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★★What's Your Intentions?/YOUniversal-Paradise of Abundance

Note: This thread iz a work in progress to transform it into part of "the journey" of this series YOUniversal Paradise of Abundance." So please do come back to check what I have added to the thread which I hope many will helpful in using it on their own journey. I was so excited in writing this I wanted to share it right away. And so here it iz! Enjoy!


How to set intentions that work

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Do you set intentions just after waking up and before getting out of your bed? 
The first 20 minutes of having awakened and the last 20 minutes before going to sleep are the most powerful moments you have to influence your subconscious mind. Your brain iz in the theta brainwave state either having come out of the delta brainwave state (waking up) or going into the delta state (going to sleep) from the theta state.

When going to sleep our conscious and subconscious mind are merging together as one. For those next several hours your mind iz creating what you desire and whatever you have impressed upon it. Once you wake up and get into the alpha state and finally into the beta state your brainwaves will then be attracting all the things relevant to your intentions. Some call this "priming." 
If you pick your phone and go on social media, check text messages, emails, turn on your TV or radio in that first or last 20 minutes this iz what will soon become your experiences. 
To illustrate, if I were to give you a list of 4 words that were of things  that are all green such as: 
Green Aventurine Crystal 
Then a few minutes later I ask you to name something to eat that's a very high probability your brain iz going to give you something green like an apple, avocado, cabbage, lettuce, lime, etc. 

Video iz under 10 minutes with LOTS of great info.
This occurs because your mind always takes the path of least resistance through your neurological pathways and throughout your day you will see things that are relevant to what you have primed your mind with before going to sleep or after having awakened as this iz the most influential moments to program your mind and create your "reality." 

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There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

Are you creating by default or deliberately creating your day?
If you are not consciously setting intentions and priming your mind then you will be programmed by the collective consciousness of all that you are exposing your mind to in those moments after having awakened or what you have entertained yourself with before going to sleep.

If in those moments you are watching the news then what you see on the TV screen iz going to be what you experience for yourself. Not the exact same things you see and hear but it will have some relation to it in your own coming experiences. If you expose yourself to people complaining what you will experience may be seeing others who also complain about something very similar or see what they complained about in your own environment. Those moments will connect within your mind and you will remember that instance of the first person saying something similar to the next person and then may also more than likely be other things that occur that are in relation to what you exposed yourself to first thing in the morning. You may witness or even experience the same things the person in your social media feed was complaining about.

You are being programmed one way or the other.

It's important to point out that no one iz programming you against your will. You have either chosen to be programmed by default of the collective that immediately surrounds you within your circle, or you are consciously and deliberately programming your own mind.

Most are choosing to be programmed by default and thus they feel as if things are just happening to them instead of the reality that things are happening through them. It's no wonder they have a dim outlook on life while some of us have a very bright outlook on life.

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Image result for setting intentions


There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

Sharing iz caring!
I would like to share with you a process I use in the morning to prime my mind with setting intentions. I use power words that have a strong emotional current to them, the stronger the better my experiences will be. Instead of intending to feel "great" today I will say I intend to feel "exhilarated" today. The words I choose are vital. Use highly emotional words, don't go small, go BiG!! The words also must be said in past, present, or past-present tense. Here's a couple of examples of 2 of my intentions I set this morning: 
I intend to be unbelievably blessed today.
I am choosing to be unbelievably blessed today.
I am going to be what iz already within me, which iz unbelievably blessed, and I am going to feel unbelievably blessed all day today. 
My state of being today iz unbelievably blessed. I am unbelievably blessed now. 
As within so without. As above so below. All iz one. It iz done! 
I am unbelievably blessed. 
I intend to be ecstatic today.
I am choosing to be ecstatic today.
I am going to be what iz already within me, which iz ecstatic, and I am feeling ecstatic today. 
My state of being today iz fully ecstatic. I am ecstatic now. 
As within so without. As above so below. All iz one. It iz done! 
I am ecstatic. 
If you look closely you can see I use a template and I follow that each day or night when setting my intentions. Feel free to copy it and make use of it or adapt it to what works best for you. I am going to share with you the process and the reasoning behind the template so you may want to use it just like I do. It's very powerful for me and I'm sure it will be for many of you.
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Image result for setting intentions

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

"I intend to be unbelievably blessed today."
Now I will go into breaking down the template piece by piece. I have put a lot of energy into my creating of this template and I hope in my sharing all these details you will see for yourself why it's so powerful for me and why it works so well for me and maybe it will do the same for you.

