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★Evasive and negative people

What do you do when someone in your life is negative about your efforts and they won’t acknowledge it? I’m speaking about family members who just don’t understand and you can’t ever stop them from tearing you down.

I simply keep doing , that is all.

I with it was as simple as that for me.

Ignore the lithp. Should have read:
(I wish it was as simple as that for me.)

its not easy William but my daughter and i both have images we visualise ,hers is a pink bubble she imagines herself in and only kind positive comments can enter .Mine is a fluffy cloud with a rainbow above it ,i float along looking at the beautifull colours and shut out any negativity ,im learning to do it with my self talk as thats the most insulting ,love flowergirl

flower girl… I love the visualization…. i’m gonna try that… I just let them know they are being negative, which makes me confro
ntative and I don’t like that….

William…. best of luck…

Blessings to you both…


thanks coachhouse – i think have had to learn to do this because we both are gentle souls and will walk away from anyone negative or confrontational but were absorbing it and worrying about things .Now we just think ,“i’m going in my bubble/on my cloud and its great,love flowergirl

This iz something I think all people go through at some point in their path to higher consciousness. I know it has been an active thread as of recently but I came across it and thought I would share these two great videos on the subject. 

I love that I can imagine better circumstances and change everything even how those in my own family respond to me in more positive light. We all have this power, it's done with our own wonderful human imagination. Neville Goddard has many lectures on this very thing you can find with a Google search should you want more. I also have over 300+ PDF files of Neville's books and transcripts from his lectures and can email them to you or show you were you too can download them freely. Neville and his students wanted the world to have them.


There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

When I come across individuals that are shall we say "difficult or tend to speak to others in a negative or condescending way, I am mindful that "hurt people hurt people". Everyone we encounter can possibly be fighting a battle of some sort. When their spirit has been repeatedly wounded they form defense mechanisms such as lashing out at others. There is a phrase "too whom much is given, much is expected/required". I am so very Blessed, I can be generous/not accepting, but generous. Often I just extend a Blessing to them, mentally or I speak it to them. I have found in doing so, the situation is often diffused. I think of it like this, you can not have a fire without fuel. My peace means so much to me that I will not permit others to contaminate me.

Just maybe I can share some tolerance and peace with them leading by example. laughing

In response to Nancee1953's post:

That's true, hurt people hurt people. I forget where I learned to say "ouch" but it works. I don't yet fully understand why it works so well but it sure does. 

I like using humor to diffuse a negative moment that iz unfolding within my presence even if it has nothing to do with me, no one seems to mind the guy interrupting with a joke to lighten the mood.

My "ouches" seem to have more of an impact when I follow it with a joke. I can poke fun in the seriousness of the moment or in something that was said without making anyone feel like I'm making fun of anyone involved in that moment. I just throw in another perspective and that often will get them laughing at least a little bit or lead to them joining in about how silly we can make it out to be.

I've grown to the point where referring to people as "negative people" doesn't make much sense to me anymore. No one iz always negative about everything they think, say, or do and it creates a negative impression and an illusion about other people. It's hard to imagine them becoming happy when you have a limited belief that they are an entirely negative person. Remembering what I like about a person in such moments makes it much easier to avoid saying something that I don't really mean in reaction to their trying to hurt me or someone else that I also like. My family and friends have given me lots of opportunities...lol

Ellen Degeneres comedic style works great for diffusing such moments.

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

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