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Discussion★★Negative words in affirmations

I made this affirmation recently:

"My immune system is the most powerful in the universe and it instantly cures me of any illness in my body."

Illness is a negative word, and I wouldn't use it normally, but I can't think of another way to phrase it.  What do you think of using it in this context?


I think of you can using it in this context this way:My immune system is the most powerful in the universe and it instantly cures me of any illness in my body if their are and if I am healthy I stay healthy  ."

In response to saucer_pilot's post:

Hello saucer pilot

First and foremost, I'd like to welcome you back to Bmindful!!! I see you have been with Bmindful since we moved over  to this location too -2007!!! So glad you are back and that you've created a thread ... and created it on this topic!!!

I mention this topic... because it is awesome!!!

This is a wonderful discussion thread. Thank you for starting it!

Other members and I discuss it often, and did so recently. I would like to further open this wonderful thread  to the community before I share affirmations I too love and that resonate with me that seem to go hand in hand with your intro post-example.I believe given a little time...feedback & examples will truly grow here.


best wishes and awesome success with everything,



  • here are few links for now I love about  affirmations(:
  1. DAILY AFFIRM releasing & other types of affirmations 5 types of affirmations Affirmations1Releasing/Cleansing Affirmations2Receiving/Accepting Affirmations3Being/Intending Affirmations4Acting/Claiming Affirmations5Integrating/Embodying
  2. affirmyourlife.blogspot.com-The 10 Levels of Affirming-great list
  3. and take a look at  #4. AFFIRMATIONS of ACCEPTANCE #8. AFFIRMATIONS of BEING

The subject of affirmations is indeed a passion of mine, so I best stop now(:

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

In response to Gadibendavid4's post:

Welcome to you too Gadibendavid4. Wow! A new member joining in. You both have made my day!


My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

In response to saucer_pilot's post:

You are definitely on the right track! 

Here are some of my favorite health affirmations:

“Every cell in my body vibrates with energy and perfect health”

“I release all dis-ease from my body and welcome health, love and happiness into my life”

“My healing power is healing me even when I am doubting it.”


Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to saucer_pilot's post:

This is an excellent question! I would like to try and help you with your inquiry.

I have a few questions, for clarity.

You obviously want to talk about your auto immune system being very robust, which is perfect. My question is: what becomes available? Is it greater appreciation of vibrant health, excellent vitality, great joy, or did it contribute to peak performance, a new personal best level of health and fitness?

If this is a new era for you in your personal health, then there is a freedom, something that was not available before. Its like successfully climbing a mountain!

I love affirmations about health, energy, raising the bar and achieving new personal bests', and just making to most with what we have! There is a strong relationship b/t vitality, improved esteem and achievement.


In response to Poppy's post:  

Love your affirmations!! Thank you!





“Radical Acceptance is the ability to face hardships with greater love and deeper awareness.
Contemplation shapes radical acceptance as a way to choose love and peace over anger and despair.
Begin by finding this within ourselves before helping others.

In response to Gadibendavid4's post:Thanks for your reply. I thought of some new ways of phrasing the affirmation without using the negative word:

"My immune system is the most powerful in the universe and it instantly performs miraculous healing in my body whenever required."

"My immune system is the most powerful in the universe and it performs instantaneous healing in my body whenever required."

"My immune system draws upon the infinite power/resources of the universe to perform instantaneous healing in my body whenever required."


In response to ˚WonderfulWellness~selfcare's post:

Hey, thanks for the welcome!

Yes, I found this website many years ago, but it's only recently that I decided to have another crack at using affirmations. 

I'm interested in improving my health at the moment and it seems that affirmations are quite powerful for doing just that. 

In response to Poppy's post:

Thanks for the affirmations!

I notice that a couple have what I would consider negative words in them (disease/doubting).  Do you think it's safe to use these words or do you think it's better to re-phrase?

I only ask because if I was to say to you 'don't think about disease', you'd probably start thinking about disease.  This is mainly what my thread is about.  I'm unsure if negative words are OK in some contexts, but not in others.

In response to Kathi's post:

Hi, in answer to your questions, I would like to improve my health - not just improve it just a little bit, but to have optimum health. 

I think one of my beliefs that I've had for a long time is that I have a lowered immune function.  I believe that the mind is in control of everything - if I have poor health it's because I think I have poor health.  Maybe some consistent practice with affirmations can change that.

In response to saucer_pilot's post: it is always best to use only positive words. When I wrote those affirmations many years before I joined this site, I did not know the importance of using only positive phrases. 

Words are like seeds. When you write them out, they grow into your dreams and spark the imagination of others.

In response to saucer_pilot's post:

Here's one I love, and reposted it today.

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

In response to Poppy's post:

“I release all dis-ease from my body and welcome health, love and happiness into my life”

I wondered about the word disease in this affirmation, but it seems that negative words can be used sometimes.  According to the website below negative words are OK in affirmations when they are phrased as such:

"I release _(the negative)_ and welcome _(the positive)_."

Your affirmation is constructed in exactly this way, so I will definitely have to give it a try!



In response to ˚WonderfulWellness~selfcare's post:


“I am radiantly beautiful and vibrationally healthy and Joyously alive.”

Some great words in there - radiant, beautiful, healthy and joyous.  Sounds good to me!

In response to saucer_pilot's post:

Hi saucer pilot You are awesome!

I LOVE HOW YOU ARE FEELING OUT words, and what lifts you.

One big joyful part of affirmations... as you claim it, you own it!

Here is 1 I'm loving right now for all kinds of things:



My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

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