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From 🎯March 2024 Refreshing Energy

Quote: “True freedom is when all the stories, all the insights, all the realizations, concepts, beliefs and positions dissolve. What remains is what you are; a vast, conscious, luminous space simply resting in itself, not knowing a thing, at the point where all things are possible.”
Enza Vita

Quote: “Anything that appears and disappears cannot actually be you because it is being observed by you. By removing the attention from these things and noticing what remains, you are left only with what is permanent — the truth of who you are.”
Enza Vita

Quote : When a man pours all of himself into something that transcends himself , he indeed becomes transcendent to himself as he merges with his higher vision. Bentinho Massaro 

Quote “ Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom’ Viktor E. Frankl

Quote:”Be in a state of gratitude for everything that shows up in your life. Be thankful for the storms as well as the smooth sailing. What is the lesson or gift in what you are experiencing right now? Find your joy not in what’s missing in your life but in how you can serve.” -Dr. Wayne Dyer


Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Moving forward is all about your interpretation 


Favorite Affirmations in process 

first by David Richo Ph.D

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒacknowledge a world beyond my senses,

a truth beyond my intellect, a wisdom beyond logic,

a power beyond my limits, a serene design despite any distressing display 



post in process




Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

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