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★I'm not stuck- I'm in a cocoon

I have copied this from a daily message as it is one of those things you read and think wow thats just what i needed right now .The usual thoughts have been whirling around my mind ,should we move house ,when ,where to ,should i do up this place ,where do i start ,should i move the furniture around .Then i read this and felt such peace im in my cocoon and when the times right i will leave it and move on .love flowergirl

Do we know what goes on inside a butterfly’s chrysalis? It’s all about metamorphysis and we happen to know that the finished product is absolutely and perfectly beautiful in more than one way. Does that finished product take some extra and mysterious work behind the scenes that we don’t even know about or does it just pop out of there all beautiful in the morning?

But truly it’s got to be cramped and uncomfortable in there, don’t you think? Now…does the caterpillar complain about the hideous conditions in there? Maybe it does and we’re just not privy to it. Maybe it doesn’t and just accepts whatever those conditions are as a part of its transformation into what it came here to be.

Now comes the very important question. While the caterpillar is in there does it question that it will ever get out of there? Does it lose its faith in ever coming to its full extension of its life purpose? Does it bemoan the lack of mate while it is in there? (Where would you even fit a mate while you’re in that state of being?)

Wherever you are right now on the path, you can bet that you are in that cocoon. That’s it. That is all you have for right now. Is it so horrible? Find joy in your cocoon today. Nothing else. Its’ enough for now. The rest is yet to come.

flowergirl’s post:
Flowergirl, I appreciated this,thanks for posting.

  • added a quote in 2015 We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. ~Maya Angelou

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

you are welcome Laurie ,its one of those things i read and thought “ yes thats so relevant to me at the moment “,and its good to share .love flowergirl

That Zen thing is big right now. The whole concept of just Being, without judging or labeling your experience. Personal development by doing Nothing. I like it and it gives credence to the Human Being, as opposed to Human Doing :D

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