I start with stating my desired intention which was "I intend to be unbelievably blessed today" but let's clear up what exactly iz a desired intention even iz before we move on.

Let's start with intention. An intention iz defined as a "purpose or attitude toward the effect of one's actions of conduct." Also as "an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result." Another definition of intention iz "the end or object intended; purpose." Intending iz defined as "designing or aiming to be; prospective or aspiring." Take note of all the creating that iz going on with our intent. We are designing our own creations when we are setting our intentions and the attitude we are going to have toward it all. Can you see how far more beneficial it iz to set your own intentions instead of allowing the "world" to set them for you? Either way they are going to be set so you may as well do that for yourself consciously rather than let others do it for you which iz not even their intention. 
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Now let's discuss what a desire iz. Desire iz defined as "a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen." It's also defined as "to wish or long for; crave; want." And "to express a wish to obtain; ask for; request."
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Simply put a desire iz a want.
I want to feel and be unbelievably blessed today and I intend to feel ecstatic about today as well.

People often get stuck in their wanting of their desires because they fail to innerstand that "wanting" anything implies that they don't already have it.

Realizing a desire iz just noticing that it's not yet fully present on all levels of your being. You are not yet aligned with it. It wasn't relevant to you before you had the desire of having or experiencing it but that doesn't mean you don't already have it. You do have it. You have everything you could ever desire within you now. Yes, everything! You would not ever have the desire for anything that iz not already within you. Those who are too physically focused are out of tune with reality. Outer space iz not a reality, it's merely a real reflection of our inner space which iz far more accurate of reality. You don't see inner space except in the the projection of it in outer space but that's just a reflection that calls you to go inward to realizing what you desire and why you desire it in the first place. We receive more clarity and speed up the manifestation. Realizing our desired intentions can happen very quickly because intentions are nonphysical. 

Upon realizing a desire it's instantaneously manifested as a reality with your Higher Self, your inner being instantly moves into that state and then calls your 3rd dimensional self toward coming into alignment with what your Higher Self has already become. It always starts with the Higher Self.

The High Self iz your inner guide but are you paying any attention to your Higher Self? Do you have a good relationship with your Higher Self? This means you must have an open line of communication with your Higher Self. I have a very good communicative relationship with my Higher Self. My Higher Self iz who I am on a higher level of consciousness. It iz who gives me my inner guidance. My 3rd dimensional self or what some call "physical self" iz a representative and expression of my Higher Self. What better guide could I have than myself on a higher level of consciousness? Who knows me better than I do? This iz why I take my inner guidance very seriously and if you know me then chances are you have heard me talk about inner guidance or tell others all the answers to any question they could ever have iz already within them. Our Higher Selves know exactly what we want and why we want it but it will never violate our free will. 
Now once I have stated my intended desire of: "I intend to be unbelievably blessed today," I then decide I am going to be what I desire. Notice how I am not waiting for anything to give me permission. I am making that choice on my own because we have the freedom and liberty to move into any state of being at anytime we so choose. This iz free will.

I don't need wait for my circumstances to change. I don't need to wait for others to see my state of being for me to accept that I have finally become that. If you wait for others to see it, you will never achieve it. Don't wait on others, this iz a fatal mistake in manifestation many people make. Don't be one of them. Just be who you are wanting to be and take your mind completely off how others are perceiving you. In time they will see it anyway but that doesn't matter because no one can perceive you as you truly are. They may perceive you in how you perceive yourself but their perception of you iz entirely unique and iz not exactly as you see yourself and this goes for how you perceive others to be.

