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🌈February 2024 Where You Are & Where You Decide To Be

Call this your peacefully & mindfully evolving thread 

as your spirit sees you





The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.





931320811a09edc359fadb2e52c6f7a6.jpg"We need to change the way we view our challenges"

R'Ofer Erez


The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

    •         “Winners compare their achievements with their goals, while losers compare their achievements with those of other people.”               

— Nido Qubein                                                                                                                                       


“Don’t compare yourself negatively with the giants or anyone else, rather, use them as models. Then get on with whatever it is you can accomplish with your life, and give it everything you have.”— Dr. Irene Kassorla


12205f2413ecf719bc071bf2e166531c.jpgWhatever level you are on, despite every problem you face, you can choose the good.





The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.







if we were asked the question BY the MOST HIGH...HOW DID YOU LIVE THIS YEAR, HOW WOULD THIS PRECIOUS QUESTION BE ANSWERED? 72ec65efb959f325e1b4717e3b1330d7--jewish-art-personal-development.jpg



Wonderful  question!


  What are you willing to see? What are you willing to know? Are you willing to value the 'information' you have begun to realize already?

Have you come across some ideas that have opened you up to better better way to live ...to engage in your life?

Where would you like to focus?

What have you learned where not to allow your energy or focus? And how has this worked for you so far?


  Is this a time when you are desiring to connect more to your HIGHER POWER OF YOUR UNDERSTANDING?

   Is this a time you are willing to be more in touch with your Soul...your Essence?
  • ~

    ??? s and answers and thoughts






Because it gives me full satisfaction in mind, body and spirit. It creates an inner joy to outer joy.



And that is my truth



Or are you feeling the joy of being an intentional human being who truly did their best, and simply and powerfully have decided -you want to listen and hear how to advance to living with even more love as a response to all that comes your way?








With respect to this line of thought:

"Think of what you have to accomplish as it pertains to this day -more than this you do not have"Mohoresh





cbfbd51670ffda626f808fa61b6b088e.jpgLimit yourself to only dealing with the present.






Hmmm just a thought ..,





The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.



The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

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