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★★High Vibration-It's Only Natural To You{...1}

High Vibration-It's Only Natural To You


You don’t have to work at being in the high vibration that is natural to you, because it is natural to you. But you do have to stop holding the thoughts that cause you to lower your vibration. It’s a matter of no longer giving your attention to things that don’t allow your cork to float or don’t allow you to vibrate in harmony with who you really are. Abe

The reason for desires, goals, for finding those decisions or points of focus, is because they are the life-giving things of the Universe. Without objects of attention, or objects of desire, Life-Force does not come through any of us.Abe


 The very same magic, the very same, that you used to get your first job, to find a best friend, and to heal what hurt, that even now finishes your sentences, beats your heart, and inspires your dreams, is the exact same “grade” of stuff that can make what you want most today come to pass.


Point being: You’ve already engaged it. You’ve already commanded it. You’ve already done the impossible… So what’s the big deal about doing it again?

Oh go on… The Universe 
©Mike Dooley, www.tut.com

Thank You Thank You Thank You

NATURE by: Tim Brieske, M.D.

Shhh, can you hear it?
Can you hear the sound?
I think I can.
Wait. First I must thank my mind for weaving thoughts, emotion.
Instantaneously transformed, feelings.
Wait. First I must thank my intellect for being so smart.
Ideas to fix, evaluate, discriminate.
Wait. First I must thank my ego for defending with vigilance.
Vast universe, infinite perceived threat.
Gratitude allows silence to emerge!
There it is. 
Now I hear it.
The song of divinity, everywhere.
Shhh, can you hear it?

The Law of Least Effort -Deepak Choprah


  •  Nature’s intelligence functions with effortless ease…with carefreeness, harmony, and love.
  •  And when we harness the forces of harmony, joy, and love, we create success and good fortune with effortless ease.
    “do less and accomplish more.” Ultimately you come to the state where you do nothing and accomplish everything.
  •  Nature’s intelligence functions effortlessly, frictionlessly, spontaneously. It is non-linear; it is intuitive, holistic, and nourishing.
  •  …when your actions are motivated by love, there is no waste of energy.
  •  …three components to the Law of Least Effort…The first component is acceptance…You can wish for things in the future to be different, but in this moment you have to accept things as they are.
  •  …the second component…responsibility.
    Having accepted this circumstance, this event, this problem, responsibility then means the ability to have a creative response to the situation as it is now.
  •  The third component…defenselessness
    If you just relinquish the need to defend your point of view, you will in that relinquishment, gain access to enormous amounts of energy that have been previously wasted.
  •  You do not need to justify; simply declare your intent to yourself, and you will experience fulfillment, delight, joy, freedom, and autonomy in every moment in your life.

  • ~The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A practical guide to the fulfillment of your dreams.
     By Deepak Chopra

The Law of Intention and Desire -Deepak Choprah

 You must accept the present as is. Accept the present and intend the future. The future is something you can always create through detached intention, but you should never struggle against the present.

Both past and future are born in the imagination; only the present, which is awareness, is real and eternal.
If you have life-centered, present-moment awareness, then the imaginary obstacles—which are more than ninety percent of perceived obstacles—disintegrate and disappear.

Learn to harness the power of intention, and you can create anything you desire.
When you follow these five steps for fulfilling your desires, intention generates its own power:

 1. slip into the gap

 2. established in that state of being, release your intentions and desires

3. remain in the state of self-referral

“ ***pls see the difference between self-referral & object referral***”:http://www.chopra.com/object-referral-and-self-referral

4. relinquish your attachment to the outcom

5. let the universe handle the details

6, Applying the Law of Intention and Desire


  •  I will make a list of my desires
  •  I will release this list of my desires and surrender it to the womb of creation, trusting…
  •  I will remind myself to practice present-moment awareness in all my actions.
    The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A practical guide to the fulfillment of your dreams. By Deepak Chopra

ISBN 1-878424-11-4

Published by Amber-Allen Publishing & New World Library 1994.112 pages.

I am having fun on my way to all that I’ve proclaimed as important for my life

It is natural and powerful the way my thoughts align with my Highest Good.

Affirmations are most effective – and easy – when you use them to feel…Just. A little bit. Better.

Success affirmations are no different. You need a different one depending on how you feel about your success within the situation.



On that note, I’ll share with you 21 affirmations that really work WHEN you use them at the appropriate level. see 21 Success Affirmations for:

  • When you KNOW that you are successful
  • When you don’t know the next step to take toward success
  • When you feel disappointed in your attempts
  • When you feel like a failure…

I AM successful!

I am in stride with the upward, progressive movement of life.Image result for success is natural to me law of attraction pic quote






Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings


Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

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Emotions, Sensations ,
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Emotions, Sensations ,
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