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★★Give Up The Waiting/YOUniversal-Paradise of Abundance


There time iz never better than NOW!!


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Now iz the present moment. When you declare who you are being, do not ever wait for circumstances to be right or for other people to see your reality. Eventually they will see it when you continue to be it. Like planting a seed and watering it, it looks like you are just dumping water on the dirt to those who didn't see you prepare the soil and plant the seeds. But you already know what you have done and what more will come to you for your due diligence in taking the faithful action in watering the seeds you have planted now.

It already iz an energetic reality. It's always an energetic reality before it iz ever a physical reality. It iz a process that most people overlook. Break up with your addiction to impatience and fall in love with the process. Learn to appreciate the nonphysical energetic vibration becoming a physical vibration.

People will far too often check with their physical reality to judge where they are energetically. This iz entirely backwards. The energetic reality ALWAYS iz the cause and the physical reality iz always the effect. It iz NEVER the other way around. The physical effect never has a physical cause, the cause iz always nonphysical. Once you innerstand this principle you will never again look to your external physical environment to judge where you stand energetically and you will live more from your imagination as a visionary instead of just an observer. What limitations do you observe to have but those you imaginatively create for yourself? You can be just as limitless as you are willing to imagine yourself to be.

The now iz your energetic presence and reality. The physical present moment iz always the past but the energetic now, iz in reality, the true present moment. What iz seen in our imagination now iz what energetically creates the physical present to come.

Do you realize what this means for you?

You don't ever have to wait again to be who you are wanting to be. You ARE that person you want to be right NOW!

You don't have to wait to have what you are wanting to have because you already have it NOW, energetically.

You don't ever have to wait again to do what it iz you are wanting to do because you can take inspired action NOW.

People will sometimes judge themselves from where they are observing their past present moment instead of seeing themselves as already being successful. You have to live from your desired outcome you can see within your imagination and feel it passionately burning within your heart NOW. They think, "I will go to school and get a degree and then when I am doing that work then I can consider myself to be that person I desire to be and then everyone will believe I am successful." NO! Do NOT do this to yourself. This iz a very limited way of thinking. The truly successful person knows they were already the person they are now the very moment they decided they were going to be who they are and that iz why they took action. They didn't wait for the degree to see themselves as they are now. They didn't wait for others to give them permission to be who they wanted to be. They didn't wait for the degree to be handed to them. They didn't wait for the job to be given to them or wait to put in many years of experience into their career to be who they wanted to be. They didn't wait at all. So if you are waiting, why? They were that person they wanted to be before they were even taking action by enrolling into those classes. They were that person before they even enrolled. Their enrolling was just part of being that person they became immediately on an energetic level but iz unseen on the physical level because the physical reality iz the outcome to what must take place first on the energetic invisible level.

We are not physical beings, we are vibrational beings who are being physical.

Only those who are too far physically focused lose sight of the energetic reality and can't see it. That's why they struggle with it and they believe struggle iz a necessity. I am here to tell you that iz absolute BULLSHIT. You don't ever have to struggle unless that's what you truly want for yourself and it serves you to do so BUT know this, my friends, struggling iz not necessary to succeed. Struggling iz a lack of using your imagination. To succeed one only needs to give up waiting and assume their energetic vision IZ reality right now and continue acting upon that assumption knowing it will always produce a physical effect, because it's the intensity of our imagination that creates our reality. When we align ourselves properly with our energetic self from within then we are flowing with the universe and it must physically manifest from our inner reality which the entire process iz always happening right now!

It's NOW. All you will ever have iz NOW.

See it now. Feel it now. Be it now.

If you wait, you will always be waiting.

Get aligned with yourself energetically and the physical will always follow and produce the desirable results...OR BETTER!

What time iz it?

It's now.

The time no matter what the clock says iz always now.

Don't you ever wait again. It truly iz now or never.

When does it all change for you?





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Follow me on Instagram where you can find many more lists of power affirmations which iz where I originally posted this one and will be adding them to bmindful as well. 
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There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

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There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

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