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★The Official Twitter Thread

Nearly 60 bmindfulers have added twitter to their bmindful profile, and there’s undoubtedly other twitter users on the site so I figured this thread is warranted :)

What is twitter? It’s hard to explain :) Basically it’s a web site where you can set up a blog of sorts, but one that limits your updates to 140 characters.

I understand how daft and useless that sounds, but it really is a fun, addictive and occasionally useful tool.

Twitter has a great community, full of interesting and savvy people. It’s a great way to make and keep up to date with friends and thanks to news sites and the like catching up with technology, it’s also an easy and convenient way to keep up with the goings on around the world.

You can update your twitter from the web site itself, from various programs you can install on your computer, and even from your mobile phone!

It’s an easy way to have constantly updated content on your blog, web site or bmindful profile and every day someone comes up with a new and exciting way to use the twitter data, ie monitoring trends, keeping up with Internet memes and helping spread important news quickly.

Used correctly it can also be an informative productivity tool (of sorts :P) in that it’s enlightening to see how much work you’re actually doing (or NOT doing, as the case may be)

Because it’s so easy and quick to update, it’s also easy to maintain and as long as you’re persistent, it can work out to be a great diary of sorts, which you can look back on and reflect.

So, if you don’t have a twitter account, head over to twitter.com and set one up! If you’re not convinced then take a look at some of the profiles below to see if it’s for you.

If you DO have a twitter account, reply with your username below. I’ll try and keep this top post up to date so that when someone is new to bmindful or twitter they can quickly build up a list of twitter friends and keep up to date with the goings on in the positive affirmation and self development world!

P.S – If you’re still not convinced, or are new to twitter and aren’t quite sure what to do next, check out this post by my fellow Australian Darren Rowse

Also, if you want a daily affirmation delivered via twitter, be sure to follow dlyaffirmations which retweets the daily affirmation from the bmindful Daily Affirmations site.

“How easy it is in our life, to miss what’s being offered.” — Paul Haller

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