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★Take Time [To Engage in a Beat Of Your Own]

thread from 2014 to soon be updated


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There are some great timers already posted on Bmindful/Internet,though this one appealed to my inner child(:
30 sec timer [also makes a great auditory metronome]

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Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

speaking of metronomes

…….Use an audible second-ticking clock or a metronome stroking at 60 beats per minute. Assume a comfortable position in a chair or a bed, and achieve a self-hypnotic state. After getting into a deeply relaxed state, your heartbeat will entrain itself to the slow rhythm of 60 beats per minute. Concentrate on deep rhythmic breathing and clear your mind to allow your brain waves to also slow down.

…….You can memorize and say the following statements to yourself or you can put them on a cassette tape for playback when you’re relaxed.

….Now begin using the following suggestions on yourself:
1) I am feeling good. I am feeling wonderful.

  • ** * ~~ ✰~~
    2) The beats are slowing now — slower – slower.
  • ** * ~~ ✰~~
    3) The time between each beat is seeming longer and longer.
  • ** * ~~ ✰~~
    4) I am relaxed and I have lots of time.
  • ** * ~~ ✰~~
    5) Time is only relative to what I want it to be.
  • ** * ~~ ✰~~
    6) Each stroke is further and further apart now.
  • ** * ~~ ✰~~
    7) There is lots of time.
  • ** * ~~ ✰~~
    8) I feel so relaxed and at peace with myself.
  • ** * ~~ ✰~~
    9) Time is slowing down.
  • ** * ~~ ✰~~
    10) Each beat of the metronome feels distantly separated.
    ……Repeat the above suggestions or similar ones over and over to yourself until you “feel” that each click of the metronome is spaced between 2 – 4 minutes apart. Bring into mental focus the material you want to review and say the following:
  • ** * ~~ ✰~~
    1) I have plenty of time to review this.
  • ** * ~~ ✰~~
    2) Every time I do this, I improve myself and my performance.
  • ** * ~~ ✰~~
    3) I am relaxed and taking my time.
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    4) The more I practice, the easier it becomes.
  • ** * ~~ ✰~~
    5) I am feeling good and experiencing no hurry.
  • ** * ~~ ✰~~
    6) I have all the time that I need to accomplish this review.
  • ** * ~~ ✰~~
    7) I am completing my review.
    …….At this suggestive state of mind, you can review any material you wish in a matter of seconds over and over again. By being relaxed and saying to yourself that you have lots of time, your mind does indeed ‘create’ lots of time.
  • ** * ~~ ✰~~ You work at optimal levels of efficiency when you are relaxed and enjoying yourself.
  • ** * ~~ ✰~~ The more you practice this exercise, the easier it will become. Bring yourself out of the self-hypnotic state by counting backwards from 10 to 1 and then progressively awaken. Always give yourself a post-hypnotic suggestion that the next time that you want to experience self-hypnotic time distortion, it will be easier and faster to undergo. You can even create a tape for yourself with the above suggestions.
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Meditation In a Moment 5 min 35 sec
Learn to meditate in a moment with this hugely popular animated video

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Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ :Timer

related thread you may enjoy:
threadMaking Friends With Time

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Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Other excerpts of articles you may enjoy by Melvin D. Saunders (author of time distortion exercise in post 2)
Embrace Stress As A Friend

  • ~
    Increase Your Energy Increase Your Health
    …….. To bring balance and harmony in your life, associate yourself with factors that will benefit and help you. Do things with a total involved feeling of enjoyment rather than a mechanistic or disheartened feeling. Every time you harmonize your energy system with wholesome food, natural fiber clothing, a positive attitude, controlled deep breathing and relaxation, the easier it is to draw from the universal energy well. The more you increase your energy amplitude, the better able you are to withstand the detrimental factors of pathogenic cellular invaders, pollution and accidental injury. After maximizing your internal energy amplitude, synchronizing your energy with the energy of the universe brings about an inner feeling of oneness and peace. You can proceed through your day in a relaxed, powerful way! A man changes the world every time he changes himself.

Self Healing
……..As an exercise to revitalize your overall condition, assume a comfortable, relaxed position and take a few deep, abdominal breaths. Close your eyes and relax all parts of your body progressively from your toes to your head. Begin breathing slowly through your nose and say to yourself, “I am breathing in vital, health-giving, positive energy.” Visualize a positive current of bright, yellow sun energy flowing through you with a tingling sensation, and radiating from every pore in your body. Feel yourself filling with love, appreciation, joy, compassion, forgiveness and contentment. Now slowly exhale through your mouth and say to yourself, “I am exhaling stale, devitalized, negative energy.” Visualize a negative current of cool, blue moon energy being expelled from your body. Feel yourself letting go of all fear, anger, guilt, depression, worry, loneliness and harmful emotion. Visualize yourself with a complete body and mind that is whole and well. Notice the mental clarity, and relish the experience of freedom, joy and personal power spreading over you. Do this energizing technique at least 10 minutes in the beginning of each day or whenever you feel down or “under the weather” in some way. You’ll feel immediate benefits from it.

  • ~
    ……Many people get so “stuck” in daily routines and knee-jerk patterns of behavior that they often never see the many opportunities and alternatives around them every day. To begin the process of stimulating your 100% brain, practice the following 7 brain gymnastic drills for seven days and see for yourself the progress you can make in such a short span of time. Each drill touches upon a different area of your brain.

1) Get used to your body in new ways. Switch your handedness and comb your hair, brush your teeth, stir your coffee or do other simple tasks with your non-dominant hand. Close your eyes and “sense” your way slowly around a room. Get truly conscious of the sounds and smells in the space around you. Also, use your feet to pick up things, flush the toilet or close a door. Read a page in a book held vertically and then upside down!

2) Where normally you would criticize someone, find something to compliment them on instead! Suspend your judgment about that person as well, and view him (her) as simply another human being with different viewpoints than your own.

3) Look in your refrigerator briefly, but thoroughly. Then close the door and enumerate the items contained therein. Do the same with a room of your house, a store front window or a detailed picture on the wall.

4) For 5 minutes every day, put yourself in another person’s shoes and view things from another person’s perspective for a change and see how it feels. Suspend your judgment about that person as well. Pretend you’re an actor and taking on the part of that person in exact demeanor and manner. Feel how it feels!!

5) Whenever you catch yourself worrying, doubting or looking down on yourself, think instead of what you most want out of life in complete detail, and affirm to yourself the achievement of same. Replay this positive inner movie whenever negative thoughts intrude during your day.

6) At the end of every daily hour, review what happened to you during the previous 60 minutes. This is good practice for getting more mindful throughout your day, and should only take seconds to do. At day’s end, mentally review all the events that happened to you throughout the day up to your present point. Memory gaps about your day’s events reveal unconscious moments.

7) To develop flexibility and adaptability to change in your life, do something different every day. Shop at a different store. Take a different route home. Bake a pie or a loaf of bread. Involve yourself in a new game or sport, like roller skating, bowling, karate or sky diving. Introduce yourself to a new neighbor. Sameness every day is a death knell to your brain. For more complete usage of your brain, diverse stimulation is the key. It also gets you unstuck from habits and ruts that are bringing you unfavorable results.

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100% Brain Course Home Page: http://www.mind-course.com/index.html

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

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