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★ Free Your Senses

Fantasy Visualizations U Use To Free Your Senses

Describe a visualization you use to open your senses. Do you see yourself in a place you’ve been or a place that is a fantasy? Are you still you?

What about this visualization opens your senses?

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

i’m such a daydreamer i often wander off in my mind to a beautifull secret garden ,i can smell the flowers ,hear the birds ,feel the breeze on my face and see all the beautifull colours of the flowers ,trees ,butterflies,birds – or im walking along a beach barefoot carrying my flip flops and my jeans are turned up .The sand tickles my feet amd the waves and the seagulls are like a duet ,its a dull misty day ,perfect for a long walk then home for a steaming mug of hot chocolate .As i was writing this i got the image of myself riding a big white horse and can feel my hair lifting as we bounce up and down ,i can hear his hooves thumping on the grass and the little snorting noises he makes,there is a smell of grass and also the earthy country smell of the stables .I could go on all day here .Love flowergirl

In response to flowergirl’s post:
I wish you would continue writing…You could definitely be a writer(:

Your descriptions were so perfect, I could sense your fantasy perfectly(: Thanks for sharing it(:

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

hi Laurie thanks for your kind comments ,i think i can do this because im away with the fairies half the time in my own little world .

my favourite – I am in a wood walking along a little path through the trees and they look like they have crystals on their branches after a recent shower of rain and the sun shining on them .I come to a clearing which is a lovely circle and in this space there are mice ,hedgehogs ,rabbits ,birds ,owls and lots of other little animals It is my safe space ,and is filled with love ,peace and happiness

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