Posted on 17/05/2016. Last edited on 30/09/2016.
So it always happens…. The new year comes and you have tons of goals that you plan on achieving in the year and when you first start out you are focused and determined to reach them. Then something happens… LIFE. Everyday things seem to get you off track from your goals and push it further back into the distance until it ends up on your list of things to do down the road. This could be eating right, working out, starting that new project, starting that new business, or whatever it may be. What I have found when it comes to people I know myself personally is that we don’t have a way of keeping our goals right in front of us. Now people do the first thing and write down their goals, but then what do they do? They put the paper in a desk or it gets lost in other paper work or gets thrown away by mistake. The goal to keeping your goal on your mind is to find a way to make sure that you are reminded about it everyday and you are taking steps to reach it.
So I have challenged myself with this and I also challenge you…
1. What is your main two goals that you would like to achieve before the year is up? WRITE IT DOWN ON PAPER AND THE DATE YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE IT COMPLETED…
2. Place this paper somewhere you will see it everyday no matter what. (ex. bathroom mirror, on the freg, even make a screen saver on your phone with you goals, ect)
3. Make a vision board with affirmations and pictures of your goal(s). The vision board does not have to be big. In fact, I bought a 2 dollar pocket notebook from Office Depot and have added pictures and affirmations to it as well as my goals so I can always carry it with me.
4. If you are more into technology, make a digital vision board. Add your favorite music, your pictures, and whatever else you want. You can even photoshop pictures of yourself into certain pictures.
5. Spend time each day visualizing yourself already having reached your goals and what you would feel like
6. Create an action plan… If your goal is midsize to large, break it down it subtasks. This will make things seem more doable and have dates as well for these smaller sub-goals.
7. Most important, TAKE ACTION TO REACH YOUR GOALS AND HAVE FUN DOING SO!! Going after your goals is something many people don’t actually do. If you ask someone what their goals are, they can give you a list an arm long, but ask them what steps have they taken to actually reach them or have they written down a game plan.
As many people have said
“The road of a thousand miles starts with the first step”
…Or something like that. You get the point! :)
˚Divinely Appreciative
Posted on 21/08/2023.
Success & Freedom always such a
a motivation/inspiration
Thank you S& F for this thread
here is a great mind movie she made years ago , one of many great ones. Hint hint , Success n Freedom - would love 😍more
I will definitely use this thread as an aid/reinforcement for the goals I have decided to reach / accomplish before 2024
And ‘’of course ‘ 😍 SMART Goals
Specific: what specifically needs to be done and time frame
Measurable: date and time/ How will I know I did what I said?
Attainable: Acknowledging how I feel about it all and how doable it really is
Relevant: How important it all is to what I say I want
Time-based: Time I need it done by
“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi
In response to Succes_n_Freedom's post:
I can safely say that your thread fits me to a T!
I spend a lot of time planning on eating right and scheduling an hour of exercise 4 to 5 times a week!
And the truth is - is I enjoy exercising and I sleep great, and love waking up and feeling so very happy that I did what I value: taking care of my health and building endurance.
In response to Peaceful & Trusting's post:
Thank you for finding this and bringing this thread to the top!
Excellent topic!
“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.
˚Divinely Appreciative
Posted on 23/08/2023.
I find what is helping me a lot these days - is allowing myself to pace myself ( giving myself permission for pacing myself w/ loving self talk) & the actual schedule - giving myself much time when needed between activities .
I love this thread - Goals / tasks and allowing the executing of what needs to be done when it needs to be done will always be a part of things. It’s up to me to immerse myself in the whys , the hows & be very peaceful in the process . The busier I get the more important this is to me.
Speaking of goals - this is an awesome informative video, you may 💗 love
“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi
˚Divinely Appreciative
Posted on 26/08/2023.
Today is a great day to view the categories of importance to me, and list a handful of steps to go to next in each area. I am creating brand new enthusiasm
“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – St. Francis of Assisi
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