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Newest in May 2023★ Non-material trumps material

My body is definitely aging, but, my peace is getting stronger as I age. Recently I was thinking about crossing over, something I seem to do more and more of lately. I don't worry about it too much. No point in worrying about it anyway, it's a journey we all gotta take at some point. Our bodies wear out, many folks have real physical issues, but, everything, and I mean it, at least I think I mean it... everything in the world that matters is non-material. Beyond a few comforts that the physical body needs and wants, nothing physical in this world really matters, and those few things ONLY matter because of this physical existence. The things and are right and wrong in the world boil down to non-physical stuff. I guess an exception would be made for true mental illness. But, it seems like most of the ills in this world come from emotional woes and lack of wisdom, and most of that, it seems like is by the design of emotionally sick people. Greed. The need to control people and rule over them. Instead of teaching children to read and right so that they can learn how to think for themselves, they are indoctrinated. We were too. I guess most people never escape it. Those who have all the material stuff already, at least it seems like most of them, at least the ones running the bureaucracy seem to either like it that way, or can't/won't do anything to fix it. I guess many of them are just cogs in the machine. But, doesn't it seem like those on the tv screen, many of the unelected, simply have either no logic or more often no good character at all. Who raised these people? Are they put in charge of stuff BECAUSE they lack good character? I'm just thinking out loud on the forum, I used to do it a lot, but, mostly I just keep my thoughts to myself these days. I'm at peace mostly, but, the burden of this material world does make me weary. I'm sure it does the same to many of you. We can make the burden a little lighter when we listen to children laugh, do or say something kind to/for someone, enjoy a good movie or book, or engage in something that gives our lives a little meaning like playing a guitar or tending a garden, maybe volunteering somewhere or building a shed. I think that is mostly where it is at. Not saying don't work or engage with the world. Work and interacting with the world is important, studying and moving toward being a better person, it is important... but, the real stuff, the stuff that really matters... it's not material, it's immaterial.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to Smart_Routines_With_Enthusiasm's post:

While it’s pretty early by me, and about to go back & get a bit more rest … I felt inspired to read anything you write… I look forward to sharing here … though for right now … I simply want to welcome you back to the forum. Of course you have been missed & appreciated when you stop by.



In response to Smart_Routines_With_Enthusiasm's post:

I like hearing that part about your peacefulness growing as you age.

I feel I may know what you are saying .No matter how our personal lives change and the world changes - awareness of our own freedom to choose how we are going to feel is imperative and yes a much higher plane that the material .

Excellent discussion thread! Thank you for creating it.




I like that. I am thinking of the words "doing" and "being", ... and "trying"... Can we "try" to be spiritual. Sorta' like the phrase "I choose to believe". Can you actually do that? Or is it a Catch 22 type of thing? Doing and Being vs Thinking about. Just a thought.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

Many things come to mind, though a quote passage by Matt Kahn surfaces which seems to say a lot:

While some of our deepest wounds come from feeling abandoned by others, it is surprising to see how often we abandon ourselves through the way we view life. It’s natural to perceive through a lens of blame at the moment of emotional impact, but each stage of surrender offers us time and space to regroup and open our viewpoints for our highest evolutionary benefit. It’s okay to feel wronged by people or traumatized by circumstances. This reveals anger as a faithful guardian reminding us how overwhelmed we are by the outcomes at hand. While we will inevitably use each trauma as a catalyst for our deepest growth, such anger informs us when the highest importance is being attentive to our own experiences like a faithful companion. As waves of emotion begin to settle, we may ask ourselves, “Although I feel wronged, what am I going to do about it?” Will we allow experiences of disappointment or even cruelty to inspire our most courageous decisions and willingness to evolve? When viewing others as characters who have wronged us, a moment of personal abandonment occurs. Instead of remaining present to the sheer devastation we feel, a need to align with ego can occur through the blaming of others. While it seems nearly instinctive to see life as the comings and goings of how people treat us, when focused on cultivating our most Divine qualities, pain often confirms how quickly we are shifting from ego to soul. From the soul’s perspective, pain represents the initial steps out of the identity and reference points of an old reality as we make our way into a brand new paradigm of being. The more this process is attempted to be rushed, the more insufferable it becomes. To end the agony of personal abandonment, we enter the first stage of surrender by asking the following question: Am I seeing this moment in a way that helps or hurts me? From the standpoint of ego, life is a play of me versus you or us versus them. But from the soul’s perspective, characters are like instruments that help develop and uncover the melody of our highest vibration. Even when the friction of conflict seems to divide people, as souls we are working together to play out the exact roles to clear, activate, and awaken our true radiance. The more aligned in Source energy we become, the easier each moment of transformation tends to feel. This doesn’t mean we are immune to disappointment, heartbreak, or devastation. Instead, we are keenly aware of how often life is giving us the chance to grow and expand. A willingness to be stretched and re-created into a more refined form is a testament to the fiercely liberated nature of our soul. To the ego, the soul’s willingness to grow under the threat of any circumstance seems foolish, shortsighted, and insane. This is because the ego can only interpret that reality as worry, anticipation, and regret.

Matt Kahn, Everything Is Here

to Help You: A Loving Guide to Your Soul's Evolution



In response to Smart_Routines_With_Enthusiasm's post:

you said:

I am thinking of the words "doing" and "being", ... and "trying"... Can we "try" to be spiritual. Sorta' like the phrase "I choose to believe". Can you actually do that? Or is it a Catch 22 type of thing? Doing and Being vs Thinking about. Just a thought.


in reference to choose to believe -

to me, choosing

is the first step to counteract any internal resistance, so yes I do believe in choosing to believe.

Doing /action

is more of a process than I believe ‘we’ understand 

For example, 
back later today 




excerpt by Dr. Robert Anthony

It is not your action that makes things happen, it is your intent. You can reduce the need for action to a very minimum by allowing yourself to focus on what you desire until you feel the positive energy begin to move within you. This energy is not based on doubt, fear, anxiety, worry or need. If you focus on what you want instead of what you don't want, you will know when it is time to take action. And when you do, it will be effortless. Doors open and the entire universe will conspire to assist you in your desire.

Put simply, you should take no action on anything until you have visualized your desire and made it real enough in your mind that your next action, whatever it is, seems like the most logical step.

How can you know the next logical step? Here is the test that you can give to yourself before taking any action. If you focus on what you desire and still feel overwhelmed or anxious, then you are not ready for any action. You know you are ready when it feels like the next logical step is effortless. There is no effort, no strain, and no pain.

What we want to do is to use the leverage of energy, the same leverage of energy that creates everything in the universe. However, we are so caught up in the reality of WHAT IS, that we feel we must create everything through mental effort and physical activity.Have you ever seen people who seem to have all the wonderful things in their life without much effort? It almost seems like they have an advantage over everyone else. Then you see the people who work the hardest usually have the least. That doesn't seem fair does it? But that's the way the universe works. Unfortunately, those who work the hardest usually have the least because they haven't learned the leverage of aligning their energy. They are going about creating their lives the hard way. They are relying on only their actions to create what they want.



Love the kinds of discussion threads Bmindful is known for. It’s a mind, body, spirit experience.

Looking forward to more & just

loving who & what’s here & now 

& all over Bmindful . 
love you community !


In response to Smart_Routines_With_Enthusiasm's post:

I just posted this on a new quote thread , though it seemed to go very well I thought with your last post



"The true benchmark of spiritual maturity is how often your words and actions are aligned with love." Matt Kahn


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