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★CultivatingPositiveMindset[Best-Self Flow ]

  • ** * If you have found your truth within yourself there is nothing more in this whole existence to find. Osho Zen
  • ** * When the compulsive striving away from The Now ceases, the joy of being flows into everything you do. Eckhart Tolle
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    Cultivating the Positive Mindset: Using Your Best-Self Flow Affirmation – title of thread & title of 1 of 3 articles shared in this thread by Astrid Baumgardner, JD, PCC 
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The author allows reprints of excerpts &/or her complete articles. I found valuable concise information which resonated with me. It is my hope, you find something helpful here as well. AsAlwaysAppreciating˚

about the author: Astrid Baumgardner, JD, PCC is a professional life coach and lawyer, Coordinator of Career Strategies and Lecturer at the Yale School of Music and the founder and President of Astrid Baumgardner Coaching + Training, which is dedicated to helping musicians, lawyers and creative professionals take charge of their lives and experience authentic success. In addition to her work at YSM and her individual coaching practice, Astrid presents workshops at leading conservatories and law firms on topics including Career Planning, Goal-Setting, Time Management, Dynamic Communication, Conflict Management and Personal Branding and Networking. She is the author of numerous articles on the various aspects of how to achieve and live authentic success.

  • ** * in the 2nd post of this thread Cultivating the Positive Mindset: Using Your Best-Self Flow Affirmation 1st article begins stating: We all have a “best or Flow self”. That is the side of us that comes alive when we are in the Flow, doing what we do best, feeling confident and joyful and successful. You can discover what your best Flow self is by following this simple process.

intro article

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

Cultivating the Positive Mindset: Using Your Best-Self Flow Affirmation

We all have a “best or Flow self”. That is the side of us that comes alive when we are in the Flow, doing what we do best, feeling confident and joyful and successful. You can discover what your best Flow self is by following this simple process.

The great thing about this Flow Affirmation is that is draws on actual experience. Having the affirmation is the reminder of who you are at your best. This affirmation can be a powerful way for you to make choices to live that best, Flow self. And by doing so, you are incorporating Flow into your life and cultivating a more positive, success-oriented mindset!

What are some ways to do this?

First, remember what you are like at your best and use your positive affirmation to inspire you in your work, such as in a performance, as a powerful reminder of what you are like when you are in the flow. You can also select one word from your Flow Affirmation each day and make it a goal to be that person.

Second, be aware of the times that you are not at your best. What message are you giving yourself? This is the time to answer with your affirmation, the reminder of what you are like when you are at Flow so that you can inspire yourself to take more positive actions and be your Flow self.

Moreover, when you are not at your best, ask yourself what it would take to be your best. You can make it a goal to improve this area and then figure out the strategies for achieving that goal.

Be sure to document your successes. Keep a journal of the times that you feel great about what you have accomplished. What did it take for you to achieve that result? Remember that the next time you are stuck!

Furthermore, your affirmation is the starting point for creating a brand audience that reflects you at your best and tells others the most unique and the most memorable things about you.

In addition, your affirmation can inspire you to network effortlessly and effectively so that you are sharing the best of yourself with others and remaining confident while you connect with and learn from others.

Taking charge means that you are making a choice to be positive and powerful. It also means that you see your options around how to make that choice a reality. In fact, understanding that you have options is another aspect of feeling positive and feeling that you can take charge.

In short, the choice to be your best, Flow self can help you to be confident, as well inspire you to continue working towards achieving your career vision. This spirit of confidence is an integral part of the entrepreneurial mindset, which then can serve as a motivation to seek out opportunities and take actions towards big, inspiring goals.

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© Astrid Baumgardner 2014
Astrid Baumgardner, JD, PCC is a professional life coach and lawyer, Coordinator of Career Strategies and Lecturer at the Yale School of Music and the founder and President of Astrid Baumgardner Coaching + Training, which is dedicated to helping musicians, lawyers and creative professionals take charge of their lives and experience authentic success. In addition to her work at YSM and her individual coaching practice, Astrid presents workshops at leading conservatories and law firms on topics including Career Planning, Goal-Setting, Time Management, Dynamic Communication, Conflict Management and Personal Branding and Networking. She is the author of numerous articles on the various aspects of how to achieve and live authentic success.

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Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

an excerpt of Creative Personal Branding – Find Your Brand in 4 Easy Steps

  • Step One: How am I unique?

A personal brand articulates the specific qualities you possess that make you stand out from the competition. To begin, therefore, you must start by defining what is unique or unusual about you by answering these 3 questions:
1. What is your essence?
2. What are you like to work with?
3. What do people remember most about you and how would they describe the experience of working with you?

  • Step Two: How is what I do distinctive?

The next step is to look at how yourself as a whole and figure out how which you do is unique. Look at your interests, hobbies and preferences. For example, what do your three favorite books, movies or songs say about you? What would someone learn by knowing your taste in music, food or sports?

1. What are your favorite interests? What do they say about you?
2. How does what you do, combined with what makes you unique, distinguish you from your peers in your profession or field of expertise?

  • Step Three: Who is my target audience and why I am the best person to satisfy their needs?

