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Some years back a friend shared with me a book called “Talent is overrated” The premise of the book is the very notion of talent. Talent is the idea that some of us are born with some special unique gift, while others of us aren’t. The book basically shows that this is a misconception. People aren’t born with special talents, PEOPLE ARE JUST BORN WITH UNLIMITED POTENTIAL, and they either freely develop their potential along certain lines ( music, sports, ect) or due to LIMITING BELIEFS they have picked up, they are hard pressed to develop any special ability. In other words, there seem to be people who GET IT fairly easily, and people who seem to have a hard time with it. The difference seems to be with whatever unconscious limiting beliefs a person may have. It seems when a person has no limiting beliefs about a thing, they learn it quickly and easily, but if they have limiting beliefs, they can seem to try and try and get nowhere. I believe people can learn virtually anything and they can excel in special ways, and if they don’t, it isn’t because of talent (inborn special gift) It is because they loved and pursued some special interest with passion, and they didn’t have a bunch of limiting beliefs that stopped or inhibited them. So if your not accomplishing something, in some good enjoyable to you way, it’s most likely because you haven’t learnt how to do it. It’s not a lack of talent, “talent is a myth” but if you believe it, it can stop you from accomplishing something you want.

To me, human potential is great, and virtually unlimited for any person, and what we call talent is just potential directed in some specific way.

The physicist Albert Einstein once said:

“Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life believing it is stupid”

In other words, everyone has unlimited potential and thus value, but if you pigeon hole your idea of it, or limit how you think about it, you may fail to realise much of it.

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

Thank you for this thread Robert! One of many things I like …it reminds us we are not what the world markets us as… or what anyone says…. unless we choose it…& then we own it(: We are what we believe and what we allow.

I love what you’ve brought up about passion and our following that…essentially following our heart… with zest …with joy(:

And the learning… yes the learning… Today there are so many free ways to tap into all we enjoy & desire to do…aspects of what we love…or something that has been done that we’d like to do too(:

“Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life believing it is stupid” I’ve always appreciated that Einstein quote(: It’s Great! Thank you again for this thread, it provides more inspirational triggers to GO FOR IT!!

I Am living a Divine plan

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