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★Opening My Heart ♡

“When your heart speaks, take good notes.” ― Andy Mellon


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    I open my heart and sing the joys of love
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I open my heart, mind and spirit to receive all the good that life has for me

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      The presence of joy is in my heart and abundance of good is in my life.
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      My heart is light. I expect joyfulness in everyone and everything.
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      Today is rich with opportunities and I open my heart to receive them.
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      I find what I seek with my heart.
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      I am fully in charge of my own happiness. I greet this new day with a song of happiness and hope in my heart.
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      I let go of my fears as my heart explodes with newfound joy.
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      I put a smile on my face to express the joy in my heart.
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      When I remember who I truly am, a child of God, God fills my heart.


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    I expect lavish miracles and blessings to unfold in my life today. I am grateful.
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    related threads coming soon:

ad4f62bd884d4e156bd8939617a497ec.jpgI do believe we’re all connected. I do believe in positive energy. I do believe in the power of prayer. I do believe in putting good out into the world. And I believe in taking care of each other. Harvey Fierstein

I Am living a Divine plan


I slow myself to be more loving and compassionate to myself and others.

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    I allow loving gentle energy with myself and others.
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    In learning who others are in the present moment, and learning who I am (as I too am always changing), it is vital I always start with a loving fresh heart-space with each new circumstance…even if it is myself, or interacting with the same person.
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I Am living a Divine plan


A person’s world is only as big as their heart. Tanya A. Moore

  • True love doesn’t come to you, it has to be inside you. – ~Julia Roberts

I Am living a Divine plan


Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. Oprah Winfrey

Love does not only transform our mental/emotional nature, it also involves the physical system of our body which goes through profound changes as well.
David McArthur, The Intelligent Heart

I Am living a Divine plan


In our deepest moments of struggle, frustration, fear, and confusion, we are being called upon to reach in and touch our hearts. Then, we will know what to do, what to say, how to be. What is right is always in our deepest heart of hearts. It is from the deepest part of our hearts that we are capable of reaching out and touching another human being. It is, after all, one heart touching another heart. Roberta Sage Hamilton

I Am living a Divine plan


You may not always be able to feel a deeper heart feeling right away, but stay focused in the heart. The sincerity of your effort can reconnect you to your heart current and start the juices flowing. To plug in, think of someone you love or remember what feels good, maybe a fulfilling experience. Feelings help you remember. Sara Paddison, The Hidden Power of the Heart

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to ‘Just’ For Me’s post:

This part resonates well with me…“What is right is always in our deepest heart of hearts. It is from the deepest part of our hearts that we are capable of reaching out and touching another human being. It is, after all, one heart touching another heart.”

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
Hey there Poppy!(: Thank you for sharing here.

These ideas came to me: from that quote:
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    ….when we are feeling something is right coming from our core, deepest place in our heart/our spirit, we tend to feel capable of reaching out and touching another.

This made me think also…when we start 2nd-guessing ourselves ..2nd-guessing others…..wondering about our worth and if we deserve this or that… reaching out and touching another becomes a challenge.

This is one reason I love affirmations…if I know this intellectually…I can move into more emotion/feeling of it….when I become what it is I’m wanting to be/feel more of

This makes it clear to me, that understanding we are Already…good is so important, and why appreciating and seeing us all as one is vital…There are no personalities in this oneness. We simply are one…and…the good is because we are …and we are always more than what we do.

Then, all our doing is joy…and substance…and just like that… we all are …& it is …all good(:

textileRef:373022876648436f73b2d:linkStartMarker:“And then judgement ceases from that place, except to love…opening our hearts…being love(:

some related thoughts found “ -in Robert’s thread-Learn To Profit From Everything-thread”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4276/learn-to-profit-from-everything#post44072

I Am living a Divine plan

In response to ‘Just’ For Me’s post:

This feeling coming from our core(heart and spirit) is pure love. We all are..and it is …all good?
We are more than what we do… Beyond judgement.. So perhaps we are in tune with pure, absolute love and we loose ourselves in joy and appreciation. There are no personalities in this Oneness?

Therefore, by extension, we are all as one. In the spiritual flow of love.

These are my thoughts on your thoughts.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
If I understand your clarification of my clarifying (smile)…. by extension, we are all as one. In the spiritual flow of love.

