˚ Calm Achiever
Posted on 15/11/2010. Last edited on 10/05/2016.
Affirmations and how we speak to ourselves aren’t everything..though a very powerful element to living life well.
Let’s discuss how we use affirmations in everyday life, and what else we do to make life more than just ‘existing’ for newcomers to the site, and as a refresher to those who’ve gotten complacent with daily ‘work’.
Sometimes when some of us get excited about the power in words, and share our experiences here, I get the impression..that some believe since we put out the vibes..that’s it. Yes..yes..big part of things..Though it is like filling up your tank with the most quality gasoline,in a car you let sit for too long, or an old clunker (sp?) car that you don’t maintain, and/or don’t take the time to learn to drive well.
Put great words in a great self..by doing things that support your need/desire. What do you want/need? Why don’t you have it yet? What are you willing to do/be/change/add/lessen/stop/start to get it?
Posted on 15/11/2010. Last edited on 16/11/2010.
I agree Laurie that it really is about “the daily work”. I came across the word “actfirmation” online recently (brilliant word, wish I’d first thought of it). Actfirmations are the daily actions we need to perform to support our affirmations…the daily rituals.
It’s as you said, “Put great words in a great self..by doing things that support your need/desire.”
Perhaps we could start a new thread entitled, ‘What are the daily rituals you perform to reinforce your affirmations’. I would love to know what others are doing besides affirmations to reinforce their positive self-talk…what do you think? Love and light. :)
˚ Calm Achiever
Posted on 16/11/2010. Last edited on 13/11/2015.
Life Purpose
Friends and Family
Love and Intimacy
I’ve always loved it. I know you will too. AffirmationsTV, wherever you are, you and your site are phenomenal (: And the videos I can still locate are great!
Affirmations TV a member who frequented Bmindful…
Here are some videos she has created
Affirmations for Self-Empowerment and Success
Affirmations For Procrastination
Affirmations to Overcome Adversity
Affirmations to Help You Believe You Can Achieve Your Goals
Affirmation For Unstoppable Success
Affirmation for Persistence
Affirmations to Visualise Your Goals and Dreams
Affirmations – Exercise is my friend
will post more soon(:
Posted on 16/11/2010.
Fabulous Laurie…here are a few things I do to reinforce my affirmations:
1. When I’m asked “How are you Linda?” Instead of saying “not bad” I always respond with a really positive word like, “fabulous” or “perfect” or “amazing”
2. I repeat the following mantra as soon as I step outside…“Every, day and in every way my life is getting better and better”. I do this so often that I don’t even have to think about it anymore, it happens automatically as soon as my feet hit the pavement/sidewalk.
3.I make business card sized affirmation cards that I create on my PC and then laminate, I stick them around my home in prominent places…I also give them away to family and friends who request them.
4. Creating a website dedicated to affirmations has been my most important ritual thus far because it helps me stay committed to working with affirmations every day.
Posted on 22/11/2010.
I guess I don’t get what I get because I just have no time to get it. Is there any affirmation to reduce work load? So now, why do I work so hard? Err.. because it keeps me from wallowing in depression and self pity. So, what sort of affirmation can I use?
Posted on 11/05/2012.
It is sort of simple. Somebody had to WRITE DOWN (action) The Gospel, for anybody to be able to read it. If action was not required, how were you born? Was no action involved there?
Posted on 11/05/2012.
let there be light[words].then there was light[action]
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