I don't need any evidence from my outside surroundings, my outer space, to give me a green light to decide who I am going to be today. I alone make that choice and it makes absolutely no sense to wait on anything outside of me to decide who I am going to be when I can just feel that way now and become who I desire to be.

I am the creator of my circumstances not a victim of circumstances. Victims wait for permission from something outside of themselves, they are always reacting to the world around them instead of creating. We are either creating or we are reacting. Notice that the same letters spell both words. This iz not a coincidence because we are doing one or the other but never both at the same time.

If we are reacting that's still a choice we are making even though we are unconsciously making that choice. No one iz doing anything to us, ever. We are all always making choices either consciously or unconsciously. I made a conscious choice when I woke up and started setting my intentions to be unbelievably blessed and ecstatic which were two of three intentions I set today.  

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Image result for we are not victims

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.



"I am choosing to be unbelievably blessed today."
I know that everything comes from within me. Even the "outside world" comes from within me. It's a projection of my subconscious mind that's within me but it iz projecting itself outwardly so I can perceive it consciously. However, it's a reflection like in a mirror and iz obscure of the actual inner being and 95% of it I'm entirely unconscious of.

I don't perceive that I am creating the trees, the sky, the wind that blows through the sky and trees, the stars above and so on. We all are creating our external worlds.

Our perceptions are entirely unique and the way we perceive the world iz not the same at all. The way we experience the world iz not at all the same with any other person. It's absolutely unique but with some similarities.

You may see the world in a state of needing to be healed and imperfect while I see the world as already being whole and complete and already perfect. Our perception of our worlds are different and none of us are wrong.

Only when you compare your perception to mine are you going to feel I am wrong and you are right and in that act of comparing arises your lack of faith in your own perception. You will feel discomforted and may or may not be compelled to argue that I change my perception to match yours because you are noticing the resistance but you are unaware that resistance iz only your Higher Self trying to tell you it disagrees with you in your act of comparing your perception to my perception. Whenever we feel dis-ease we are out of alignment with our true selves.

In drawing comparisons and then arguing that your truth iz right and mine iz wrong you are attempting to violate my free will but you don't actually have that kind of power to violate it but you can try to convince me that you are right and I need to change my perception to better match yours. But if I do that I may feel victimized by you or I may feel a sensation of dis-ease or lack of ease because then I am no longer in alignment with the truth of my Higher Self trying to match your truth of your Higher Self.  

Do what iz pleasing to you and allow others to be pleased with their own perception of their world and you won't have any compulsion to argue about being right or feel the need to prove others wrong. That iz merely a lack of faith in your own truth, you are out of alignment with your Higher Self and ignoring the emotional signals your Higher Self iz trying to get your attention with. No one likes feeling bad or feeling a lack of ease so it gets our attention even if we don't believe we have a Higher Self.

We don't all share the same perception, each having our own unique perception of the world, therefore we all have our own unique "realities" or "worlds."  What we perceive and believe and iz what we will experience for ourselves. We don't actually move through the world, everything in the external world or the universe iz actually moving through us. Everything iz being projected within to without but never iz it being projected without to within us.

Whenever we decide our state of being you will become that state and feel the emotions that correspond to that state of being. If you are angry then you will say something to the effect of "I am mad." You are being angry and you will notice your vibration changes within your body. Your body iz responding to your state of being changed to one of being mad. This releases chemicals from your brain to flood your body with the chemicals and the body reacts to them by feeling them all over or within certain parts of your body which iz your body communicating to you trying to get your attention. Your heart rate and your breathing changes when you change to different states of being.

Being mad or even stressed actually releases hormones that attack your own organs and hardens them. People who are often angry or stressed out don't live long and healthy lives. They are often plagued with illnesses and die relatively "young." Again no one made them feel that way, they choose it for themselves every single time.

Blame shifting iz a temporary fix to a much deeper inner cause that doesn't allow them to reflect on why they feel the way they do because instead of reflecting inwardly they are projecting outwardly and missing the opportunity when they can find relief in blaming others for their condition of their state of being.

