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new★★Guy Finley Inspiration ...1 -Lets Share What We Love

I have enjoyed listening/reading Guy Finley in the past...

Here's to sharing some of his work

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Preface Note- Here is a review and glossary on Guy Finley’s work from a bmindful member KahunaKeith

What we would have from others, or have them be towards us, we must provide or be ourselves. When we know we tend to be critical of others because they don’t show us the respect we would have, we must show these same people the respect we want. If we wish for kindness, let it begin with our own. Otherwise all we give each other are unconscious demands followed by judgment and disappointment.

Real spiritual growth — true self-transformation — depends upon what we are willing to give, and not upon what we feel we are owed.

This article is excerpted from The Essential Laws of Fearless Living (pages 108-110).


Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Freedom From the Fear of Feeling Powerless
posted by Guy Finley

Real power isn’t the ability to imagine and implement an endless series of new solutions to old problems, but to awaken the higher understanding that allows us to transcend the need we have to live with any painful problems at all. Which would you rather have: a big fire hose with a hydrant and a fire to put out every day, or a life without fires in them?
But what we have to examine here is the way we think! Most of us wouldn’t know what to do if there wasn’t something pressing us. Isn’t it weird that we’ll come up with a path, a solution, something that we’re going to do, that once we do it we’ll become whatever we’ve imagined? No more pressure, no more fear — but then, the very thing that we set out to obtain, to make us fearless, to take the pressure out of our lives, becomes the source of a new fear and a new pressure! And then when that doesn’t work, we do it again, and again.
We have no idea of the power that we’re created with. We are granted at birth the possibility of a freedom that has absolutely no contingencies whatsoever that can fall apart because the conditions in our lives do.
The kind of power I’m talking about is so simple. For instance, ordinarily we’re trying to obtain things so that we can control or manipulate conditions, but we’re not talking about that. Instead, how about the authority over our own negative reactions? That’s a completely different kind of power, isn’t it? To possess ourselves as opposed to trying to possess things or relationships through which we have a measure of security. The power to possess ourselves can’t be granted by anyone or anything outside of us. It doesn’t exist; nothing can grant us what it is our heart of hearts actually longs for which is to be quietly in charge of our own heart and mind.
Work to remember that at any given moment you don’t have to be captured by anything that presently causes this compromise of your soul. Remember, always, that higher possibilities are never farther away from you than your wish and work to be open to them.

Emotions, Sensations ,
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Lift Yourself Into a Brand New World
Within each of us there is an expansive world of thoughts and feelings whose movements determine how we perceive and experience the world outside of us. While this inner-world of thoughts and feelings may not directly bring us what we see, it does profoundly influence how we see our world of relationships and events. The inner determines the outer. In other words, we are seeing the exterior but experiencing the interior.

One simple example of how this works is when our heart is heavy or troubled. Whenever we happen to feel this way, everything else around us tends to appear equally dark. But there are far deeper implications to this important insight. With patient self-study, we can turn it into a personal breakthrough of the most freeing kind that can lift us to a brand new world. Let’s get started.

All of us have felt, at one time or another, trapped in our own life. During these periods of heightened unhappiness one thing seems clear: the only reason we haven’t realized our great potential is because we’re being held back. There is some unpleasant person, an inescapable condition, some unwanted place in life where we got “stuck.”

So, over and over again we plan our great escape. And over and over again we find ourselves either having gone nowhere, or back where we started from, both results being the same. For all of our efforts, nothing really changes. New loves, new jobs, even new homes change only the walls that surround us — not our feelings of being imprisoned. We sense that all we have done is changed cells!

We mustn’t fight with or in any way fear this shocking conclusion. Why? Because this temporarily disturbing discovery about our actual condition contains a crucial insight. It was never that person or circumstance that was blocking our moment in the sun. No! In spite of how things may appear to us, we are never trapped by where we are. The trap is always who we are. Here is a short summary of this new and unusual self-discovery:

When you run into a personal obstacle, you have not run into an outer condition that is denying you happiness. You have run into your own present life-level.

Your level of being is what determines where you are at any given moment because your experience is always who you are. Let me repeat this. For better or for worse, you experience who you are, not where you are

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