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★Heart & Life Health[ takes new intelligence]

So if we can’t express it or repress it, what do we do when we feel angry? The answer is to recognize the anger, but choose to respond to the situation differently. Easier said than done, right? Can you actually imagine trying to strong-arm your anger into another, more amicable feeling? It would never work. Determination alone won’t work. It takes a new intelligence to understand and manage our emotions. By getting your head and heart in coherence and allow-ing the heart’s intelligence to work for you, you can have a realistic chance of transforming your anger in a healthy way.
Doc Childre and Howard Martin, HeartMath Solution

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Your Immune System
Cut-Thru: Here’s a simple exercise adapted from the HeartMath Cut-Thru technique to help you achieve emotional coherence, which has been shown to improve the efficiency of the immune system.

Be aware of how you feel about an issue at hand.
Breathe a positive feeling or attitude.
Be objective, as if the issue or problem is someone else’s.
Rest peacefully in this neutral state, allowing your heart intelligence new perspectives and possibilities.
Soak and relax all resistances and disturbing or perplexing feelings in your heart’s compassion.
Ask for guidance, then be patient and receptive. While awaiting an answer from the heart find something or someone to genuinely appreciate.
In-depth details and a discussion about the Cut-Thru technique are included in a number of HeartMath materials, including the book Transforming Anxiety, The HeartMath Solution for Overcoming Fear and Worry and Creating Serenity, by Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman.

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

When we consciously choose a core heart feeling over a negative feeling, we effectively intercept the physiological stress response that drains and damages our systems and allow the body’s natural regenerative capacities to work for us. Instead of being taxed and depleted, our mental and emotional systems are renewed. As a consequence, they are better able to ward off future “energy eaters” like stress, anxiety and anger before they take hold.
Doc Childre and Howard Martin, HeartMath Solution

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Your emotions affect every cell in your body. Mind and body, mental and physical, are intertwined.

Dr. Thomas Tutko, Father of Sports Psychology

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

We all know people who say: “It’s the principle of the matter” to justify sustaining toxic emotions for years. As they hold onto their anger or hurt, they bleed away their energy reserves, often ending up bitter and depressed. Doc Childre and Howard Martin, HeartMath Solution

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Generally, appreciation means some blend of thankfulness, admiration, approval, and gratitude. In the financial world, something that “appreciates” grows in value. With the power tool of appreciation, you get the benefit of both perspectives: as you learn to be consistently thankful and approving, your life will grow in value.

Doc Childre and Howard Martin, HeartMath Solution

What you put out comes back. The more you sincerely appreciate life from the heart, the more the magnetic energy of appreciation attracts fulfilling life experiences to you, both personally and professionally. Learning how to appreciate more consistently offers many benefits and applications. Appreciation is an easy heart frequency to activate and it can help shift your perspectives quickly. Learning how to appreciate both pleasant and even seemingly unpleasant experiences is a key to increased fulfillment. Doc Childre and Sara Paddision, HeartMath Discovery Program

Why do I feel so loving now?

Why do I feel so joyful now?

Why do I feel so safe?

Why do I feel so loved?

Why do I feel so supported?

Why do I feel so open now?

Why do I feel worthy now?

Why do I feel so tranquil?

Why am I so forgiving now?

Why am I so grateful?

Why am I peaceful and calm?

Why am I so light-hearted?

I am accepting, peaceful and loving!

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Emotions, Sensations ,
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Emotions, Sensations ,
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