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sharon529's Profile

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Profile Views:2007
Location:Cocoa, Florida
Last Seen:on 16/06/2012
mindful Since:July 2008

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Lee cathie
sharon529 is a proactive, positive person just like yourself!
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sharon529's 152 Affirmations

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6 posts

you are loved and blessed by God. you see a great change in your in your life. You will definitely get a wonderful and desired partner very soon.

good luck, Sandhya.

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33 posts

You are highly favoured and loved by God, Behold your desired partner! Yes he is right in front of you. Wish U both enternal happiness Amen.

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6 posts

Just wanted to share how God brought my guy into my life.I was giving my 2 grandkids that I raised back to their father, recently remodeled my 2nd home which was quite large, the person that I was dating then broke off with lived 2 doors down, my dad aked me what I was going to do, long story shortened I prayed about it and just knew that in faith that God had a plan for me.. I got into PC and decided that meeting new people to date was not in church,grocery stores, thru friends, so I decided to take an adventure and went on line. Of course I had on paper and in thought what I wanted in a mate. So with my desires I took this to God and explained what I wanted then added unless you have someone else in mind. I received some emails listened to my gut feelings went on dates was ready to say foget it when low an behold along came him… Now I knew God had a plan… long story short. When we finally met I knew I really knew that this was my man, can’t put into words how, just a feeling…. we had dinner, talked for hrs. like we were old friends… to later find out we had met a while back that is another story… any way after dating and now being together for 5 yrs now we got engaged. We kid each other all the time saying isn’t it wonderful how we bumped into each other. God works wonders not in my time but his. Ask n you shall receive. You will get your love keep up the affirmation and have faith.

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