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★★Bunches Of Empowerment Questions ...1




Why does everything I desire with deep conviction arrive for me so effortlessly?


How come at every turn, opportunity appears before me?


I represent Divine Love. Everyday I ask myself, What shall I do in the name of love in any given situation?

All I need to do in the evening, is quiet my heart and open my vibration to feelings of love. When I am quiet, I allow myself to formulate questions, and I ask -- which options can work for my highest happiness?





2fd0cf2f78b9d73f6898e009cb69c453--ana-white-white-wood.jpgf9990fde12565fd2de27ccc4edef4c92--self-improvement-sentiment.jpg“Ask yourself this daily question: ‘How would the person I’d like to be … do the things I’m about to do?’” American speaker and author Jim Cathcart




How have I managed to solve problems and had fun doing so?
How have I got better results and enjoyed the challenge?
What are the most useful things I’ve done and how have I become absorbed doing them?  Michael Beale


3 favorite questions .

How can ‘it get any better than this? (anything)

What are the possibilities?

What would ‘it’ take to show up? {not an exercise to force yourself to answer-just consistent questions} This will truly work out to be a great year.

Image result for live laugh love pic gif






I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.



1) Business and Career: How do you become extremely successful and satisfied and move to the top of your field?

2) Family and Personal Life: How do you achieve balance between external success and your personal relationships?

3) Money and Investments: How do you get your financial life under control and achieve financial independence?

4) Health and Fitness: How do you achieve and maintain high levels of fitness, energy and overall well-being?

5) Personal Growth and Development: How do you identify and acquire the key knowledge and skills that you need to live an extraordinary life?

6) Social and community activities: How do you structure your life so that you make a real difference in the world and leave a lasting legacy?

7) Spiritual Development and Inner Peace : How do you organize your inner life and thinking so that you realize your full potential as a human being?

Author and Speaker
Chairman and CEO of
Brian Tracy International
BOOK: Focal Point

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.


I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.




Why do I feel so flexible now?

Why do I feel that I can go with the flow more now?

Why do I feel so safe now?

Why is it safe to surrender now?

Why do I feel so secure now?

Why do I feel safe moving forward now?

Why do I feel so supported now?

Why is it safe to be flexible now?

Why it so easy to forgive the past and go with the flow?

Why do I no longer carry so much of a load now?

Why is it easy to stand up for myself now?

Afformations Why do I feel so peaceful now?Why do I feeling loving and loved now?Why do I feel accepting now?Why do I feel so forgiving now?Why do I feel so harmonious now?Why am I lovable?Why am I reassured?Why am I trusting?Why do I forgive myself?Why am I so allowing now?Why am I worthy?Why am I contented?Why am I safe?Why am I powerful?Why do I accept myself and my feelings?Why do I feel comforted?Why am I able to trust now?Why do I feel secure?Why do I feel so calm now?Why do I feel tranquil?Why do I feel serene now?Why am I loved and loving?Why is it easy to relax and let go of fear and worry?Why am I powerful?Why am I content?Why am I courageous now?Why do I accept myself and my feelings now?Why am I worry free now? {source coming soon}

Why do I let myself be happy every day?



more afformations.

"They’ll be used in a multilingual e-colouring book I’ll be producing later in 2014. I challenge you to include them in your feel-good routine, starting today"

  1. Why is beauty everywhere?
  2. Why am I perfect love?
  3. Why does peace start with me?
  4. Why is each color a special gift?
  5. Why do I love BEING in nature?
  6. Why am I happy with myself?
  7. Why am I always more than enough?


∞ Nathalie Beaupré is the first Forensic Healer in Canada and the author of Why Am I Perfect? a book to empower children, parents and teachers.  Meet her on Facebook where she’s created a group dedicated to her revolutionary book. Read her blog here.








related threads coming soon


I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
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to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

In response to SelfcareLivingLifeOfEase's post:  Great question!!

"If I had nothing to fear, and nothing to loose..."

