Posted on 06/04/2010. Last edited on 07/08/2016.
Hi, I’m new to this forum and I have a question about affirmations.
My main goal is to get my body into better shape.
However, I’m not sure if I should focus on many affirmations at a time or just one.
These are my affirmations:
I love exercising.
I am committed to exercising.
I love working out.
My body is in great shape.
As you can see, all these affirmations are related to the same thing, which is getting into shape.
Do you think I should just pick one of them and affirm it many times until I reach my goal, or do you think alternating between them each new day is fine?
˚ Calm Achiever
Posted on 06/04/2010. Last edited on 07/04/2010.
In response to harry815’s post:
How about this?
My passion is perfect health and a great physique. I am committed to my wonderful work outs which gives me my desired results.
Affirmation-use is highly individualized.
We speak to ourselves-nonstop. Affirmations are simply positive self talk.
Some people actually have said they get confused with too many. Personally..if the affirmations are ones I choose, they don’t confuse me, no matter how many I have
Process affirmations are my favorite.
Posted on 07/04/2010. Last edited on 08/04/2010.
Thanks for the response. So basically you recommend one affirmation right?
˚ Calm Achiever
Posted on 07/04/2010. Last edited on 08/04/2010.
In response to harry815’s post:
No not really..(: Actually my preference is process affirmations,which kind of tell a sequential story which resonates with my daily or momentary needs.
It really is individualized. I was just trying to keep your affirmations in a bundle..since they all went together(:
Hi, Harry! My two cents is that the ones you have are fine, excellent, actually. I agree with db that they can be viewed as a group. I think they will work together and re-enforce one another. I often have mine playing on a cd when I go to sleep. I just let the cd loop.
I love exercising.
I am committed to exercising.
I love working out.
My body is in great shape.
Are all perfect as far as I’m concerned. I’ve made cd’s like that. Consider recording a cd like this:
I love exercising.
You love exercising.
Harry loves exercising.
I am committed to exercising.
You are committed to exercising.
Harry is committed to exercising.
… and so on for all of your affirmations.
I say this because I personally notice a difference in my dreams when I use first, second, and third person. This is the difference I have found. When I am dreaming, sometimes the words seem to be my own thoughts, but there are also times when the words I’m hearing are coming from another person. They are being spoken to me by someone. I think there is an advantage here in that you are not only re-enforcing your thoughts from your own perspective, but your image of yourself is also being re-enforced from other people as well. Know what I mean? I’ve experienced dreams where another person is speaking directly to me saying positive things, but also where I overhear people talking about me in a positive way. I don’t see how that could be anything but helpful.
Most people give up on affirmations before they have time to take effect. It takes a LOT of repetition to overwrite negative programming. By keeping your affirmations or affirmation “groups” limited, in other words, only work on a couple of things at a time, we get desired results faster.
Also, when I record my affirmations I have found it helpful to do it like this.
I love exercising. (five times)
You love exercising. (five times)
Harry loves exercising. (five times)
I believe this really lets the idea “soak” in!
If you have four affirmations for two ideas each that works out to 24 short statements. Once you record them they shouldn’t take but a couple of minutes at most to run through the entire series. Basically you will be telling yourself to work on two things. If you let a cd play through your sleep cycle you will be telling yourself something positive about two ideas about, let’s see, probably at least thirty times every minute you are asleep by keeping them short and to the point. Thirty times sixty works out to 1800 times an hour. Let’s figure you sleep at least six hours a night. 1800 times six is 10,800 times in a night. So you (or someone else) are telling yourself at least 5,400 times that you “basically” love to exercise. And 5,400 times that you are good at math. Listen to it every night for a month and that is at least 16,000 affirmations for each of the two ideas. That, my friend, is some heavy duty re-programming.
I’m glad you posted this question because it reminds me how much I’m neglecting my affirmations. I guess I need to make myself an affirmation tape just on THAT!
