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★Surrendered & Free Life (Marianne Williamson & More)

"We can let our lives be directed by the same force that makes flowers grow. {…}To trust in the force that moves the universe is faith. Faith isn’t blind it’s visionary. Faith is believing that the universe is on our side, and that the universe knows what it’s doing. Faith is a psychological awareness of an unfolding force for good,constantly at work in all dimensions. Our attempts to direct this force only interferes with it. Our willingness to relax into it allows it to work on our behalf."~Marianne Williamson 





The Surrendered Life (an excerpt) Marianne Williamson
Love is a win-mode, a successful and attractive vibration. We think that success is difficult, and so, for us it is. Success in life doesn’t have to involve negative tension. We don’t have to be struggling all the time. If you think about it, “taking the bull by the horns” would be a very dangerous thing to do. In fact, ambitious tension actually limits our ability to succeed because it keeps us in a state of contraction, emotionally and physically. It seems to give us energy but doesn’t really, like the white sugar of mental health; there’s a short high, followed by a crash. The cultivation of mental rest, or surrender, is like eating healthy food. It doesn’t give us an immediate rush, but over time it provides a lot more energy.

This doesn’t require sitting in a lotus position all day. We still get excited, but more gently. Many people associate a spiritual life with a grade B movie, but God doesn’t get rid of all the drama in our lives. He just gets rid of the cheap drama. There is no higher drama than true personal growth. Nothing could be more genuinely dramatic than boys becoming real men and girls becoming real women.

The Surrendered Life (an excerpt) Marianne Williamson
Surrender means the decision to stop fighting the world, and to start loving it instead. It is a gentle liberation from pain. But liberation isn’t about breaking out of anything; it’s a gentle melting into who we really are. We let down our armor, and discover the strength of our selves.

We are simply asked to shift focus and to take on a more gentle perception. That’s all God needs. Just one sincere surrendered moment, when love matters more than anything, and we know that nothing else really matters at all. What he gives us in return for our openness to him, is an outpouring of his power from deep within us. We are given his power to share with the world, to heal all wounds, to awaken all hearts.

 ►• If I choose to bless another person, I will always end up feeling more blessed . MARIANNE WILLIAMSON


►• Video – Marianne Williamson…entitled Everyday Grace Having Hope Finding Forgiveness & Making Miracles
o [1] “Our greatest weakness is the weakness of an undisciplined mind. We need not let fear steal the morning; we can consciously choose not to allow our minds to be programmed by the worldly viewpoint that dominates the earth. We can set our day upon another course. Each of us has an inner room where we can visit to be cleansed of fear-based thoughts and feelings. This room, the holy of holies, is a sanctuary of spiritual light”Marianne Williamson … Everyday Grace

►• Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. — MARIANNE WILLIAMSON
►• As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others. MARIANNE WILLIAMSON
►•A tulip doesn’t strive to impress anyone. It doesn’t struggle to be different than a rose. It doesn’t have to. It is different. And there’s room in the garden for every flower. You didn’t have to struggle to make your face different than anyone else’s on earth. It just is. You are unique because you were created that way. Look at little children in kindergarten. They’re all different without trying to be. As long as they’re unselfconsciously being themselves, they can’t help but shine. It’s only later, when children are taught to compete, to strive to be better than others, that their natural light becomes distorted.MARIANNE WILLIAMSON


►• Thought is Cause;experience is Effect If you do not like the efforts
in your life, you have to change the nature of your thinking. MARIANNE WILLIAMSON
►• Change is in the air, as old patterns fall away and new energies are emerging. Consciously release what needs to be released, and welcome with a full embrace the newness you’ve prayed for and so richly deserve. MARIANNE WILLIAMSON
►• The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior as one two things: either love, or a call for love.MARIANNE WILLIAMSON
►• Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are. MARIANNE WILLIAMSON
►• And no one will listen to us until we listen to ourselves. MARIANNE WILLIAMSON
►• We are not held back by the love we didn’t receive in the past, but by the love we’re not extending in the present.MARIANNE WILLIAMSON

►• Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. The world changes when we change. the world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world .★ღ✰˚ ✰ — MARIANNE WILLIAMSON




I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

I am an advid student of A COURSE IN MIRACLES of which Marianne is an expert… it is a hard read so I would rather read what Marianne has to say about it… Kathy

A lovely quote from Marianne in this months Kindred Spirit magazine

“A new spiritually based social activism is beginning to assert itself.It stems from not hating what is wrong but loving what could be and makking the commitment to bring it forth “

love and peace flowergirl

That was great! Thanks for sharing it, Self Care!

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary


There is a horse from California called Disguysthelimit a play on words the sky is the limit.

Image result for marianne williamson quotes gif


Image result for marianne williamson quotes tumblr




There is a horse from California called Disguysthelimit a play on words the sky is the limit.


There is a horse from California called Disguysthelimit a play on words the sky is the limit.


Once you get to know Twain, you’ll never be the same.


Once you get to know Twain, you’ll never be the same.

Image result for marianne williamson acim pic





I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

There is a horse from California called Disguysthelimit a play on words the sky is the limit.


“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

In response to knownjerome's post:

love this!

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”

Once you get to know Twain, you’ll never be the same.


I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

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