I would declare world peace and I would demand the the UN out law war, out law nuclear weapons, and I would become a demand that world hunger be corrected. I would get wells for clear, safe drinking water, and I would form medical boards, and overcome malaria, and I would work tirelessly to reduce and confine new viruses, such as ebola. In addition to water, I would push for new plumbing with focus on environmental protection. I would push education and wild life preservation. I would strongly encourage the protection of wild life habitat/restoration/re-growth of trees. I would stop people from removing animals from their natural environment, stop forcing them into zoos. I would put in place a 10 year early education plan that teaches about the need for preservation of wild life and their full habitation. I would do all of this, and more because I want the World's children to be able to have all that we were given!! And the same focus and passion for our oceans. I would work on cleaning up the ocean!! Protect the oceanic life, the living barrier reefs, remove the trash and the fishing nets. Stop the oil leaks. 

One more:OK, a few more!! I would demand that we be held accountable for unpaid national deficit. We have no right to do this to young children, and burden them with our debts. Its unacceptable!! We absolutely need to pay for our burden and not expect them to absorb our national debt. If we can't pay for our debt, then stop spending, and get someone in there who really knows that our national debt is the single greatest threat to our national security! I would write new rules for all seated Congressmen/women, that if they are not reducing the deficit by 5%, that they be removed within 6 months and without any benefits. They all need to function in a timely manner, or remove them within 6 months. I would STORM international banking, and overhaul banking industry, and I would stand them up on their toes! I would get rid of the Federal reserve, immediately, then I would rein in all banking. I would write a constitutional amendment to overcome campaign finances. I would make sure that no foreign money corrupts American elections. I would kick wall street out of the white house, immediately!! I would make sure that we have voting that cannot be tampered with electronically. We could institute one or both: auto fingerprint analysis and eye iris identification, and compare this for a match for voting. I would fix the problem with gerrymandering permanently so that it is based on fairness and not tilted in any form towards partisan favoring. I would remove all of the benefit package for Federal employees, and I would make sure that their health insurance is exactly what the rest of us have!! I would institute a dragnet for ethics violations for all elected officials, including lobbyists.  I would put in place term limits, and I would put in place that after they leave office, they cannot become a lobbyist for 6 years after they leave. And, I would restore consumer protections. I would restore net neurtality to the internet. I would  restore consumer privacy on the internet. I would also go after all social media that profits off of abusing the private information of their users, such as facebook and twitter, and hold them responsible for selling the lists and their failure to protect privacy. One more constitutional amendment: Zero tolerance for racism. I would amend the constitution to say that any person who holds a publically elected seat - as President, Senator or Congressman or Congresswoman, if you are racist, you are disqualified. Failure to meet this criteria means you are unfit to serve in this capacity. 

Its a lot of regulations, but there has been a life time of corruption which has caused a dangerous gap of unequal economic distribution. The greed, just like the gap have become pathological and injurious. And the harm upon society can be seen in the middle class, with its erosion of young people not being able to afford higher education. Not just education, but the erosion of our decaying bridges, old plumbing that is need of total replacement, and massive amount of infrastructure maintenance that is way beyond the need for necessary repair. 

And, we haven't even talked about addressing issues, such as the growing gap and inequitable economics -- that give rise to home grown terrorism. Our young people's lives are being pathologically impacted by the grotesque derangement of underlying greed. We see people doing horrible rip off schemes to make hard fast money. And there is an absence of consciousness and a void of goodwill for one another. Its tantamont to having the lights out, and living and existing in darkness. And, everyone owning a gun. 

Lastly, I would never compromise our Democracy. And I would aggressively pursue anyone who corrupts or undermines Democracy. If war were to become illegal, then we would require our Leaders to be diplomatic and have a greater interest in fairness with regard to world markets. 

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to Kathi's post:

WOW! Absolutely beautiful!

I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

Are You Allowing What You Need?


Cleanse your mind for prosperity by writing out these three lists:

What you want eliminated from your life first.

What you want to invite into your life.

What you are thankful for in your life.                              Catherine Ponder



I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?

How can I enjoy the process while I do what is necessary to make it the way I want it?

What is great about this problem?

What will I become transformed if I do this right now?

What kind of momentum could I create if I changed this in my life?

What other things could I accomplish if I really made this change today?

What are my most treasured memories?

What's really great in my life right now?


I AM THE automatic
reset for knowing
exactly where to
begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

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