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🌈February 2024/ Personality


Are you happy with your personality ?

Are you aware of your personality ?

Are there things you enjoy about your personality ?

What would you like to change about your personality ? How do you propose you will change these things? And when will you start this?

What is most important to you about how you come across to yourself & or others ? 


In response to 🤟 ˚ease's post:

When I think about am I happy w/ my personality , the first thought is … I was for most of my life .

I have gone thru a few life changes that ‘changed a lot ‘ of life for me … I am still me… still desiring to only be myself . I just prefer to really look at what that means at this season of my life.


Am I aware of my personality? I would say I am… though choose to take a closer look these days.

I would say the things I have always enjoyed about my personality… are

my authenticity, my desire to live from my spirit place … not my head .

I was very lively person, and maybe I still am. After a significant loss … I had to become more of a receiver - in life … I enjoyed giving . People say I still do, though desiring to look

in depth

I loved my life the way it was and I am

desiring to authentically see how to love it more now 


What would you like to change about your personality?

To continue  meeting my needs so being a more outwardly giving person

though not at my expense’

Though my focus always has to come from

knowing I am

doing my best for me first 

. It’s hard to be around people & all of their expectations to give as I did /

when in fact I need to win the prize 🏆 of giving to myself first .


How do you propose you will change these things?

After writing - it’s a no brainer 

It’s increasing my self care 

And when will you start this? It’s already a done deal (:

this is a question I  will give some thought to :

What is most important to you about how you come across to yourself & or others ? 




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