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★Building Assertiveness [4 Steps]

Building Assertiveness [4 Steps] by Clay Tucker-Ladd, Ph.D.

1. Realize where changes are needed and believe in your rights.
2. Figure out appropriate ways of asserting yourself in each specific situation that concerns you.
3. Practice giving assertive responses.
4. Try being assertive in real life situations.
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About Clay Tucker-Ladd, Ph.D.

Clay Tucker-Ladd, Ph.D. was a pioneer in self-help and applying psychology to one’s personal life. He wrote the 1,000 page self-help book, Psychological Self-Help, which was first published in 1996 online and which remains a free self-help resource that has helped hundreds of thousands of people over the years. Dr. Tucker-Ladd passed away in early 2010, but his work lives on.

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