…Yes…I believe this. It is necessary (at times) to use our minds more than our hearts to see possibilities of the intentions of others…oh but a web we weave, when we begin to try to figure others out from other places… (the mind…which helps us being right or wrong doesn’t assist)

When we focus on our love, we don’t get caught up in possibilities…the ones we can most likely not know for sure…By focusing on a loving…a oneness… we focus on ourselves …only being…more of this enabling more opportunity to be…to give…to allow. Does this ‘allowing’ mean we condone ‘everything’ we don’t enjoy from others…or even ourselves? Absolutely not. It simply means it matters less…

It is another loving tool for balance, in a world which believes we should know more…be more… it takes the shoulds out…it creates the I Am. It allows others to be as one…

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    I like your statement: So perhaps we are in tune with pure, absolute love and we lose ourselves in joy and appreciation. There are no personalities in this Oneness Yes! I agree with this..I’m sure if I try hard enough, I can find an exception… with some reasoning…in the world somehow/someway/ though for the most part, yes! and yes that is what I’m attempting to find words for(:
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    As sensitive human beings, we can love more by being love. We can be love more by coming from the oneness that we all are love. And yes we lose ourselves (in a positive energy-way) when we come from that place of love.

I think of times…when someone was using sarcasm, or some other obvious unkindness…and how my thoughts turned to protecting myself. When I shifted my attention to my heart place, and saw the oneness, they were just 1 other human being …and I needn’t devote my peace to their personality… I began to focus on moving forward with the love that I already am…and while it wasn’t always a perfect science for all circumstances… all encounters…it led me to more loving places more loving choices, then I would’ve possibly created for myself…my path & others.

I believe some see love as a weakness…a blind spot. I believe it depends on what we’re loving…And if it connects with fear…we don’t choose to connect with a Higher Self/Higher Power/Source. Why want a Greater good if we are feeling stuck believing we are here to protect ourselves from the next harming place? So are we closing ourselves off from being safe, by not focusing on this? I believe not. I believe we end up with less to protect ourselves from, and more that comes our way…that we have previously closed the door. Higher Power=Love. This connection is above all…therefore that includes personalities. thoughts? (:

This is how I ramble before breakfast…who knows maybe after too(: lol

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    I definitely need to work on this so it makes sense to more than me(:
    note to self: reread Tuesday & edit(:

I Am living a Divine plan

We are all Amazing!

Love is the root of all happiness.

Love is the solution.

You opened a window and I can see clearly now.

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy’s post:
came across this heart thread & saw Poppy’s post and how we are all amazing!
I agree! And a gentle shout out there… saying hope you’re having a great summer. We miss you, though always send beautiful blessings your way(:



I Am living a Divine plan

Remember the emphasis on the heart. The mind lives in doubt and the heart lives in trust. When you trust, suddenly you become centered ~ Rajneesh

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

In response to Fly me to the moon's post:

so true!

I Am living a Divine plan

The heart is like a flower. Unless it is open, it cannot release its fragrance into the world ~ Rajneesh

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

In response to Mr Brightside's post:

Much wisdom here.

I Am living a Divine plan



I release any ways I am holding back my feelings!

My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

“Gratitude is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind.” – Lionel Hampton

My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza


Being in touch with your feelings is a very good thing… every time. Feelings come and go, and they aren’t everything, though they are a very helpful guide.

Do I want more of this?

Less of this? 

Or not this at all?

Once I connect, I can allow and decide and have supportive actions to compliment the experiences I prefer.

Inner child stuff is great

I can feel very into things on one level, and my inner kid has more to say on the topic (: I listen and  have compassion for all sides of me. I give myself the support my spirit tells me to include.


My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

When you welcome your emotions as teachers, 
every emotion brings good news, 
even the ones that are painful.

Gary Zukav

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The amount of stress in your life is determined by how much energy you expend resisting your life.

Gary Zukav

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Most people use their energy attempting to rearrange circumstances that trigger painful emotions. Changing external circumstances will not change your rigid patterns of emotional response. That requires looking at the patterns themselves.

Gary Zukav

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Emotional pain of any kind is a reminder to stop and look inside.

Gary Zukav

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A power struggle collapses when you withdraw your energy from it. Power struggles become uninteresting to you when you change your intention from winning to learning about yourself.

Gary Zukav

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If you go deeper and deeper into your own heart, you’ll be living in a world with less fear, isolation and loneliness” – Sharon Salzberg

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My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

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My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

My definition of greatness

is to be greater than your environment,

to be greater than your body,

and to be greater than time.

And if you do, you will be great.

I mean, that’s it!” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

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