one another.

      3) Write one thing you would have done differently. Pick a situation that happened in your day and reenact it in your mind. Ideally, how would you have acted? What could you have done differently? Replay the new situation in your mind in order to train it for next time.

      4) Read something inspiring. When we are inspired before we go to bed, we will wake up feeling motivated. The inspiration will also help us let go of any stress or anxiety.

      5) Read a list of your goals and dreams. We should all have a dream journal. If you do not, then take a moment to write out your goals and dreams today and place them next to your bed. Reading this list every night will keep you aligned with your goals and by defining your dreams, you will know exactly what you are working towards.

      Empower yourself and create your perfect day by combining routine morning and nightly practices that keep you focused, motivated and grateful.




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