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★˚Quiet Mind Newsletter -[Dan Joseph] &....

this thread was inspired by a newsletter I had received today & other items I’ve posted here over the years & the posts I’ve enjoyed from others. Hope there is something positive for someone…though if not here, may you always find what works for you when you desire/need it.
Much Love & Blessings,Appreciating˚

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler. Henry David Thoreau

5 parts of appreciating what is
2 parts of imagining a little better than what is
2 parts of looking for things that would make you feel better
1 part of quieting your mind, relaxing and not trying so hard, being at ease at it

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Consider the following (adapted from Ellis, 1962):
Event → Interpretation → Emotional Response

overlapping material

  • ** * Love- An Internal and External Environment.
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    These ideas were a summary of the introduction of Marianne Williamson’s book A Return to Love
    (if you choose the remaining parts of the audio book are on the same page as link above)
  • ** We were taught a very bad philosophy, a way of looking at the world that contradicts who we are.
  • ** We were taught to think thoughts like competition, struggle, sickness, finite resources, limitation, guilt, bad, death, scarcity, and loss.
  • ** We were taught that things like grades, being good enough, money, and doing things the right way, are more important than love.
  • ** We were taught that we’re separate from other people, that we have to compete to get a head, that we’re not quite good enough the way we are.
  • ** We were taught to see the world the way that others had come to see it.
  • ** Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here.
  • ** The spiritual journey is the relinquishment, or unlearning, of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.
  • ** Love is the essential existential fact. It is our ultimate reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in us and others, it the meaning of life.
    We came here to co-create with God by extending love.
  • ** Love isn’t seen with the physical eyes or heard with the physical ears. The physical senses can’t perceive it; it’s perceived through another kind of vision.
  • ** Metaphysicians call it the Third Eye, esoteric Christians call it the vision of the Holy Spirit, and others call it the Higher Self.
    …love requires a different kind of “seeing” than we’re used to – a different kind of knowing or thinking.
  • ** Love is the intuitive knowledge of our hearts.
  • ** Love isn’t material. It’s energy. It’s the feeling in a room, a situation, a person.
  • ** It has nothing at all to do with the physical world, but it can be expressed nonetheless.
  • ** We experience it as kindness, giving, mercy, compassion, peace, joy, acceptance, non-judgment, joining, and intimacy.
  • ** When fear is expressed, we recognize it as anger, abuse, disease, pain, greed, addiction, selfishness, obsession, corruption, violence, and war.
  • ** …that’s what a miracle is: a parting of the mists, a shift in perception, a return to love.

pic a shift in perception

As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others ☼ ★ღ✰˚ ✰。 Marianne Williamson…

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    Lessons from the Heart “:http://www.pbs.org/bodyandsoul/203/heartmath.htm
  • ** * Freeze-Frame
  • ** * Cut-Thru
  • ** * Heart Lock-In
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  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ INNER GUIDANCE
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  • ** * Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ THE MATRIX
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Emotions, Sensations ,
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Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

I received this today with permission to share, so I am(:

Quiet Mind Newsletter
by Dan Joseph
Spring 2015

Dear Friends:

Happy April to you. After a snowy late winter, the past few weeks have been beautiful here in Colorado. Our golden grasslands are turning green, and tulips are popping up. Seeing the awakening of life is always inspiring.

The spring season can be a time for forward motion. In winter, many of us rest and consolidate. But in spring, we move ahead with a quickened pace.

In this newsletter, I’d like to discuss three “bridges” that we can use to move along the spiritual path this season. These bridges allow us to move from our limited self-concepts to the awareness of our true selves; from our old consciousness to an inspired new one.
The Three Bridges

Many spiritual paths describe us as being “asleep.” We spend much of our days in a limited consciousness, slogging through life in a haze of doubt, fatigue, stress, or fear.

The goal of the spiritual journey is to “awaken” from this state. As our haze clears, and we’re able to access our wise minds, we begin to experience the divine light within and around us. We see people and events from a much different perspective.

People that bothered us before now evoke appreciation and love. Events that were once confusing become opportunities to access our inner wisdom. We begin to experience the inspiration within us.

