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★More, Less, or Not At All (fill in)

★More, Less, or Not At All

fill in the blank… I choose to do more of___________ and less of _________
and not at all of_____________

or just just fill in the part that works for you the most(:

I Am living a Divine plan

article positive-thinking-5-things-to-do-less-of-to-get-more-out-of-life

quote Don’t just do something, sit there! Sit there long enough each morning to decide what is really important during the day ahead. Richard Eyre

I Am living a Divine plan

I choose to do more of -> personal writing for myself and look forward to it … by putting it on my calendar like a fabulous date night. I choose to create a ritual that makes this a cool event.

I choose to create more -> pages of inspiring things for myself in my notebooks.

I choose to create more -> thoughts about what I want more of… and that more can be simply quality of my desires/needs

I Am living a Divine plan

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