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★How many issues at a time?

I have four issues that I want to deal with, but how much can the subconscious mind handle at a time?

They are:
1. Eating habits (4 affirmations)
2. Exercising (4 affirmations)
3. Overall confidence (4 affirmations)
4. Friendships (4 affirmations)

The thing is, if I alternate to a new issue every day, then each issue will have gone 3 days without being affirmed. For example, if I affirm my eating habits on Monday, then I won’t do it again until Friday because of the cycle.

So should I only focus one, two, three, or all?

Harry, I’d think 16 is about the max to work on at one time, however, I view your list more like four affirmations. The four affirmations about your eating habits, to me, anyway, is just one affirmation worded in various ways to reinforce the idea. Also, don’t get anxious about it, just relax and let them do their work. I used to have the same concerns as you, I was full of questions and wondering if I was doing it “right”. You are doing it right. You don’t have to “push”, you just have to let it “be”. It will come. Part of using affirmations “effectively” has to do with accepting what “is”. Facing reality. We have to love and accept ourselves as we “are” right now. Once we accept who we are, we are on much more stable ground for making the changes we choose to make. Having said all of that, I like the “balanced” approach, so I think I’d go ahead and work consistently on all four areas each day. Have you made a sleep tape?

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

hi harry ,could you chose one affirmationfrom from each group to use daily .I’m very haphazard with mine and look at them and pick whichever ones jump out at me ,somedays i dont pick any but just tell meyself i’m doing my best – if im really struggling i will say ,i got out of bed and i’m putting one foot in front of the other .When i read all mine i think how lovely life would be if i lived by them all .Sorry i’m waffling on ,play around and see what works for you ,the folks on here are a great help and will give you good ideas ,the main thing is to tell yourself positive things .You could link them together – something like – I eat a healthy breakfast ,then wheni’m walking to work i smile at everyone which will start new freindships .Good luck ,love flowergirl

In response to harry815’s post:
Hi Harry, if you have 4 affirmations for each issue why not use 1 affirmation from each issue everyday that way you will be covering all your issues without having to recite too many affirmations at a time.

Good Luck :) Best78

enjoy life!

So true, flowergirl. I’m often “lazy” about doing my affirmations. The thing is, when I feel “lazy” now, I fully accept that I am feeling lazy. I thoroughly enjoy my “lazyness”. By enjoying my “lazyness” I move through it much faster. I simply accept that I’m being “lazy” right now. I no longer feel guilty or fight with myself over how “I am”. I am no longer the depressed, fearful, media-fed, ego-driven person I used to be. I am far more aware of my “thought” than I used to be and this awareness has helped to bring more peace to my life. I can’t tell you how often now I catch my ego trying to run the show. Often I get these little “butterflies” of joy. I know, I know, “butterflies of joy” sounds kind of mushy, but I can’t think of a better way to describe it. I get a real kick out of catching my ego trying to get away with something.

Don’t know where I’m going with all of this, I just get to rambling sometimes.

The thing is, when you’re doing something, do it. Do that thing. Don’t let your mind transport you into the future or the past. Do what you are doing when you are doing it. That’s not to say we aren’t to plan, it’s not to say we shouldn’t have goals, it IS to say that you can’t get THERE without NOW. What you are doing NOW is what gets you THERE. Spend more time on the NOW, and accept yourself NOW. If your feeling lazy, be lazy. If you feel like working, work. If you feel like planning, plan.

Do I sound like a nut-job, or what?

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to themadcookieman’s post:
You never sound like a nut-job!

I totally understand. An example of another aha for me in this area was with my body-time clock


In response to harry815’s post:

Everyone is different..

  • How far are you from reaching your goals?
  • How believable are they to you?
  • Would you mind sharing 1 affirmation from each goal group?


I’ll share all of them.

1. Eating habits
-I enjoy eating healthy and nutritious foods.
-I love the taste of fruits and vegetables
-I CHOOSE to eat healthy foods.
-I’m focused on living a healthy lifestyle.

2. Exercising
-I enjoy exercising every day.
-My body is in great shape.
-I am strong and muscular.
-I am always full of energy.

3. Confidence
-I am confident.
-I stand up for myself.
-I am always happy and in a great mood.
-I am comfortable talking to strangers.

4. Friendships
-I am a very fun person to be around.
-I am very outgoing.
-I have many friends who like to hang out with me.
-I have close friends who are loyal.

And for each affirmation, I tackle it in three ways such as:
I stand up for myself
You stand up for yourself.
Harry stands up for himself.

The only issue I had was I thought I was focusing on too much at once but I like the suggestions saying “choose one from each group.”

and you can combine things too, that go together(:

I enjoy wonderful self care.
My self care include eating scrumptious, nutritious foods, and happily doing disciplined daily exercise routines.


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