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★I've Figured Our My Values, Now What?


I hem-hawwed around a long time before I finally uncovered my values. Now that that is done I figure the next step is figuring our my purpose. I have been gathering information to help me figure this out (hopefully I will get this answer quicker than I got my values answers) and I’m going to come back to this thread and share the articles I found most helpful and share my own thoughts. I hope some of you guys will share your thoughts and links and whatever else you feel like sharing about this important topic.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to themadcookieman’s post:
hi mcm,do you think if we dont listen or act upon the whispers of our soul that are true to our values thats when we feel stuck or going in the wrong direction

Very much so! Also, I think those “whispers” become “clear voices” once we really learn to listen and ask ourselves good questions.

Your true self is never going to lie to you. There are lots of voices in our heads, but when we really listen we can hear that true voice. I think as we grow from children to adults that voice gets lost. We become to concerned with what others think, we want to be “accepted”, we let others – parents, friends, the media, bullies – tell us what we “ought” to do. A small child is never “afraid” to be himself, but we all know what it feels like to be a teenager, don’t we? Some people are lucky enough to have someone in their life to help them “stay centered”. I had a loving family and I had one aunt in particular that always told me I was special and that I would succeed, I feel lucky for that. I never really had much guidance, though, to follow my heart, so I got side tracked. I guess I should say that I side tracked myself.

What I’m really trying to figure out now is “the one thing”. I believe that is the secret. Getting clear on my values and figuring out my purpose are important steps. Figuring out the “one thing” and pursuing it will help bring about balance in my life. Identifying my values will help me to live my life in better balance. One area of my life will help to support the others. Neglect in one area weakens all areas, attention to all areas strengthens all areas. My knowledge and learning supports my health supports my career supports my relationships. Figuring out my purpose will help me to identify good career paths. There are many paths we could follow for a fulfilling and meaningful life, but there are many, many, paths that we could follow that DON’T, MOST, in fact. Once I nail down my purpose I will be able to pick a path and stick to it rather than getting myself pulled in ten different directions all of the time. I think that’s the secret of great success. Pick your line and stick with it secure in the knowledge that you are on a “right” path for you. Self knowledge is key. At some point in our lives we might go in a new direction, but we know if it’s time to make a change we can listen to our true selves and we will always be on a “right” path no matter which direction it leads, no matter what twists and turns we come across and what to do when we come to a fork in the road.

By figuring out my core values I will be able to identify which core values I am neglecting. By figuring out my purpose I will be able to choose a good path. Once I choose my path I will be able to use affirmations with great precision, efficiency and effectiveness to move with great speed toward my goals; like a rocket on steroids! I will be better equipped to overcome the negative aspects of my ego and the noise and distractions of the world. I will be better able to do the things I was put on this earth to do.

One thing that I’ve gotten so hung up on is the inability to choose a path for fear of making a wrong choice. I think many people get paralyzed like this. I’m still reading and learning, but I’m beginning to think that even without being absolutely certain of the “one thing”, I still have some good ideas about direction. What I am learning is that any action in the right general direction is far better than standing still waiting for God to manifest before my eyes and have a conversation with me and handing me a specific instruction manual of everything I am supposed to do. If any of you run into a burning bush please let me know what it tells you. Some intelligent action is better than no action, it says to the universe that you are ready to move forward and I’m beginning to believe that this alone will bring about positive results and begin opening doors.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

When I write to you, part of me is telling me to be quiet lol(:

It is your right to feel that you are roughing this direction-thing; though, I can’t help but (once again) thinking/feeling that you are so right where you’re supposed to be.

