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WINTER’21★★NEWEST★★ByOur♡ Nancee-Imagine(original quotes&related posts)

Nancee53 once posted this awesome pic and all the awesome on this page. Feel free to share original quotes by Nancee53 



The dawn of each new day brings wonderful opportunities that nurture my spirit and mind to the point I have been transported to a new place that is just “sublime”. There is a feeling of ease, ultimate peace, grace, joy and great beauty as I experience the world through “new eyes” that reveal to me it’s majesty. I revel in the wonder of it all as I see things anew. I am filled with the feeling of gratitude and acceptance. It is as if I am an “onion” and the layers have been peeled back until all that remains is totally real, “the good part” ready to seize the moment and take life by the horns and live every magnificent moment. Nancee53 




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What activities or rituals do you incorporate to nurture your spirit?


Throughout the course of the day I find myself saying “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you"

You see there is always something to be grateful about. Whether it's the very air that I breathe, the fragrance I am wearing, a smile or kind word received, these are all such marvelous things. The very essence of who I am and how I came to be, the gift of life is an awesome miracle to me. Nancee 53

What are some of the things that you do that spur the action of spiritual play?

I love life and I love people more. I do not meet any strangers because my belief is we are all related. When I encounter people, whether at the bank, store, gas station, if I see them with bags or they look like they require assistance. I go over to them, smile and offer my assistance. I often receive a warm reception, I think it is because my actions says “I see you”. Engaging others, spreading good cheer, that is a form of spiritual play for me. I refer to it at “spiritual play” because it is an activity of enjoyment that nurtures my spirit. Nancee53


And while I'm here... I thought I'd add some pic quotes she posted...because it symbolized how Nancee felt also:

I Love my Life every aspect and everyone!! Nancee 53






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Sometimes we get caught up with the hustle and bustle demands of our human life we tend to forget that we are comprised of body, mind and spirit. In as much as we nurture our bodies, it is just as imperative for us to nurture our minds and most importantly our spirits. “We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience. We are here to learn. We are here to go through this process that is life. We are here to feel these feelings.” quote from Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls.

Consider what it would feel like to be an alien from another planet observing our climate, geography and customs. Initially it would be unnerving, surprising, so totally foreign because it is not what one is accustomed to.

When you take the time to nurture your spirit, your thoughts become anew. It feels totally amazing to act from a stance and purpose of love. To “die to self is to be born to spirit.” When you allow your ego to reduce gradually, when your concerns become not self serving but of service to the greater good, the flow of positive energy increases it is an overall feeling of contentent. It is a space of “grace” in which you relish in being, connecting, knowing that you are one with Life.

I absolutely love feeling good, smiling until my face hurts, laughing and giggling out loud whether I am alone or a part of a crowd. Being filled with the joy of the moment is something that is so very wonderful, there is no comparison. What is even more amazing is knowing that I have the ability to feed my spirit as if I were having a wonderful feast. Enjoying an artistic experience or expression, whether musical, sculptures, paintings, books or savoring a glass of a vintage Shiraz, whatever brings a smile to your face and enables you to be in a state of grace. That’s what I do each and everyday living life in my own magnificent way. Totally free to experience this gift of life wonderfully. Nancee53 

I find the dawn of each new day magical, when I open my eyes the first thing I do is say “Thank You for the gift of the day. I am open to all wonderful things that come my way. I am light and love and want to share.” Then I rise, fluff my pillows, make my bed, reflecting on all that is around me for I truly love all that I see for I am surrounded by all the wonderful things that are reflective of Me. My spirit is filled with gratitude that is the way I begin my day.




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