Posted on 20/08/2012. Last edited on 05/02/2019.
Law of attraction tips provide information on the laws of attraction.When people hear about the law of attraction or The Secret they get exited and start applying the law. Many people aren’t getting the results they want and some may find themselves further away from what they want to achieve. The problem for example, many may be telling themselves over and over again in their mind a goal they have is coming true but they may not be taking action necessary to make this happen.
►• And no one will listen to us until we listen to ourselves. MARIANNE WILLIAMSON
This point that you’ve shared so well, is the part of change many are always leading up to or omit. Words are powerful. Action is a large part of the formula.
Often things happen for our betterment that we don’t plan. I believe this is the premise that has led individuals to believe that action on our part is not required. When we do our part, we create the flow that invites great things to come to us… That is how I sum it & perceive it…(:
True footwork…toward areas we desire… when tangible to our being… gives our words we speak to ourselves credibility, and gives us reason to believe with our whole being. I say true footwork, because a vision board conditions the process…though…action initiates and brings things to life.
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Sandonwilson, Thank you for this thread. And welcome to bmindful!!!
Life teaches me
now that I am an
immensely powerful
spiritual being