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🌈February 2024/ Ease Into Everything - Fun Belly Flop

ღMy heart knows the path, and being heart centered I quickly receive full view of awesome.

ღI follow my heart and feel a sense of freedom, awe and release

ღI Am creativity, kindness, love, beauty, expansion, unlimited abundance and receptivity.

ღWhatever I need is simply there when I need it.

ღI allow myself to be in and feel perfect peace.

ღI efficiently transition into each new activity, fully knowing and trusting that my consciousness will adapt, overcome, and enjoy each present circumstance.


ღI feel motivated and inspired now for those awesome things which create the life I love!!!


__________________linked affirmations in process

I give thanks for the simplicity which enriches my life.

I allow myself a flow of actionable steps to joyfully glide through.


Start over - & ease into whatever it is you are doing 

As a kid, I loved the diving board … & believe it or not … loved the belly flop 

It sounded hard , looked like I was such a risk taker

( made a loud noise)

& my belly was all red ever 

Though it didn’t hurt at all … It actually made me lol & I wanted to do it again.

As I have gotten a bit older - just like when I was a child … I didn’t want things to hurt & I enjoy making myself 😂 lol… Though it is a mindful indulgence . 

Laughing now - has much to do with being on track … with my life stuff & then making it creative , on my terms & never at the expense of others - - everyone wins .. win win .

To do that - comes from

my spirit / my heart & yes planning action 

Did I say planning & action


much of that 


easy like 



it’s not

See the source image


thought for the day:
“Always remember, joy is not incidental to spiritual quest. It is vital.”
~ Nachman of Breslov


Productivity Ease Affirmations

I flow thru life-life is loving me. I am EASE💐     I find it easy and enjoyable to live life very very well daily💞


thought for the day:
“Always remember, joy is not incidental to spiritual quest. It is vital.”
~ Nachman of Breslov



thought for the day:
“Always remember, joy is not incidental to spiritual quest. It is vital.”
~ Nachman of Breslov

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