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Solutions are making their way to me in the most ingenious magnificent ways!idea-3085367__340.jpg





See the source image



I am a beacon of positive energy.





I am amazed how much I accomplish in ways that serve my highest good.

My soulful feelings, my attitude, and my personality are a beautiful match for the energy which co-creates what I am needing right now.

I am always perfectly optimistic about myself and my environment.

I possess an endless supply of creativity, energy and tolerance for any project that I assume. 

I go beyond my limiting beliefs. I know myself to be fully creative, infinite and boundless!

Law of Harmony operates in my mind and body 

√ The very same magic, the very same, that you used to get your first job, to find a best friend, and to heal what hurt, that even now finishes your sentences, beats your heart, and inspires your dreams, is the exact same “grade” of stuff that can make what you want most today come to pass.

Point being: You’ve already engaged it. You’ve already commanded it. You’ve already done the impossible… So what’s the big deal about doing it again?

Oh go on… The Universe
©Mike Dooley, www.tut.com







I Am living a Divine plan

I Am living a Divine plan


√ bookmark today is awesome!!!My mind expects superb health, my body experiences it.

My chosen routines are being created in better better ways.



 √ Yes, sometimes we need to make a change in what we do, but at all times we benefit from learning to love what we are already doing. It begins with accepting our life as it is. We still work to improve it, but all the while we accept it, we do not reject it.Here our spiritual inner work can profoundly affect our experience of life. The mind of desire, with what it wants and what it does not want, leads us into rejection, into dissatisfaction. Spiritual practice offers many approaches to this: here are several. First, we practice sensing our body. In sensing we have contact with our body, we become fully embodied. Unless we are in pain, our usual experience of our body is vague and neutral. Enhancing our contact with our body through direct and intentional awareness of it, through sensing, makes it vivid and even pleasurable. Through sensing, we revel in the mere fact of having a body. Through sensing, we love our body. And since our life is synonymous with having a body, through sensing we learn to love our life. During this life, we always have a body and thus always have the opportunity of sensing our body. Living in the sensitive energy, brings more aliveness to life. Through sensing, we can take pleasure in the simple fact of being in our body. by Joseph Nafton Love of Lifefrom Inner Frontiers.org site link..to read in whole context



Great ideas for things I enjoy experiencing are always present.


I am wide-awake, full of energy and ready to EMBRACE whatever today brings.

I am constantly energized by life's possibilities.





Success N Freedom… who represents the supportive behavior which I so admire in our community.

    • She created this next mind movie for me, though it is my hope it will inspire others with similar affirming choices [success, health, organization & creativity].  this is the movie love it-still



I Am living a Divine plan



Image result for Benito .Massaro affirmations pic quotes

-instead of things you tell yourself you  have to do...think of it as  things that you have the extreme privilege of  being able to do.quote I love





When you feel that you have reached the

end and you cannot go one step further,

when life seems to be drained of all purpose-

what a wonderful opportunity to start all over again,

to turn over a new page.

by  Eileen Caddy


“I now recognize, accept and follow the divine plan of my life as it is revealed to me, step by step. I rejoice in the divine plan, which is the sublime plan, and which includes health, wealth, happiness, and perfect self-expression for me now.” Catherine Ponder



  • Wow! I am accomplishing what I set out to do, and I can keep on going
  • I allow myself to be disciplined, creative and focused on my highest priority tasks; I’m grateful for these abilities.




People who orient themselves toward what they want, focus on the possibilities and visions they have for their lives. That’s what energizes them. They’re not stuck on any imbalances that dominated their past. Instead, they embody the state of mind of focusing on what would really bring them genuine joy and fulfillment. ‘Lack’ and ‘scarcity’ aren’t part of their paradigm, and so they don’t worry about it. It just doesn’t cross their mind. from Revolutioniz.com

quote I love





I efficiently transition into each new activity, fully knowing and trusting that my consciousness will adapt, overcome, and enjoy each present circumstance.


I Am living a Divine plan


I Am living a Divine plan


I Am living a Divine plan


I Am living a Divine plan

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