Their own judgments work against them and they project their judgments on others which then distracts them from what their own body iz trying to make them aware of because the body doesn't want to die early or be flooded with chemicals that don't feel good and cells start to die. The body iz made of cells which have consciousness in them, they do exchange information with one another and with our consciousness but are we listening to our bodies? If you have an attachment to your body chances are you believe you are your body itself and you won't pay any attention to the body trying to communicate to you until your illness becomes so severe you will seek out help from outside of you to tell you what's wrong within you which your body itself was trying to tell you all along. 
In my knowing that everything iz already within me I can bring it more into my conscious awareness and make use of it. That's what I am doing when I am stating my intentions,  I am bringing my desire to assume a state of being into my awareness and I am making a conscious deliberate decision to be that desire making use of my desire. Desires are meant to be realized or we would never have them to begin with. It's in our not aligning ourselves with the desire that we do not realize them. Align yourself with your desires and you will realize at some point.

So when say "I am choosing to be unbelievably blessed today" I am declaring it and manifesting it as my own choice. I am making it manifest to my Higher Self all the way down to my body which iz made of many different levels of consciousness from cells, to atoms, to subatomic particles, my whole being iz being made aware of my intention that I have chosen and my entire being begins to align itself to make it so.
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Image result for we choose our own destiny
Image result for we choose our own destiny
Image result for we choose our own destiny

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.



"I am going to be what iz already within me, which iz unbelievably blessed, and I am going to feel unbelievably blessed all day today."
At this point I am readying my entire being to consciously set my intention to move into a state of being "unbelievably blessed." Like sending out memo to the entire company or like when a Quarterback sends out the play call to the entire football team before they hike the ball and the action unfolds on the field.

Once I enter the state of being I will continue to be in that state unless I move into another state of being or until I go back to sleep. I can't be in a state of being happy if I choose to be sad. I will move out of the state of being happy to move into the emotional state of being sad. Everything changes at that point. I am attracting more of the same and my intentions have changed.

Many who are unconsciously moving in and out of states of being feel their life iz out of control. They often feel resistance to who and what they are being.

That's why when we take a nap when things have become chaotic that we wake up feeling more at ease because we have released the resistance which iz unnatural and our subconscious mind will always go back to the path of least resistance. When our conscious decisions do not line up with our subconscious programming we may very well experience resistance.

Even a nap can change my state of being if my mind iz on something else that iz not in alignment with the state of being that I do intended to experience. As I drift off to sleep in my nap thinking about what I don't want that's what I am going to impress onto my subconscious mind which will always assume that's what I do want more of. The subconscious iz not ever sabotaging us, we are sending mixed signals and sabotaging the orders we have given to our mind. You are not ever a victim in any regard especially not to your subconscious mind. Subconscious programming can always be changed by changing our beliefs to what we consciously desire for ourselves. There are abundance of techniques to do this. You can look up articles through a search engine or search for insightful videos on YouTube to find a process that works best for you. 

If I do decide to take a nap later and I desire to stay in this state of being "unbelievably blessed" I can keep my thoughts on what I have been experiencing that matches that state. I could also focus on what more I would like to experience and use my imagination to impress that onto the subconscious mind. Or the most powerful thing I could do iz I could hold thoughts and feelings of gratitude which will always attract more of the same to us.

Expressing our gratitude iz one of the most powerful habits we can form. If you ever noticed those who are always expressing their gratitude usually these people are very happy people and everything seems to go their way. We can express our gratitude before drifting off into sleep and/or right after waking up from my nap. Gratitude journals and gratitude lists are very powerful tools instead of just keeping it all in your mind or only expressing it in words alone write it all down and read it aloud back to yourself and get into the feelings it generates. Just watch how much of a difference this will make for you.

