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new★★Sharing What We Love:Healthy Wisdom♡...pg. one

We've all picked up a lot of wisdom 'along the way' -let's share a bit utilizing quotes, comments, videos, music & affirmations

Inspirational Quotes, Entrepreneur Goals, Goal Setting, Motivational Quotes For Success, Monday Motivation


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quote Look at life as an energy economy game. Each day, ask yourself, Are my energy expenditures (actions, reactions, thoughts, and feelings) productive or nonproductive? During the course of my day, have I accumulated more stress or more peace?  Doc Childre and Howard Martin

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quote  You can change the qualities of the voice inside your head.You can,make it sound supportive,you can make it sound like a newsreader ,you can make it sound like a cartoon.,character. Any of these will change your emotional state and allow you to benefit from the feedback from your internal commentator.In fact,you can change the qualities of any of your sensory systems to change the emotional content of memories.Peter Freeth Communications In Action NLP -Skills for Learning

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My favorite 'voice' if you will... lately is to simply be my Higher Self. We can hear our Higher Self when we listen to our heart. They are the words we know are true and we can listen to with peace and confidence. ~selfcare

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“Do not doubt yourself, for where doubt resides, confidence cannot. Do not neglect yourself, for with neglect comes loss. Do not imagine yourself to be less than you are, not more than you are, but seek always to become all of which you are capable. Do not allow yourself to become arrogant or discourteous, for both are characteristics adopted by those who seek to cover their weaknesses. Do not spend time regretting the past, but invest that time wisely by preparing a better future. You are a fertile seed of the Creator of all things, destined not to lie dormant, but to spring forth from the soil called life, and grow upward toward the unlimited horizons – overcoming all obstacles in the process. It is your destiny to tap your talents and to achieve all that of which you believe yourself to be worthy…to love more, anticipate more, overcome more, plan more, attract more, and to enjoy more than you ever dreamed possible. Such is the standard of life awaiting your mental decision and outstretched hand. You are deserving – you are becoming – and you shall succeed.” by Jim Rohn



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Joy... I am going to enter into this game of life with great enthusiasm, with calm joy and with a deep and abiding faith in the Invisible. Every tomorrow will be better than today. My experience will continuously expand until limitations, as I now understand them; will have passed entirely from my experience. It is the life more abundant that I have sought, and now I accept that I have an Infinite Power at my disposal.✰。˚ ˚ღ。 ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰Ernest Holmes

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quote  “It is not discipline, willpower, or pressure from others that facilitates adherence to a challenging course of action. Rather, it is the freedom to choose among alternatives, the personal commitment to a mission, and the willingness to take responsibility for the consequences of our decisions that steels the will and emboldens the spirit.” Neil Fiore




quote -Setting boundaries is not a more sophisticated way of manipulation – although some people will say they are setting boundaries, when in fact they are attempting to manipulate. The difference between setting a boundary in a healthy way and manipulating is: when we set a boundary we let go of the outcome. Robert Burney

I love this quote. As we work on ourselves, live our own lives... we easily let go of others. I'm always joyfully amazed how harmonious energy and/or  Greatest Good always follows

affirmation-You allow peace easily because you are peace. You allow satisfaction because you are peaceful. You enjoy your now knowing each experience leads you to more and more of what your spirit is desiring for you right now.


quote What if – instead of seeing resistance as a force to fight against – you see it as a mindfulness bell, reminding you to wake up, look around, and ask: “What is the more I want? Resistance tells me more is here, right now, or I wouldn't be feeling it. That means more is possible right now. What's the next simple step into more?" Jennifer Louden



Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

quote  “At the end of a matter ask,“what will I learn from this to make me better?” Mary Anne Radmacher

quote Many people think in terms of either/or: either you’re nice or you’re tough. Win-win requires that you be both. It is a balancing act between courage and consideration. To go for win-win, you not only have to be empathic, but you also have to be confident. You not only have to be considerate and sensitive, you also have to be brave. To do that-to achieve that balance between courage and consideration—is the essence of real maturity and is fundamental to win-win Stephen Covey

quote  "He who spends time regretting the past loses the present and risks the future." Quevedo


Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

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