Awakening to the light within us ends the dream of separation and limitation. No longer do we feel alone, or at risk of abandonment. No longer do we feel depleted, and under the threat of further depletion. Instead, we have a sense of comfort, connection, and love.

Beautiful ideas! These type of thoughts are what attracted me to the spiritual path. But I quickly learned that simply acquainting myself with these ideas didn’t automatically transport me into the promised land. I needed to practice turning the mind to a new awareness.

There are limitless tools that can be used to support this shift in awareness. In this newsletter I’d like to focus on three. We could say that they are “bridges” of sorts – bridges to move from our half-asleep consciousness to an awareness of the light.

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next post BRIDGE 1

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The First Bridge: Changing our Patterns of Thought

The first bridge is the basis of cognitive therapy – and the workbook of A Course in Miracles. The bridge involves changing our thoughts.

Our daily thought patterns tend to form a “track” upon which the mind travels. Each thought leads us toward the light of awakening, or further into sleep.

Most people are unaware of their thought patterns until they begin a meditation (or any type of “mind watching”) practice. Immediately they are confronted with a series of resistant, distressing thoughts. This confrontation is often so uncomfortable that they resolve never to try meditation again.

However, these people have accessed the thoughts that keeps them in a state of unhappiness. These thoughts tend to shift between anger, fear, hopelessness, and guilt. A typical cross-section might look like this:

My boss is so insensitive.
Why doesn’t she ever give me any credit?
I work so hard. I should be more respected.
My co-workers are always trying to take the credit.
I should really tell them all off.
But of course, that might backfire.
I should really keep these feelings to myself.
It’s a tough economy out there.
What if I lost this job?
I should just keep my mouth shut.
This whole thing is just hopeless.
What’s the point of even expecting anything to improve.

And so on. These thought patterns (usually hidden from our awareness) keep the mind on a clouded track. They are like a constant swirl of fog that hides the inner light. Thankfully, we are generating these thoughts – and we can change directions.

Crossing the first bridge involves choosing a “seed thought” or phrase and repeating it to ourselves. Like laying-out a new track for a train to follow, we repeat our seed thought calmly and persistently. We use it to draw our awareness to a different experience. We might say, for example:

My wise mind can help me with this.
My wise mind can help me with this.
My wise mind can help me with this.

We use this thought as a bridge from our normal consciousness to a new one.

We can allow the seed thought to blossom into related thoughts as well. For example:

My wise mind can help me with this.
My wise mind is filled with inspiration.
Within me is a source of self-loving, creative ideas.
I am willing to receive help from this part of me.

And so on. This first bridge turns our sleep-inducing thought patterns toward an awareness of the inner light. Through repetition, focus, and persistence, we lay the tracks and cross the bridge.

For over 50 years, cognitive therapists have shown how even severe depression can respond to this method. It is a core practice in the workbook of A Course in Miracles, and a basis for many meditation practices from around the world. Changing our thought patterns is a well-traveled bridge.

  • ~

next post Second Bridge

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The Second Bridge: Changing our View of People

A second bridge involves changing not just our thought patterns, but our perception of the people around us.

Of course, perceptions are really just thoughts – so the content of this practice is actually quite similar to the previous one. But the form is somewhat different.

To cross this second bridge, we choose a person (anyone will do) and use him or her as a method for shifting into an awareness of the light.

You might, for example, be on line in a grocery store. Perhaps the person in front of you is taking longer than you’d like. To cross this second bridge, you begin by taking an honest inventory of what you’re seeing in this person. For example, you might say:

I am seeing this person as slow.
I am seeing her as insensitive to the people on line.
I’m seeing this person as a bother to me.
I’m seeing her as someone who is making me late.

You can use some outward characteristics as well:

I see her as someone who is older than me.
I see her as someone who apparently likes to wear purple.
I see her as someone with a large handbag.