Naps are wonderful tools to use especially if your day iz not going as well as you had hoped it would or could be used to enhance your experience. Sleep iz awesome because it brings us back to the path of least resistance and our mind can go back to creating the best possibilities for us while we are sleeping or just napping we cannot form any resistance to any of it because we are not using our conscious mind which has merged with the subconscious mind and they are working together as one.
Not only do I move into the state of being with this statement but I intend to feel that state of being within myself. That's when I shift my awareness to my body starting with my hands. I just put all my attention onto my hands and feel the energy underneath the skin.

You can do this now to see for yourself by closing your eyes and center your entire attention on your hands and feel the energy under your skin. You can then move your awareness down to your feet, feel that energy then move it into your legs, your groin, abdomen, chest, arms, shoulders, neck, head and then finally to your body as a whole stopping to feel each part you shift your awareness to as you go and it will be easy to expand it to feeling the whole energy field you are manifesting as your body. You are now aware of the energy you are feeling in this moment within your own field of energy that makes up your body. Isn't this awesome? 

Now once you have set an intention for being in a specific state of being and you have moved into that state of being, you can know that you have succeeded in reaching that state by feeling the energy that iz working to produce your emotions within your energy field. What does the state of being feel like for you that you want to experience? Once you begin to move into that state you can feel it. If you don't then you are putting up resistance. You can either investigate your beliefs and change those beliefs with whatever process works best for you to reprogram your subconscious mind or you can choose another state of being that you won't form any resistance to.

If you doubt any of this which I have explain thus far then you are going to have a problem grasping this. You are not going to experience this. Keep in mind that even though you may not be experiencing any of this for yourself there will be many who do understand it and because they do grasp it well they will experience it for themselves. Don't be so quick to limit yourself and others or consider it something too hard for you to experience. You can experience this, if you want to.

Those who do innerstand this will be able to make use of all this information I am sharing but those who doubt it have a decision to make, disregard this and move on, or if you want to understand it better then start researching in the areas you want more understanding in. If you know what area you lack understanding in feel free to ask and I will be glad to point you in the right direction as I am sure others will be happy to assist you as well. I am not currently coaching but will be taking on clients in the near future when I have more time for that. But I digress.

Doubting very well may block people from feeling their own energy field. Some fail to understand that our bodies are vibrating energy fields of frequency and are not physically solid or static. This has been scientifically proven for many decades so you may want to update your knowledge to what iz scientifically agreed upon today. Your beliefs may have come from having received information reading and studying outdated text books and your awareness needs to be updated. Those who know their bodies are comprised of energy will be able to feel the energy moving about in their field.

Some people think they are the energy itself but that's not entirely accurate, the body iz made of energy while we are the consciousness, the self-awareness, the observer, the watcher and overseer of the body. We have a body but we are not a body, we are not limited to being a body or a biological life form, we have always been more spirit than a physical form which the term "physical" iz not as agreed upon as many seem to believe. It's still very much contested but most scientists use the term loosely today.

The body has it's own consciousness and it communicates with us but if we believe we are the body then we, as consciousness, have formed an attachment to a false identity with our body and though we may still feel the energy within the body we will not be in as good communication or in communion with our body as we could be. It's not a bad thing to beat yourself up over, just realize you could be in better alignment with your body and your Higher Self and have open communication with all that you truly are. Play your position and allow the body to play it's position as the Higher Self allows us, the 3rd dimensional self-awareness to play it's position freely. A linebacker would not do very well trying to play the quarterback's position. As a football team each player focuses on playing his own position not the position of his teammates. It's the same within our being, we play our own position but if we meddle in the position of others then we are not going to be on the same page and confusion iz going to cause a lot of problems for everyone.

When you express your intended state of being all of you, your whole being of all that you are, will work together as one being, like a football team, with the least possible resistance and we will flow as one entity. 
When I make this statement in my declaring my intention that I am choosing to be and going to be moving into this state of being "unbelievably blessed" I am sending out the memo to the rest of my being that we are going to shift as a whole now. They immediately start getting into alignment. 



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Image result for beingness
Image result for beingness

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.