Finding what feels right, doesn’t always feel right until it works in your situation.
The process for what we need, sometimes is a longer road, than we believe we need. It is only until hindsight visits us with all of its info and lessons do we know we needed all the info we were privledged (sp?) to receive

Yes, I’m sure you could’ve veered toward a work/career area that could’ve been quite good and experiential, instead of studying the areas you have. Though experience visits us all differently. And I know you’ve learned alot, or you wouldn’t have been able to share with so many here

And it is true when your time is filled up with things like a work-schedule, you slot things in differently, to learn things within the time available. Who knows if you would’ve gained more while working somewhere where you are in a forced learning-situation. Though I do know, you used you time well and thoroughly

Maybe..(maybe), you just need to accept some life-education is a bit more tedious than expected.

The people who don’t act as your cheerleaders in life—do not posses what you want, or you’d just try to emulate them. You want Jeff-stuff..not someone else’s.

As I’ve mentioned before, you had specific experiences:
-that you had the opportunity to have and
you got to have the time (the amount you needed)-> to bathe in as many ideas and feelings as you wanted/needed.

If someone told you needed to make money “yesterday” to handle certain urgent areas..you’d find a job, and keep it for as long as you wanted to.

You have had a luxury, and you used that time to become more sure of yourself/more confident in who Jeff is to Jeff and who Jeff is to others.

You have had a chance to explore your genius..And yes, Jeff you have talents some people dream about.

And the cool thing that I can relate to that you had as a child, is you had some strong mentor-type persons tell you you could be anything you want/though teaching direction wasn’t anyones strong point. And if you wanted to do something different than the things others thought you should do…you wouldn’t have enjoyed it.

Adults in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s are often late bloomers due to the ol’ baby boomer philosophies..And with all the competition out there today, we have to do things well and enjoy them. What better way, then the systematic approaches you’ve experimented with.

And no one can tell you you have no experience. It is not like you never worked or tried new things. You’ve had a luxury..Jeff. Look at it all like 1 big gift. You’ve had time, you’ve had your wonderful spirit, your creativity.. If you chose any job right now..you’d make it a profit, help others grow, and take away a book of learning experiences for your next adventure(:

There might not be the perfect career out there for you. You may have to decide which areas you want to get a work out with and create it yourself..within a job that already exists. I know for me, I’ve had to that a lot. It works (most of the time) lol.

Or that job..will appear (with you shining) as the owner of a company, or a company that simply will want to get their hooks into you(:

Though..keep on being Jeff, and know what you’ve gathered for yourself and those who love the info and creative stuff that goes with it, that the good is already in motion..

Hope you can read my non-punctuated ramble..Still have a lil’ cold..hope you caught my drift.

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Okay, so I keep thinking and thinking and thinking about this and you know what occurred to me that might be my stumbling block? The fact that I keep saying to myself over and over and over, “I don’t know what I want to do”! I’m affirming that I don’t know what I want. Are you doing the same thing? I’m going to make a sleep tape affirming that I do know what I want. I’ll let you know if it helps.

“I know what I want”.

Please suggest a few affirmations to help me with this. I want to attack this problem as effectively as I can and would appreciate your thoughts.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

Here is a problem I see with the “I know what I want”. affirmation.
It’s that I’m using the word “want” instead of “have”. I’m affirming “want”, or “lack”.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to themadcookieman’s post:

Ponder this:
I feel the flow of life.
I feel my connection to it all, and it is all good.
I am right where I’m supposed to be, and all choices and supporting data grow with me, as I need it. I believe this.

And because I believe this, it is my reality.

And my understanding of my reality could be completely false.

Though, since my “goal” on my journey is finding truth, and living my truth -I may always find inconsistencies.
I revel in my possible inconsistency and understandable non-perfect certainty, and I’m willing to sift through it with my innate and learned gifts..co-created by the God of my understanding.

And so it is Amen.

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

In response to themadcookieman’s post:

In response to Laurie~LovesFocusingWell’s post:

Though to keep it simple, answers come by doing.
Remember we spoke about like not being a dress rehearsal..What you’re always doing is and always has been significant..Is and was ..is what is/was.

Now if you choose (that’s the infamous big word—choice..), choose a different way of being today, meditate on all you’ve learned about you.