And so on. These type of perceptions keep us asleep to the light in the people around us – and in ourselves. To cross this second bridge, we make a commitment to see this person in a new way. We might say:

Regardless of what I currently see in this person, I am willing to see her in a different way.
I want to see the divine light in her.
She is a spiritual being who radiates the light I want to see.
I am willing to drop my old way of seeing and seek the inner light in her.

Then hold that intention and willingness to see her in a different way. This woman on line in front of you has a spiritual beauty and glory within her that can bring you to a state of full awakening. Her inner light can shine away any darkness, and inspire an experience of connection, love, and joy in you.

She is the bridge to spiritual awakening – and to cross this bridge, you simply need to let your vision be shifted.

A bus driver, a barista, a man on the street asking for change – all of these people contain limitless amounts of light. In crossing the second bridge, we allow our minds to perceive this light. As we see it in them, we open to the awareness that it lies within ourselves.

next post Third Bridge

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The Third Bridge: Changing the Guide for our Actions

The third bridge focuses on actions. Most of us live our lives according to a series of habits. We purchase similar things each week, eat generally the same foods, speak to similar people, travel along familiar streets.

Repetitive habits simplify our decision-making processes. They reduce life changes to rare crossroads. We don’t have to struggle to “make the right decision” on a day-to-day basis – the decision is simply whatever decision we made yesterday, and the day before that. There’s an anxiety-reducing effect of falling into habits.

But repeated habits of action also inhibit change. Our lives fly by, and nothing much shifts.

The third bridge involves pausing before as many decisions as possible, and seeking guidance from our wise minds – the part of our consciousness filled with the divine light.

No longer do we choose our actions based on empty habit. Nor do we choose actions based on a limited sense of self. Instead, we practice accessing our inner wisdom before we choose what to do.

Before we choose what to buy for dinner, we might stop and say:

I don’t know what the best course of action would be.
Wise mind, what would you have me eat tonight?

Before choosing what to do on our lunch break, we say:

I don’t know what the best use of this time would be.
Inner light, what would you have me do on this break?

Before calling a customer, we say:

I don’t know what I should say to this person.
Divine inspiration, what would you have me say?

In turning to the inner light within before our decisions, we practice crossing the third bridge. The simple act of asking brings our consciousness to a new place. Quietly listening for a response is another step. And acting on the wisdom we receive crosses the bridge.

Our actions can be inspired by divine love and wisdom; consecrating as many of our actions as possible to this source is the practice of crossing the third bridge.

It might seem to be a silly practice to turn to a higher source when we’re deciding what to eat for dinner, or what to do with our lunch break. But each of these moments is an opportunity to cross a bridge – to step away from an old track, and turn to the inner light for guidance, inspiration, and support.

As we do so, we begin to awaken. And each time we cross any of these bridges, our footing on the other side become stronger and more secure. Each crossing – however brief – is a cause for celebration.


As always, thank you for your interest in my newsletter. I invite you to share it with any friends who may be interested. And I welcome any questions that you may have.

Dan Joseph

Emotions, Sensations ,
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Inner Peace Meditation music,scenic photography, written affirmations

Emotions, Sensations ,
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Ways to change our thoughts and beliefs
Because the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy responds to the dominant thoughts in our minds we need to make sure the dominant thoughts in our minds are of those things we wish to manifest. How do we do this? Below is a small list of things you can do to bombard your mind with new thoughts and make them the dominant thoughts in your head, thus putting the law of perpetual transmutation of energy to work for you.

  • ** repeating positive affirmations.
  • ** Using visualization techniques.
  • ** Creating a vision board.
  • ** Reading inspirational quotes.
  • ** Read positive books.
  • ** Listen to positive music.
  • ** Act as if you already have that which you desire.
  • ** Be grateful for the good things in your life.
  • ** Remember the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy is not biased.
  • ** It responds to your thoughts and it does not care what those thoughts are.
  • ** It is up to you to make sure your thoughts are producing the results you desire. this excerpt from www.positivethinking-toolbox.com

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How Long Does It Really Take To Form A New Habit

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  • ** pic surrendering is power
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    intro post
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    THREAD CREATED 4/22/2015
    LAST EDITED 4/22/2015

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