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★I AM true to myself☼

Being a receptive one requires saying yes, showing up, paying attention, being loving and honorable towards your own inner callings. Understand that to the degree you embrace your infinite nature is the degree in which your infinite nature will deliver. from David Ault’s blog on progressive spirituality and our roles as conscious creative beings

I AM true to myself by ___________________________.

Answer this question often..and rid yourself of whatever is not the YOU – you want in your corner.

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Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

I AM true to myself by:

  • caring what I think and feel
  • starting from the place I am in to move in the direction that is mine.
  • taking the time I need to do what is important for me
  • never leaving my own side ..
  • by knowing I will never abandon my self care
  • by involving myself with quality information
  • by looking at life as precious
  • by being grateful for the flow of life
  • by being true to my best intentions
  • by writing writing ..until the simplicity of it all brings a heart-smile
  • by remembering I am the only one that really has to understand what I want..it is a gift when someone who cares gets it too.

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

love the last 2 Laurie love flowergirl

Illusion of Coasting …..

Sometimes people really aren’t doing anything in their lives…nothing new. And sometimes they are in the midst of something they need on their journey…major change even.

By looking at someone’s behavior, we cannot always tell who they are, what motivates them or if someone is learning…processing…something needed for their journey. This is 1 of many reasons the focus needs to be on ourselves. We can know ourselves…in many ways…Knowing others…is less at our disposal & robs us of time and focus where it is needed most. Remember we are changing very quickly…what you said moments ago can almost seem contradictory.

If we are coasting with the same old tools and we are dissatisfied…we have decisions to make. Though …if we are processing…toward something greater…we will know…and we should take time to applaude all efforts…and keep moving upward and onward. Managing time…life…reviewing where and what we want is a personal thing. Though the important thing….I believe is to… take the time…to do a …life at this stage of the game-review. What might seem like just existing…might be purely attitudinal. If one is in burnt-out…it is time to recharge in your own special ways. If one is adhering to the goals others have laid out for them…might not feel enthused by it being someone elses projects.

What do you want? Why do you want it? Is it really the timing or….is it just not your thing? Be in touch with you…My belief frustration will halt, and creativity will rein.

When we are ready…it is amazing all of the things that are here to assist. It is so easy to say to ourselves why some areas feel stuck. Though stuck is a decision…We might not be exactly where we want in this moment with specific projects…but we can always be doing things incrementally toward anything we want. The more we inch along…we soon get that momentum…and wonder why it took so long to ‘begin’ But I believe the illusion of it all…is we are in motion…we simply have to make the decisions to move toward the place that is uniquely our own. Sometimes you have to make a lot of imperfect cakes …until you master your masterpiece in the kitchen of life. Those imperfect ones were your teachers. Listen to what you want to bake…and take steps to find your ingredients… as you are able to find them…and doctor them your own special way(: This will further create your passion. This will further create you.

Love the questions as much as the answers. Love the constraints…step back…and enjoy the ride…whenever you can. You may not be coasting…Time management is life management. Ask yourself what works for you.

I have many examples…of how different we all from one another…but different is good. We have much to offer one another with our different make-up. Keep coming “home”…..ask the questions. Loving the questions… because it is ok not to know….that is the wake up call…that says there is more for you ….coming right up(:

Your answers are coming as you need them…as you ask yourself what do you want and why…
There are great things on the internet if you need spurring along….There are wonderful audios…. books…exercises…what’s your preference? I’m sure it exists(:

This is just my thought of the day…for what its worth(:

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

I am true to myself when I remember to do the physical exercise that I know will improve my day,”“”“”“”“”““being realistic when I acknowledge today I might be somewhat limited,but I also understand that I can adjust my perspective if I remember to…I read a quote recently I found interesting.“the best thing about self love is that you don,t have to worry about it being unrequited”

Once you get to know Twain, you’ll never be the same.

I am true to myself when I listen to that inner voice that whispers to me

have an early night

go for a walk in the woods

put a flower in your hair

wear your long flowery dress and flip flops

tell everyone you want an hour to meditate

go with my feelings

love flowergirl

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