"My state of being today iz unbelievably blessed. I am unbelievably blessed now."
This statement iz my declaration of my intention iz now consciously set and in action. I am now acting on it. I am NOW being unbelievably blessed. I have moved out of want and desire and have assumed my desire as already being fulfilled, not believing that it will be fulfilled later as that will keep me from assuming the state of being. I am that state of being unbelievably blessed now.

As I mentioned earlier the Higher Self assumes that state of being instantaneously, it immediately moves into the state of being unbelievably blessed and every other level under the Higher Self iz coming into alignment. So long as their isn't any resistance all will align itself with my desire which the Higher Self iz already in that state of being. It's already done. I don't have to wait for any reason at all. The Higher Self iz not a separate version of you, it iz you. When it changes it calls the rest of you into alignment with what you already are on a higher level of consciousness.

If you have any cognitive dissonance with the state of being you want to move into then there iz going to be resistance within you. You are holding onto contradict beliefs. The resistance offers you an opportunity by bringing that resistance to the forefront of your awareness that you are not in alignment with who you are wanting to be. This iz a great thing to occur because it's not an obstacle preventing you at all, it's offering you an opportunity to deal with your limiting or contradicting beliefs that do not serve you in who you are wanting to be.

If you are malleable with your beliefs then making changes and reflecting on your beliefs iz simple for you to do. However if you are rigid with your beliefs you are more than likely attached to them and are not willing to change or bend them and therefore you are going to experience resistance. In resistance you will feel discomforted because you are fighting against yourself and not taking responsibility for who you are being which iz not in alignment with who you are desiring to be.

Who are you being now? Who are you desiring to be now? Do they match? If so then you will become what you desire easily and effortlessly with the least possible resistance. The more resistance you have the harder it will be to move into that state. The more attached you are to your beliefs the more resistance you will experience in shifting into a desired state of being. Pay attention to your outcomes as they can be used to guide you into making the necessary changes to become who you truly want to be. The only limitations you have are those you create for yourself and refuse to change them. Beliefs are only thoughts that we keep thinking and believe are true. We can absolutely change them for whatever reason we so choose. 
My use of "now" iz to deliberately bring it all into the present moment. I am now presently aware that I am unbelievably blessed. I use "today" in the sense of the allotted time until whenever I decide it's time to call it a day and go to sleep but today iz just a useful illusion and now iz all there ever truly iz. The time iz always now, one long eternal continuum of infinity unfolding. Every "day" I use as a new opportunity to shift to a new state of being. We all are doing this whether we are conscious of it or not. No one iz excluded.

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Image result for beingness + now
Image result for beingness + now
Image result for beingness + now

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.


"As within so without. As above so below. All iz one. It iz done!"
This statement iz my declaration of faith. That what my being has agreed upon iz already done. There's no waiting for my prayer or desire to be fulfilled, it already iz so. All iz in alignment within my being and the fullness of my being iz all in alignment who I intended to be. My intended state of being iz presently activated. I do not look to external circumstances or wait for others to notice my state of being. As a matter of fact, I don't really care if others notice it or not because I am not doing it for them. If they notice my state of being that's pretty awesome in itself. People do notice at times.

"Wow, you sure are happy today iZUHM!" 

"Yeah I am happy and grateful. Actually, I am ecstatic and unbelievably blessed! Thanks for noticing! I love expressing my gratitude!"
"As within so without."
My inner space iz projecting my outer space, the world outside of me. 
"As above so below."
My Higher Self iz in alignment with my Lower Self. My entire being iz in agreement and will work together in the same state of beingness. 
"All iz One."
Pretty self explanatory. 
"It iz done!"

Just like it's often said in a prayer. Christians will often say "Amen" after a prayer which means "it iz done" or "so be it." Whatever we believe something to mean iz our truth. We can give a different meaning to a word and will experience it as we believe it to mean even if it's in error with the agreed upon meaning of the collective.

