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★Put Your Context of Abundance to Work For You

Here is something I stumbled on when I was searching for information to help me get a better grasp of my view of abundance and scarcity. These couple of sentences struck me. They are from an article I downloaded Wealth Prosperity Mindset – Free Report
At the bottom of that page there is a link to the article.

“When you aren’t so focused on needing to see results, you relax and let them come naturally. Ironically, such a relaxed attitude actually helps us make much faster progress than if we keep stopping to pull our hair out in frustration!”

It made me really think. I’ve habitually been uptight about getting the result. I get so involved in searching for the best answers that sometimes I put the “why” of why I’m searching on the back burner. I get so busy seeking short-cuts that I keep setting aside what I’m learning. In a figurative way I’m storing reams of information with a big yellow sticky note on it that reads “Important Information – Please Keep It For Use At A Later Date, You Know, Like When You’re Finally Ready To Get Serious And Do Something With Your Life!”!!!

I had begun reading an article by Steve Pavlina, The Meaning of Life , (I’m still just a few pages into the article and haven’t even finished it yet. I will be finishing it in the next couple of days. My mind is in overdrive right now in a good way and I’m reading several things at once) and as I was reading the word “context” kept getting my attention. It clicked with something else in my brain. I began to think about my “context” of wealth.
There are some things I know about myself (you know the same thing about yourself, I know you know this because you are on bmindful and you are reading this), I know that I’m pretty smart, I know that I’m creative, I know I’m capable, I know I’m not lazy, sooooo Why am I not more prosperous? I think much of it has to do with my “context”. Maybe I need to change my paradigm a bit. More on that in a minute, but first I want to mention that I feel I’ve had a bit of an epiphany recently. The last couple of years, (the reason I found bmindful in the first place) is because I kept searching for answers. I’ve been searching and finding and storing, and searching and finding and storing, searching finding and storing, but not ACTING! It’s like reading book after book about being an astronaut but never going to the moon. Of course, I know all of this great personal-growth type stuff on an intellectual level, but I keep avoiding USING what I’ve learned. Finally, I’ve gotten to a point where most of this stuff has started soaking in on a real level. My thinking is beginning to change. My “context” is changing. My paradigms are changing. What is really cool is that I’m starting to USE the stuff more.

Now, back to where I was going in the first place. It’s something really simple. To change my context about abundance I just need to go back to square one (something that I know works, but I put on the shelf for later use) and that is simply using my affirmations more. Writing in my journal more. You know, the basics. They work. They could have been working all the time to get me here even faster if I had just been using them consistently instead of sporadically. They will work for you faster if you use them consistently, so remind yourself right now of how important they are.

Well, I didn’t know for sure where I was going with this thread when I started, but I’m happy with where I wound up! I’m also happy with where I am inside. I know that using my affirmations more consistently will get me to where I want to be faster, and even though I know I could have gotten here faster by using them more consistently, ALL IS AS IT SHOULD BE! All of my thinking over this time has been working for me, all the learning HAS been being used to get me here. Now I’m ready to even make better use of it. Ironic, huh?

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

Where is the Sunset?
Jeff Dumas

ME: “Where is the sunset, Master?”

Master Points.

ME: “Where, Master?”

MASTER: “Turn your head.”

ME: “Are you sure?”

Master smiles.

ME: “But, Master?”

MASTER: “Look.”

I look.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
— Gandalf, J.R.R. Tolkien
I’m Alright
Life Less Ordinary

In response to themadcookieman’s post:

What do you see?

Grasshopper MCM:

Are the colors speaking to you? What do they say to your senses?

Grasshopper MCM:
-They say beauty.
-They say this beautiful life is mine.
-They say everything I ever learned has brought me to this moment.

Ah you see. You see the sunset.

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

SRWE, link was broken from 2010 in intro please let me know if you remember…if that was the item you were downloading…(I replaced it from that site…) (: either way…nice site, & great thread thank you(:

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

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