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I want a friend........

For these past months I have been strongly wanting a friend that understands me, that likes the things I like, that can dance with me, just a friend. Friends that listen to me, friends that never bore, friends that actually make an effort for me. I want to make a friend or friends outside of school. I have friends in school but I just don’t connect with them sometimes. Usually when this happened I just ignored them this started problems. So I just stopped doing that and acted normal because life is too damn precious to be wasted on ppl who don’t want to listen to you. First off friendships started off great amazing funny and just got boring rude and snidey.I always made an effort to hang out with them after school to go to their place but never mine. They never cared to make an effort for me. Enough about that. It is not a ‘need’ it is a ‘want’ but it can be seen as both ways. For a long time now I have had this sort of image/video or audio tape that plays in my mind and changes a lot too it is me with new friends that I am laughing with or dancing with and old friends too. But here is the weird thing it is at a festival which happens at the end of June and start of July.
Can I really find good friends in time?
What do I do?
How can I attract good,positive, beautiful and talented people into my life?
How do I attract friends that make me feel natural,unrestrained, unrehearsed?
I also have affirmations for my body that I want to change, I just don’t want this to interfere with that.

Try these affirmations. Make it happen!

“I have close friends who nurture me and make me laugh.”

“I am a friendship magnet. I attract positive, loving friends with a sense of humor.”

how about: I am a good friend and like attracts like.

don’t let doubt that this will happen to creep into your thoughts….

Hey NotWithout,

First of: What an interesting nickname you chose. “.Not Without” to your subconscious mind is: Without.
I read your post and you sum up all these traits that you like in your friends. Maybe it would be an idea to first become these traits yourself. You mention:
“Friends that listen to me, friends that never bore, friends that actually make an effort for me.”
Do you listen to other people?; Are you interesting and interested in them?; Do you make an effort for them?
Other than that. Why don’t you ask them over to your house to do whatever you like or just listen music or talk over a drink, or whatever you like to do for fun.
You also mention: “I just don’t connect with them sometimes”.
What would make you connect with them (or anybody) more? Do you know the things that get you passionate so you can attract friends that have a common ground? Like the Festivals you mention.
Let me know if any of this works,

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