Because creative artists do not work in a vacuum, the third step in creating a personal brand is identifying your target audience. This step is critical for two reasons: first, it validates that your unique gifts are commercially viable, and second, it helps clarify your objectives so you can map your career path as efficiently as possible. To complete step 3, answer these questions:

1. Who is your ideal target audience? Create a profile of one individual who exemplifies the qualities of the audience you would most want to perform, teach or work for in your creative profession. Write down a list of these qualities.
2. Rank these qualities in their order of importance to you.
3. Why are you are uniquely positioned to satisfy the needs of this audience?

  • Step Four: Why do I do what I do?

The last – and probably most important — step in creating your personal brand is to commit to your brand on an emotional level in order to connect deeply with your target audience.

Ask yourself the following questions:

If the world were a perfect place, what work would I be doing?
In this perfect world, what am I achieving through my work?
In this perfect world, how am I impacting audiences?

These answers are your life purpose!

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I am a_______________________________ ( – how you see yourself professionally)

who___________________________________________________ (describe how you use your unique talents)
for ____________________________________________________ (describe your target audience)
so they can ____________________________. (describe the desired experience you want your audience to have)

Here is an example of a brand statement:
I am a passionate, creative and inspirational musician who brings excitement, focus and leadership to open-minded, engaged and curious audiences (or students) in order to create a memorable experience they will want to share with their communities.
Congratulations! You now have a statement that crystalizes the essence of who you are and makes it clear to your target audience why they need you.

© Astrid Baumgardner 2010

Astrid Baumgardner, JD, PCC is a professional life coach and lawyer, Coordinator of Career Strategies and Lecturer at the Yale School of Music and the founder and President of Astrid Baumgardner Coaching + Training, which is dedicated to helping musicians, lawyers and creative professionals take charge of their lives and experience authentic success. In addition to her work at YSM and her individual coaching practice, Astrid presents workshops at leading conservatories and law firms on topics including Career Planning, Goal-Setting, Time Management, Dynamic Communication, Conflict Management and Personal Branding and Networking. She is the author of numerous articles on the various aspects of how to achieve and live authentic success.

excerpts of Your Elevator Speech: The Key to Connecting Effectively and Effortlessly

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    Networking is one of the key tools that can make the difference between a good career and a great career. Many people shy away from networking or fumble around when meeting new people because they do not know what to say about themselves. They are missing an opportunity to connect with the very people whom need them! The secret is in crafting a short and powerful “elevator speech”.

The most effective elevator speeches are succinct, carefully-crafted messages that immediately tell someone why he or she would be interested in connecting with you. An elevator speech should tell the listener:

1. what you do;

2. who your target audience is;

3. what need you fill for them; and

4. what result you would like from this encounter.

This type of elevator speech focuses on your target audience: what they lack, what they need and why you are the best person to solve their problems or fill that important need. This type of message is more likely to encourage your listener to talk to you, find out more about what you do, have another meeting and eventually hire you or refer you to someone who will hire you.

Here is my Elevator Speech:

“As a professional life and career coach and lawyer. I help professional musicians and artists to achieve the career success, financial security and life balance that they long to have.”

Depending on whom I am meeting or where I am, I will then add: How would you like to find out more about coaching? or

Let’s set up a meeting so that we can see how coaching might help you.

To create your Elevator Speech, answer the following questions:

1. What do I do?

Consider what you do. Then think about how you distinguish yourself from the other people in your niche and what makes you unique and memorable.

2. Who is my target audience and what do they lack?

Visualize your ideal audience member. What is that person’s occupation? What demographic does that person fall into? What does that person love to do? What is missing from that person’s life? What challenges does he or she encounter? What would make that person’s life better?

3. What need do I fill for my target audience?

Now that you have some better insights into your target audience what they are lacking, think about how you fill the need of that audience and what skills or talents you have that they need.

4. What would I like from this encounter?

The last part of the elevator speech helps you to take this contact to the next level. What are you looking for? A meeting? A name of someone who can help you? A resource? ASK!

Put these elements together using the following template:

As a____________________________________________________,

( describe yourself )

I help____________________________________________________

( your target audience )


( describe the need that you fill for your target audience )

so that they ________________________________________________.

( the benefits that they derive )

Here’s what I would love for us to do:______________________________.

( your goal from this encounter )

You can refine your Elevator Speech in a few ways:

  • Change any long words or jargon into the language that your target audience will understand.
  • Cut out unnecessary words
  • Finalize your speech by making sure it is no more than 90 words long (excluding the last sentence on your goal from this encounter).
  • Practice your speech in front of a mirror so that you are comfortable with the message and you feel authentic when saying it.

Now you are ready to connect with the people who need you most!
Astrid Baumgardner, JD, PCC is a professional life coach and lawyer, Coordinator of Career Strategies and Lecturer at the Yale School of Music and the founder and President of Astrid Baumgardner Coaching + Training, which is dedicated to helping musicians, lawyers and creative professionals take charge of their lives and experience authentic success. In addition to her work at YSM and her individual coaching practice, Astrid presents workshops at leading conservatories and law firms on topics including Career Planning, Goal-Setting, Time Management, Dynamic Communication, Conflict Management and Personal Branding and Networking. She is the author of numerous articles on the various aspects of how to achieve and live authentic success.

thread last edited 2/11/15

Emotions, Sensations ,
& Feelings

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