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★˚Ideas To Activate Positivity 

Benefits of Cultivating Positivity ***~free pdf you may enjoy(:~***

pdfHow To Turn Positivity On

laugh often

There are at least (: 10 forms of positivity

• ***_JOY_***
• ***_PRIDE_***
• ***_GRATITUDE_***
• ***_HOPE_***
• ***_AWE_***
• ***_SERENITY_***
• ***_AMUSEMENT_***
• ***_LOVE_***

I will add 2 more that I’m sure those who are reading this…would most likely agree- • APPRECIATION & • FAITH(: TO READ MORE amazing 10 Ideas To Activate Positivity

***_Each juicy form of positivity offers their own unique reward. For instance, you might find yourself feeling frustrated with an overwhelming project you have at work. Rather than stewing and ruminating about the difficulty of the project you could_*** “ read article in its entirety


Laughter keeps you young at heart.
Laughter is considered a form of exercise because it fills the lungs with oxygen similar to aerobic exercise.
Moods are lifted, and the body relaxes which in turn boosts the immune system.
Laughing eases muscle tension and psychological stress.
Laughter helps to release tension in the mind which increases well-being.
A good belly laugh improves brain functioning and results in an over all good feeling that can last long after the laugh.
Laughter helps to relieve stress, and helps us deal with emotionally stressful situations.
Laughter defuses anger and resentment by releasing it in positive way.
Laughter cultivates optimism.
Laughter develops confidence.
Laughter and humour has long been considered helpful to the healing process.

Watch what John Cleese discovered about Laughter Yoga- “see 2nd video”:“http://positivityforbetterliving.com/laughter-yoga/
The incredible John Cleese attends a laughter yoga session in India. Imagine the positive energy inherent in a world where every individual laughs heartily at least once a day. We are brimming with positivity, we have only to overcome our social reservations and apathy in order to unleash it

    • ** * “ ***a resource/site which assisted greatly with this thread positivityforbetterliving.com***”:http://positivityforbetterliving.com/
      10 Forms of Positivity
      found this due to link missing:
      There are 10 different forms of positivity (probably more than 10, but let’s focus on these amazing 10 first).


JOY is an uplifting and exhilarating experience. Joy is a mind broadening form of positivity because when you are feeling joyful you have an urge to play and enjoy life. This includes exploration, creativity, physical and social play, intellectual and artistic play – which, to sum up, broadens your thoughts and actions. Activating your own or your staff’s joy and interest broadens their minds – rather than the usual narrow minded workers in many businesses robotically going about their work.

INSPIRATION Feel invigorated and inspired to expand your mind and actions when something awakens your creativity and innovation. When you feel inspired you feel delightfully influenced towards acting in the moment, or experience an AHA moment of inspiration or feel inspired by someone who has achieved something you admire.

PRIDE An amazing deep satisfying feeling is when you feel pleasure in your own achievements. When you take the time to recognise and admire your qualities and accomplishments you fuel your motivation and inspiration towards success. Pride can be shared with others as you delight in their success and triumphs.

Activate Positivity JOY

GRATITUDE is a powerful positivity vibe that opens your heart and mind and instantly shifts the fog of a negative mindset. It has the power to turn bad things into good. You feel grateful when you appreciate what someone else has done for you, for your environment or situation. Being grateful makes a difference because it reminds you of the positive things in your life.

HOPE is an important positivity vibe because even in a dire situation you hold the belief that things can change and possibilities exist. Hope is a wish that good things will come, and this wish keeps you moving forward no matter what adversities you face. Hope has been proven to increase employees’ effectiveness and grow their resilience so they bounce back from setbacks and easily flow with workplace changes.

FASCINATION (interest) is a captivating experience as you feel drawn to explore new things. You eagerly venture on a journey to build new skills or awaken new ideas within yourself. Fascination has vast mind broadening capabilities. When you’re interested and fascinated you feel alive and animated and are open to new ideas and experiences. Interest is therefore a very important form of positivity in business or the workplace to increase innovation and creativity.

AWE You have reached the end of a great journey and feel awed by the mountain of sparkling gold in the treasure chest at your feet. You have an overwhelming feeling of admiration for the woman who has overcome many obstacles and is now a huge success. The natural beauty of the vast waterfalls takes your breath away and you feel awed. Awe has the power to take you far beyond your usual way of viewing the world. It’s expansive and delightful.

