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Newest in May 2023★ [1]Today I have decided ….

What have you decided today for your magnificent day?


Today I have decided:

Image result for Dr. Hank affirmations love pics

Today I have decided to increase my momentum

with the beautiful bonus

of things I am choosing to get completed 

to my satisfaction.

Today I have decided

to live up to my soul’s standards.


Today I truly

have decided-and remain true to:


I absolutely


to live in complete abundance



…so I AM.

Today I have decided:






The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

Today I have decided to include

wonderful natural foods -

like apples, banana’s & beautiful salads.


That …I now have the awesome ability

to accomplish tasks of all levels of

emotional & physical

complexity with

uncanny ease.



Today I have decided



Today I have decided

I have endurance , resilience and discipline .


I am who I need and want to be because I value taking care of myself 

Today I Thank my

omnipresent omnipotent

God, Creator of this

unlimited plentiful universe .

I don’t have to be perfect , because thru God I allow what I need.


The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

Today I have decided

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

Today I have decided that everything we do has something in it to celebrate 



The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.



The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

Today I have decided to 



The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

I have decided to make pacing myself & being mindful a forever top value of mine:




The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

See the source image


The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

Maybe "catch my second wind" as it were, and live in the now somehow.

Once you get to know Twain, you’ll never be the same.

In response to Sand and Surf's post:



The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

Today I

have decided to

enjoy the opportunity to create my life in a new way!



The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

Today I decided to love , live & be happy


Anything You Want by Jason Mraz

Life Is Good by Jason Mraz

Today I have decided to allow more happiness in my heart

“When we are happy—

when our mindset and mood are positive—

we are smarter,

more motivated,

and thus more successful.

Happiness is the center,

and success revolves

around it.” – Shawn Achor


The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

That I care deeply about faith, being heart centered , 

Allowing a good


and making & remembering what brings me


I feel & can pass on from my soul


The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

See the source image


The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

Today I have decided to test the Universe and then follow my impulses



Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

Today I have decided to 

to be bold from my heart & soul

& strong enough to live a life I will love 

with my whole heart .





The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

today I have decided:

  1. I am able to envision completing my goal.I live in the now with great expectations for the future
  2. I am enjoying the process of achieving my goals.
  3. I concentrate on my goals
  4. My confidence and competence are  massively improved 

  5. I am now making amazing progress towards all of my goals.

  6. I see in my mind a clear picture of myself having already accomplished my own true goal.
  7. I am motivated by moving towards my goals
  8. I will set goals and see them through to completion



The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

I have decided that every day is my best day ever. 

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to Poppy's post:

refreshingly beautiful!

I am thinking I am ready to do the same(:


The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

Today I have decided to do whatever work’s absolutely best for me. The happier I am the happier I am around everyone & every thing 


The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

In response to Inner/Outer creation's post:

Beautiful thread!

Love your fun and great energy!!

I LOVE that Louis Hays quote:

"I choose to make the rest of my life, the best of my life."


“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

I Create daily memories!

I start each day with gratitude for all that I'm looking forward to creating!

I enjoy daily breaks for inner gratitude lift!

Finding inner Joy supports my being grounded in self care all come together and this all supports me, and I keep my inner energy steady and light!

“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to Life is about making excellent choices!!'s post:

That’s really great:

I Create Daily Memories 

I like that along with:

Today Is My Future 


The easiest way to get love is to express it in everything you do.

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