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🎯Match 2024 Charles Hannel Quotes page 1


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HELLO EVERYONE! {thread in process-though please join in anytime}


FEEL FREE TO share and CHANGE IT UP with posts from your spirit (affirmations, intentions,quotes, comments)

.please join in anytime!diary_em_hart.gifblessings


My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

Image result for harmony quotes

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

Harmony in the world within

means the ability to control our thoughts,

and to determine for ourselves

how any experience is to

affect us. Charles Hannel


My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

Mental efficiency

is contingent upon harmony;

discord means confusion;

therefore, he who would acquire power must be in harmony with Natural Law. Charles Haanel


My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)


We are related to the world without by the objective mind. The brain is the organ of this mind and the cerebro-spinal system of nerves puts us in conscious communication with every part of the body. This system of nerves responds to every sensation of light, heat, odor, sound and taste.Charles Haanel


My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

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