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new★★Awareness Of Your Personal Energy




What is your heart telling you today?


What is your heart telling you today?
❤Heart Smiling Technique
How Your Heart❤ Produces Energy


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The Energizing Heart ❤

“ Energize Your Heart Energize Your MarriageSmart Marriages-great Presentation PDF The Institute for Applied Meditation, Inc
Daniel McMannis, M.Ed & Jana Staton, PhD, LCP

link:The Heart Broadcasts Its Rhythm
In loving and appreciative
states, the entire energy
of the heart is focused, so
the heart becomes a
powerful electromagnetic
from pdf above Daniel McMannis, M.Ed & Jana Staton, PhD, LCP

3 things which close the heart- criticism, indifference and pessimism
To put the world in right order,
we must first put the nation in order;
to put the nation in order,
we must first put the family in order;
to put the family in order,
we must first cultivate our personal
life; we must first set our hearts right



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Chapter 1 : The Personal Energy Crisis and 7 Recommendations to enjoy bountiful vibrant energy
[“We are living today the worst energy crisis the world has ever experienced: the personal energy crisis. The natural resource that we are depleting most dramatically is the human capital of the planet. During the last decades, we have learned to manage our time, our stress, our money and even difficult people. It is now urgent that we learn to manage our personal energy. Our survival as a specie depends on it”]
7 Recommendations to enjoy bountiful vibrant energy

  • 1 Identify what makes you happy, what gives you wings, what you’re passionate about.
  • 2 Let your values be your driving force, not your fears nor your guilt & shame.
  • 3 Love yourself enough to stay focused on your personal vision & mission.
  • 4 Respect yourself enough to prioritize your energy and well being. Do not tolerate abuses and unacceptable behaviors
  • 5Have the courage to take responsibility for your life choices and to resist all deterrents to the realization of your dreams.
  • 6Develop your emotional intelligence and learn to utilize your ❤heart emotions as the driving force to transform your life. Emotions are the motor behind your thoughts.
  • 7 Be aware that Love is your ultimate source of energy and act accordingly.

Use your heart❤ to love somebody, and if it is big enough, use it to love everybody(: Stevie Wonder

Personal energy management is simple but not always easy. It consists of two phases: avoiding leaks and revitalization. First learn to identify and avoid the black holes that sap your precious energy, things that drain you and drag you down. Concurrently, learn to recharge your batteries by identifying what gives you wings, what drives and motivates you to take good care of yourself physically and emotionally.

In order to shift from an energy depletion mode to a cycle of abundance, one needs to tap into the power of self-love, which resides in your ❤heart.
[ the above paragraphs written by Nathalie Campeau, M.D. ] Great things from a great book
Note: My ❤icons were not quotes from her book…My lil’ touch(:

Practice of Heart Smiling

    • V
      Heart / Brain Synchronization
    • V
      Transformation of Internal Climate
    • V
      Changes in Chemistry and Electromagnetic Energy
    • V
      New Non-Verbal Signals
    • V
      Transformation in Perceptions and Attitudes Producing Acceptance and Respect
    • V
      Improvement of the Quality of Life


excerpted from the The Energizing Heart

by Dr. Nathalie Campeau…..Heart-Smiling Technique. Follow these 3 simple steps :
Breathe with awareness focusing around your heart area
Experience one of heart’s superior emotion, like appreciation, gratitude, joy, compassion, understanding, love, etc…
Let a smile arise from your heart to your lip

Like for any learning process, consistency and perseverance are key. It is recommended that you practice many times a day until a smile arises artfully from your heart, what ever the circumstance

There is real training done in this area(:
Heart-Smiling Training consists of practicing on four levels:
Level 1: alone in a peaceful situation
Level 2: alone in a difficult situation
Level 3: in the presence of another person, in a relaxed situation
Level 4: in the presence of another person, in conflicting situation



Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Chapter 2 : ❤Heart Brain Synchronization
Chapter 3 : Cardiac Coherence
[“Coherence describes a state of synchronization between two functions. Cardiac coherence refers to an entrainment of the brain wave activity by the ❤heart’s more powerful waves. When brain’s activity is synchronized with that of the ❤heart, the result is a physiological state of well being and an optimization of the global function of all the organs that are under their influence”].

Health Professionals


Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings


Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings


Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

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