Cultivating a positive workplace environment makes good business sense. Creating a positivity culture is necessary for successful business. Culture is the overall combination of attitudes, action and beliefs that create atmosphere . It’s becoming well known in today’s global economy that a strong business culture cannot be copied by your competitors. It’s of utmost importance then that your culture is steeped in high trust, high excitement and high self-esteem. A strong culture steeped in positivity has employees actively and passionately engaged at work. In a strong positivity culture the whole team from top management down is engaged in seeking a better way of doing things and growing in innovation and creativity. When a culture of positivity becomes the norm people feel more comfortable and satisfied to be themselves at work, and they feel valued and appreciated. They confidently use their strengths to the business advantage, operate from a sense of empowerment and eagerly arrive at work which is now a friendly, familiar, positive environment where they feel welcome and valued. Positivity is much more than just a good vibe. Yes, employees are happier and more engaged at work but it also broadens their mind and builds resources, grows resilience, increases productivity and innovation and increases their health and wellbeing . Employees and staff greatly benefit from positivity, but the customers also reap the rewards with an uplifting experience with each connection and transaction with the business. Positivity livens up the place and has been proven to enhance success and financial growth, improve internal communication and social interactions. It’s amazing to hear how many businesses launch into new products successfully when working closely with a positivity culture. A positivity culture is one of the most important drivers of your business that must be set and cultivated by everyone from the head honcho down in order to sustain success. With regular positivity activations threaded through your daily routine and business strategy it’s easy to reap the benefits of positivity. While there are many situations in which you can’t control what’s happening – you can always choose how you respond. You can choose to keep your positivity alive by activating the different forms of positivity. The higher the ratio of positivity to negativity you experience the more resilient you and your staff will be. With positivity you will flow more with changing circumstances and you will feel at ease with new situations. Positivity is highly advantageous in businesses where changes often occur. Every business leader can create a positivity culture that flourishes with a clear set of values and norms that actively guide the company’s practices.

SERENITY Feeling serene is a soothing, calming influence on the body, mind and soul. Serenity is when you feel at peace with your world. You feel calm and untroubled. You are in safe and familiar surroundings and you can sit back, relax and soak it all in. People feel serenity when they are meditating, walking in nature, watching the sunset or sunrise and during physical exercise.

AMUSEMENT is an uplifting and entertaining vibe that brings laughter and builds connections. Have heard the saying that Laughter is the Best Medicine? Humour and amusement are helpful coping mechanisms and is a powerful character strength that eliminates barriers and broadens the mind to seeing new opportunities.

LOVE is constantly bombarded with definitions and meanings within society. It is noted through society as being necessary for romantic endeavours, for the love of being a parent, for the love of chocolate, for the love of culture or country and so on. However, the true feeling of love is more easily experienced than defined. When you experience love other forms of positivity come into play. When you share joy and amusement with others you feel love. When you feel grateful you feel love. Love is unique for each individual.

  • ** * articleActivate Your Inner Smile “This is not a “fake it ‘till you make it” exercise, it’s an exercise of feeling yourself into the joy of the smile inside you” read more Copyright © 2008-2012 and beyond Jeanie MarshallMarshall House1223 Wilshire Boulevard, #300Santa Monica, CA 90403
  • ** * articleIntention I think of an overarching intention as an umbrella that expands over all other intentions and thoughts and goals and desires. In its broadest concept, an overarching intention is a way of being or a way of wanting to be. It expands the power of intention and helps you to be more conscious of your specific intention. Copyright © 2008-2012 and beyond Jeanie MarshallMarshall House1223 Wilshire Boulevard, #300Santa Monica, CA 90403

* ** * thread “ • Take The Time To Know What You Love

  • ** * a related exercise “Get Jiggity With Positivity”:“http://www.personaldevelopmentinsights.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/postivity-personal-development-worksheet.pdf
  • ** * thread “ • Goals Redefined [3 Important Questions]”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3937/3-most-important-questions-goals-redefined#post39755

* ** * thread “ • Desire Affirmations

“* ** * thread “ • Self-Care Practice of Remembering Your Goodness”:“http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/4376/self-care-practice-of-remembering-your-goodness#post45799

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    • ** * thread “ ***Embracing Change With Love***”:http://bmindful.com/forum/thread/3849/embracing-change-with-love#post38173


* ** * thread “ • I Am freedom

  • ** * a related exercise27 Questions to Find Your Passion
    1.What makes you happiest in your life? What excites you?
    2.What do you do that makes you feel invincible?
    3.What do people thank you for?
    4.What are you ridiculously good at? What are your precious gifts?
    to see the remaining 23
    Copyright – www.LiveYourLegend.net – @_Scott_Dinsmore



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