Just for the purpose of sharing more insight I would like to point out that the word "Amen" was borrowed by Amun, an ancient God of Kemet, today known as Egypt. I am by no means saying they are wrong for using "Amen" in closing their prayers nor am I encouraging anyone to use this information to attack Christians. As I already said it means what they believe it to mean and they have every right within their free will to use it as they please and to define it as they want it to mean.

I have many very enlightened and loving friends who happen to be Christians and I think very highly of them and I love them and I will not condone any disrespect shown to them. My only purpose for sharing this background information iz offer some further insight on the original meaning of "Amen, nothing more.

Understand this before you judge anyone as being "wrong" or "evil" that you are projecting that which iz within you into the world. What you perceive of the external world doesn't come from the outside world it always comes from within yourself. If your perceive someone as being evil you are merely seeing your own reflection in them, you are not seeing them as they truly are. Love conquers and God iz love, and everything iz God. Be real careful who you judge because it's YOU who you are judging, not them.
According to Ancient History Encyclopedia:
Amun (also Amon, Ammon, Amen) is the ancient Egyptian god of the sun and air. He is one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt who rose to prominence at Thebes at the beginning of the period of the New Kingdom(c.1570-1069 BCE). He is usually depicted as a bearded man wearing a headdress with a double plume or, after the New Kingdom, as a ram-headed man or simply a ram, symbolizing fertility in his role as Amun-Min. His name means "the hidden one," "invisible," "mysterious of form," and unlike most other Egyptian gods, he was considered Lord of All who encompassed every aspect of creation. Source: https://www.ancient.eu/amp/1-10203/
With that said I prefer to say "It iz done." Use whatever works best for you. This works wonders for me.

It iz my an acknowledgement of faith that whatever I agree upon with all of my being and fully trusting the Divine, which at the very core of all that iz, iz our very foundation. Without the Divine nothing could be, nothing could even declared at all, nor could we move in and out of states of being. There would be no creating or consciousness for that matter. The divine iz not outside of us or up in the sky above us, it iz within us and it iz us, there iz no separation. Everything iz an expression divine Absolute. The beingness and I Amness that iz within all iz all within the Absolute. The Absolute iz everything and nothing at the same time.

It iz the Absolute who declared all things "good" and rested after creating all that makes it possible for us to create. When I say it iz done, before I can even imagine it iz done, the Absolute rendered and declared it iz done and being "good."

It iz done. The only thing that could disrupt that from occurring iz doubting it iz done. However, in our doubting it iz done iz our creating that it isn't done. We created the doubt and thus we have the doubt as our end result. It iz done or it iz not done but even in the "not being done" you can see it iz still done. No matter what we will even if we are "not willing" we are still willing. Lack doesn't exist, all there iz iz abundance. Abundance continues even in our creating illusions of lack, it's still abundance underneath the lack. 
Image result for as above so below meaning
Image result for as above so below meaning
Image result for it is done
Image result for if any two shall agree

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.


"I am unbelievably blessed." 
"I Am" iz the most powerful words in the universe. It iz the divine presence within every form. It iz the divine infinite Source agreeing that what we have created iz considered good and pleasing the I AM THAT, I AM iz with who we are being. And I today am being "unbelievably blessed." 
Image result for i am name of god + wayne dyer
Image result for i am name of god + wayne dyer

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.


Recommending reading: His Name


Note: I will adding more reading material here that relates to all that I shared in this thread. 

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.

Image result for beingness + now

Image result for beingness + now

Related image


End of thread. Feel free to add what you like. I will make edits to what I have already posted tomorrow so please do come back and see what I have added. 

Good intentions for you all!!

There’s no such thing as fiction. Our experiences are constructed within our own imagination. What we believe iz possible iz what we’ll experience. The life we’re living now iz only imagined in some of the minds of other infinite parallel versions of you.


Hello iZ, I want to share again how awesome the material you share is, and of course how awesome you are.

Time is a funny thing... I choose to create more time and space for the wonderful things you share. That is my intention!



This is 1 of my favorites I AM  for allowing Good to emanate from me:9a887a6ff29e796577f7f1f09f66430d.jpg


My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

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