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★★ {Q&A Afformation}Why CAN I reach the goals I set?








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An Afformation is an affirmation with a neat little twist that makes a huge difference. Put very simply an Afformation is the question form of an affirmation. Noah St. John is the master mind behind this new way creating. Noah figured out the human mind is always asking and searching for the answers to questions. However, a lot of us spend way too much of our time asking self defeating questions.

source: http://leadingpersonality.wordpress.com/2013/05/25/self-defeating-questions-forget-about-themyou-should-try-afformations/#more-571 





{Q&A Afformation}Why CAN I reach the goals I set?




Why I can reach the goals I set for myself is because my track record shows if I can feel good about it I can truly move in the direction and receive what my spirit wants.


Because it is so wonderful to do anything truly significant toward meaningful areas in my life (areas aligned with my highest values).

Knowing that it will bring me greater spirit-momentum to move with passionate direction ...creates ease and a  burning desire toward their accomplishment.


Why CAN I reach the goals I set?

I love creating my life. I love creating new goals. I will never forget when I had an awesome fitness trainer... He was a gift to me... truly. My health was in a precarious place...and 'magically' I met a retired gentleman who was a former trainer for body builders...from  another state.

I didn't know he trained professionals yet... though saw he was in workout clothes-even though he had taken a moment to just sit & chat w/his buddies... I asked... if he could teach me how to use the equipment... the rest was my beautiful history to focusing on another aspect of health in the most dynamite progressive ways. These routines helped to reverse all that ailed me lol

And... this trainer-friend trained me for free...with a wonderful easy going  friendship included.

though he never let me slack off. I was so proud of myself with what I was accomplishing... and loved feeling proud and capable with all of this... Though he wouldn't let me just be  proud... He'd said OK ... time to increase this... and do more of such & such... I was 'glad' lol  Though really glad as I saw the benefits of getting out of my comfort zone. This tribute is to this man. He has passed on, though the gift he gave me is forever... thank you to him! and thank you to his family who allowed the time he gave to me to create the understanding and the health for all I desired.

Emotions, Sensations ,
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