And I think you’ve done that too. Because on your new networking, you’ve described your background and ambition.

Now, make a plan..Do something different.

My suggestion is get Beian Tracy’s tape-set (CD set), the power of clarity.

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Thanks for the ideas!

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to themadcookieman’s post:
Though as far as an affirmation, here’s a process-affirmation personalized for you, I have just made up. Hope it helps.

Yes! I’m right where I’m supposed to be. I’m enthusiastic and ready about the answers I’ve always known. They are surfacing to my conscious mind more and more, when I need it. Yaay for all the work I’ve done! I congratulate myself for taking my time and learning things in pieces. Now, the pieces are coming together like the most detailed picturesque jigsaw puzzle. I am more patient with my life then I would be with a puzzle. My puzzle for what I have wanted to see is clear, I know what piece to fit in next. Thank you God. And this is all so. Amen

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

I’m printing that out right now. It’s going on my bathroom mirror.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

Here is a good article I found called 10 Ways to Get Clear
And one by Steve Pavlina called The Power of clarity

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

21 Secrets of Self Made Millionaires

Brian Tracy Self Discipline and Self Made Millionaires lf Made Millionaires

This is Brian Tracy and The Power of Clarity

Anthony Robbins and The Power of Clarity and Purpose

Brian Tracy and Fear

Brian Tracy and Getting Past Obstacles

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Thanks for the great links!

You may have heard this before, but I’m posting this for a reason

So… there’s this flood, and a very devout person is sitting on the roof of a house waiting for God to save him. Up comes a boat and two guys yell, “Hop in!” The man on the roof says, “No thanks, I’m waiting for God to save me.” Later, another boat comes up as the water has continued to rise, “Jump in! We’ll take you to higher ground!” “No thanks, God will save me.” Later the water is washing over the man’s legs and he’s starting to wonder. A helicopter comes along and lowers him a rope, “Grab the rope!” :No thank you! God will save me!” So the helicopter heads off to help others. So anyway the flood finally takes the man and he drowns……
Up in heaven he asks God, “So I had all this faith in you, why didn’t you save me?” And God replies, “I sent you two boats and a helicopter, what else did you except me to do?”

This story applies to me and here is why.
I kept saying “I don’t know what I want”. I was blocking myself by affirming a negative. I was having a hard time choosing! What I failed to understand was that the universe was and is laying a banquet before me! It’s saying “look at all the great stuff you get to choose from!” Now, I can either stand there fretting and starving to death or I can dig in! The universe isn’t going to decide FOR me! It’s ALL up to me. The universe is ready and willing to help, it wants to help but you have to make up your mind. Like I said earlier somewhere, there is not ONE RIGHT PATH! There are MANY! Pick one (you can do this wisely, examine your options, think about them, which one allows you to most fully live your values, come up with plans and scenarios for the different paths and then choose one wisely) and enjoy the ride, get on the roller coaster and off the merry go round.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to themadcookieman’s post:
Everyone can tell you of your wonderful treasures and how close at hand they are..Though until you are ready, and you’ve circled or gone different paths, it is only you that can be sure when you’ve arrived and ready.

I celebrate you through your whole journey..Because it’s all good.

And since you repeated one of your posts elsewhere, I’ll repeat mine because my process affirmation feels fitting:(:

Today I’m in sync with my goals. I trust the process, therefore I let go and be. My journey is as relevant as I allow it to be, and so relevant it is. Power of choice…

I feel the flow of life.
I feel my connection to it all, and it is all good.
I am right where I’m supposed to be, and all choices and supporting data grow with me, as I need it. I believe this.

And because I believe this, it is my reality.

And my understanding of my reality could be completely false.

Though, since my “goal” on my journey is finding truth, and living my truth -I may always find inconsistencies.
I revel in my possible inconsistency and understandable non-perfect certainty, and I’m willing to sift through it with my innate and learned gifts..co-created by the God of my understanding.

And so it is Amen.

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

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