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★★Inner Frontier -{Joseph Naft} love his work! {innerfrontier.org}

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I have shared a few links and quotes of Joseph Nafts work... I love so much of his work... I didn't want to get carried away.

Though ... thinking you may enjoy too.

Mr Naft has weekly lessons on his site- tell me if you don't get something deeply rewarding from it(: 



related thoughts and feelings re:material coming soon

Joseph Naft -a site I like
Joy. Clouds cannot hide the sun forever; joy eventually breaks through. We discover joy in our friendships, in nature, in loving our family, in spontaneous humor, ...

May 4, 2015 ... And for good reasons, most notably the timeless serenity and happiness, as well as the heightened focus and performance that come in flow, ...
Have you ever had hours or whole days when your life just flowed? When you were fully in contact with the details of your life and when there were no inner obstacles. When you moved easily and smoothly from one thing to the next. If you needed to think, then your thoughts were clear and concise. But mostly your mind was quiet, or at the least the inner chatter receded into the background as you went about your business. Your emotions were appropriate, relevant, and supportive to the situation, helping you fully engage in what you were doing. to read more & in context :
Awareness of bodily sensation helps us to feel at home in our bodies, befriend our bodies, and open to the joy of life. Throughout a lifetime of spiritual practice, ...Energy Body


BEING YOUR HEART Every thought feeds the emotion. Our body dumps stress molecules into our bloodstream. Our breathing changes to support the emotion. Our posture adapts to express the emotion. And we are not there. We do not exist in those moments. Only the emotion does.

When we notice one of these destructive emotions get triggered in us and begin gathering steam, a short window of choice opens up. If we ignore it, if we fail to choose, the default option has us falling headlong into the emotional storm, be it mild or severe.

But that window of choice presents another possibility: we have a chance to change our attitude toward the situation. Sometimes that’s all it takes. We simply say to ourselves “I’m not going with this now,” and it stops. But more often that kind of direct confrontation with our inner state does not work, because a real change of attitude requires forgiveness, tolerance, letting go, courage, fortitude, acceptance, or love to read lesson in its entirety Copyright © 2001 2014 Joseph Naft.



About Inner Frontier



About Joseph Naft





Like water drawn to the ocean, peace beckons us toward its palpable presence. Peace bears its own substantive, positive quality, not merely an absence of non-peace. But the practice of letting go of non-peace dredges the river of our inner and outer actions, so we more readily flow toward the ocean of peace. Peace offers the perfection of contentment, freedom from wanting. When our contact with the higher confronts and dissolves our attachment to the lower, the reconciling embrace of peace warms our heart and suffuses our soul.

to read more peace.



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It is our own long-established, personal ways of being, experiencing, thinking , feeling, and acting that shove aside our intentions to be present, to live in presence. We believe that life blocks presence. We may even believe that to be more present we need to withdraw from life, maybe go on a retreat.

The reality is different. What needs to change is not the external circumstances of our life, but our inner life. We give exclusivity and priority to the wrong things inside us. Yet presence does not mean giving up all our usual ways of experiencing, thinking and the rest. It means adopting another way of being, one that does not replace our current inner experience, but wraps it, and us, within the loving arms of a wider, more objective, and more centered awareness.

Joseph Naft

Joseph Naft has taught meditation and spiritual practices since 1976. His other books include The Sacred Art of Soul Making: Balance and Depth in Spiritual Practice and two novels, Agents of Peace and Restoring Our Soul.


 comment coming soon...


Naft quotes Buddhist master Achaan Chah: "If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace. If you let go completely, you will know complete peace and freedom."


Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

When the beauty of life unfolds before us, we are here to receive it and let it flow in joy, appreciation, and love. Joseph Naft

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Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

√ Yes, sometimes we need to make a change in what we do, but at all times we benefit from learning to love what we are already doing. It begins with accepting our life as it is. We still work to improve it, but all the while we accept it, we do not reject it.Here our spiritual inner work can profoundly affect our experience of life. The mind of desire, with what it wants and what it does not want, leads us into rejection, into dissatisfaction. Spiritual practice offers many approaches to this: here are several. First, we practice sensing our body. In sensing we have contact with our body, we become fully embodied. Unless we are in pain, our usual experience of our body is vague and neutral. Enhancing our contact with our body through direct and intentional awareness of it, through sensing, makes it vivid and even pleasurable. Through sensing, we revel in the mere fact of having a body. Through sensing, we love our body. And since our life is synonymous with having a body, through sensing we learn to love our life. During this life, we always have a body and thus always have the opportunity of sensing our body. Living in the sensitive energy, brings more aliveness to life. Through sensing, we can take pleasure in the simple fact of being in our body. by Joseph Nafton Love of Lifefrom Inner Frontiers.org site link..to read in whole context


Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

What might experience be like in the state of love? 

...[f]rom the wider perspective of the stillness, we know our thoughts as just thoughts. From that place, the thought "I" is just another thought. All thoughts show up as mere words, narrow and insignificant before the infinite cognizant stillness that enfolds us. Our reality transcends separateness.to read  in context & read more -May 28, 2018: Climbing Jacob's Ladder 14: Love

to listen->  Left-click for MP3 audio stream, right-click to download


Conscious Energy Practice


That field is where we truly live. So our practice during our active day consists of coming back to ourselves, back to the field of consciousness, even as we engage in all that we do. 

to read in context - link

For this week, please practice returning to pure awareness, to the conscious energy at the root of all experience.to read in context - link

to listen->  Left-click for MP3 audio stream, right-click to download


Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

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