The next time I make one I think I’m going to throw in some extra stuff to fuel my dreams. I just came up with this idea, but I think it would be interesting. From time to time on the cd I’m going to throw in some visual cues for my mind to work on. Things like, just of the top of my head, what a beautiful garden this is, or what beautiful, colorful clouds. Not sure what will happen, but I’m gonna’ find out. Imagine your dreams if you’re feeding yourself cues. Imagine you are at a beautiful resort on a beach or at a lodge in the mountains. Imagine radiant flowers or waterfalls. What pleasant dreams would those cues bring about!
Posted on 09/04/2010. Last edited on 10/04/2010.
Once again, thank you for the great responses and support.
I have a question about listening to a recording overnight. Since you’re listening to it every night for hours and hours, isn’t that bad for your ear and won’t it ruin your hearing? Or is it only music that can harm your ears? I just wanted some clarification on that.
Secondly, how did you guys record your own voice? If you can recommend a type of recorder where I can put the file of the recording on my Ipod, that would be great.
Posted on 09/04/2010. Last edited on 10/04/2010.
Harry, you turn the audio to a very low level. You want it low enough that you can just barely hear it and understand it. There is no need for it to be loud at all. What you want to happen is for your subconscious mind to hear it. You mind records everything, whether you are aware of it or not. There are times every day, and several times during the night in particular when your subconscious mind is very open to suggestion. This is how hypnosis works. Most people think that their conscious mind is the primary driver of their actions, not so, the subconscious mind is far more powerful in determining what you do. Your subconscious mind is your autopilot. It is why willpower, though important, by itself doesn’t get us where we want to be. If it were simply a matter of the conscious mind we’d all be super disciplined, rich, healthy, happy, super-sexy, people living the high life.
Making make customized sleep tapes (cd’s) is a pretty easy thing to do. It’s a lot easier than it sounds at first. You only need a few things. A freeware program like Audacity on your computer. An inexpensive microphone some blank cd’s and a cd burner ! It’s very possible your computer already has a cd burner, but if it doesn’t they are pretty cheap now too. You will also need some cd burning software, but you can find that for free at cd burner xp or by going to download.com and picking one you like.
Like I say, It’s not nearly as hard as you might think it is. The hardest part will be installing the cd-burner if you don’t have one already.
Something that may seem hard, but actually isn’t once you dip your toes in is figuring out how to use audacity. You just have to play around with it a little.
How to Make a Sleep Tape
˚ Calm Achiever
Posted on 09/04/2010. Last edited on 10/04/2010.
In response to themadcookieman’s post:
Love that sleep tape link!
Posted on 09/04/2010. Last edited on 10/04/2010.
I originally assumed that I was supposed to use headphones to listen to my affirmations while I’m sleeping (I share a room so don’t want to disturb the other person). But that link you posted says not to use headphones. Is that true?
Posted on 11/04/2010.
Can I use headphones during my sleep tape or will they damage my ears? Do you guys use headphones or just let it play on the side-table or something?
Posted on 11/04/2010.
In response to harry815’s post:
Harry, I use headphones but I have them very low, I have not noticed anything different in my hearing, I usually wake up feeling great. But then again I do not really know about hurting your hearing. If I have a problem I will just Tap it out and it will go away. I use meridian Tapping with my affirmations and the results have been awesome.
Good luck and God Bless.
Attitude Life Coach, helping others to see the Power of a Positive Attitude with Affirmations and Gratitudes, Learn to be The Creator of Your Life.
Posted on 12/04/2010.
Thanks for the links. They helped me get a better idea of how to approach affirmations.
I got this idea from a website and I have been following it for about a week now (when I really got committed to affirmations). It said that after saying your affirmations 40 times for 40 days,you will start to see a change in your habits. A good way to keep count is to put 40 pennies in a small bag and take one out as you say your affirmation. Also, just regularly saying affirmations to yourself throughout the day is important.
That’s what I’ve been doing and now I will soon make a sleep tape to assist in my transformation.
˚ Calm Achiever
Posted on 12/04/2010.
In response to harry815’s post:
Glad to hear of your wonderful routine, sleep learning ideas and the pennies! You sound like you are doing great!
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