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May 2024 pg 1 Join In -What are 3 things you want for today?

I love JD Meier’s question:

”What are three things you want for today?”

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

3 things for today

  1. to keep my momentum- my flow w/ what I really want not only tended to / though complete-That way - my intention will see me thru to truly getting the most out of my day
  2. to focus on taking care of myself - though not at the expense of other areas that also need my time , focus & energy 
  3. To stay present, aware & harmonious  


My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

In response to ˚proactive serenity☮️'s post:

these intentions have really worked for me today ..

Hope you join in w/ yours 

I am about to create more … bc my spirit always wants more 😂 of the same

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

3 more to get me thru the night lol 😂 

  1. I choose a prayerful & meditative eve .
  2. I choose to be lighthearted about my to-do’s & create ways to do things that bring my inner joy more alive .
  3. I choose to live in the moment & find the moment deeply rewarding .

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

3 things for today :

  1. Enjoying being way more lighthearted while being productive with a unique pace. ( Getting things done - much & resting so well in between ) Today will continue the process/ pace / and the good energy )
  2. Today I will get ‘sorted out’ for the remainder of the day, week & end of month … with my plans/ notes/ activities 
  3. I will continue  to do what I have felt is too hard & allow ways to make pleasant & good & love the reward of doing /being / & completing.

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

In response to ˚ joy on the rise ⬆️'s post:

affirmations :

I have complete joyful confidence in how my day is orchestrated.
And that is the way I like it. Thank you!”

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

What are 3 things I  want for today?

  1.  Organize my thinking  with my heart place 
  2. Organize my home with my ultimate direction.
  3. Create what truly inspires me to accomplish what matters most at the pace that most pleases me… &  allow for a greater momentum. If not  what my minds eye perceives as magnificently better - then something simply & more powerfully better than I imagine - today

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

In response to ˚inspiration rising ⬆️'s post:

"The great secret

is a controlled


and a well-sustained attention,

firmly and repeatedly

focused on the object to be accomplished." ~ Neville Goddard


My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

In response to ˚inspiration ⬆️flow in progress. Thank you .'s post:

  1. get rest until I can feel as rested as I love 
  2. self care routines until my basics are tended to
  3. be ready to go full speed ahead tomorrow 

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

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