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★˚Life Changing Ideas [Joe Tye]

Hello Bmindful(: This thread is from 2014(: Feel free to help me update it

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      Joe Tye, America’s Values Coach

Would you invest 365 minutes in yourself if you knew it would change your life dramatically for the better? That’s just one minute per day – the time you would waste sitting through a TV commercial. If your answer is yes, read on…

The Self-Empowerment Pledge is a powerful tool for transforming your attitudes and behaviors. Simply repeat each daily promise to yourself at least four times a day – morning, afternoon, evening, and right before bed. Post a copy on the bathroom mirror, in your daily planner, and wherever else you will see it often. You will be astonished at the changes you see in your thinking, in your attitudes, and in your behaviors after the first few months.

Commit yourself to one minute per day repeating to yourself that day’s promise from The Self-Empowerment Pledge. Devoting yourself to a mere fifteen seconds every morning, noon, afternoon, and evening to repeat that day’s promise can be profoundly life-changing. That’s only 365 minutes a year (the amount of time the average person spends watching television every two or three days). The return on your investment will be enormous!

Think of a rocket ship that’s been launched toward the moon. If you alter its course by just one tiny degree as it is coming off the launch pad, it will miss the moon altogether and end up in the stars. In the same way, small changes made as a result of taking the seven simple promises of The Self-Empowerment Pledge, if they are sustained over time, can have a huge impact upon your future success and happiness.

Five or ten years from now, you will be in a much different place – professionally, personally, financially, and in many other ways – than you would have been otherwise. And that’s my guarantee, backed up by shared experiences with thousands of people who have changed their lives by taking The Pledge.

Joe Tye, America’s Values Coach

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Seven Simple Promises That Will Change Your Life

  • Monday’s Promise Responsibility: I will take complete responsibility for my health, my happiness, my success, and my life, and will not blame others for my problems.
  • Tuesday’s Promise Accountability: I will not allow low self-esteem, self-limiting beliefs, or the negativity of others to prevent me from achieving my authentic goals and from becoming the person I am meant to be.
  • Wednesday’s Promise Determination: I will do the things I’m afraid to do, but which I know should be done. Sometimes this will mean asking for help to do that which I cannot do by myself.
  • Thursday’s Promise Contribution: I will earn the help I need in advance by helping other people now, and repay the help I receive by serving others later.
  • Friday’s Promise Resilience: I will face rejection and failure with courage, awareness, and perseverance, making these experiences the platform for future acceptance and success.
  • Saturday’s Promise Choice: I will have faith that, though I might not understand why adversity happens, by my conscious choice I can find strength, compassion, and grace through my trials.
  • Sunday’s Promise Faith: My faith and my gratitude for all that I have been blessed with will shine through in my attitudes and in my actions.
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    About the Author Joe Tye is president of Paradox 21 Inc., which provides corporate training and culture change initiatives based on a proprietary curriculum of The Twelve Core Action Values of Personal Leadership Effectiveness. He is also the author of several books and audio programs on personal, career, and business success, and a popular motivational speaker.
  • The Self Empowerment Pledge by Joe Tye Empowerment Promises
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Whenever someone calls me a Pollyanna, I consider it to be the highest of compliments. This courageous girl finds a community that has been torn apart with hate, fear, and pain and brings it love, courage and healing. Isn't that what our world today needs more than anything? Joe Tye


Copyright © 2005
Joe Tye, America’s Values Coach™
[email protected]~




More quotes by JoeTye


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Joe Tye, America’s Values Coach tmtrademark…69 Actions You Can Take To Have More Energy!! A Values Coach Special Report (copyright © 2005) excerpts of Page 1 of 28

1 of 69. Acknowledgethat Energy is a Decision
The first principle of optimizing energy is to accept that to a much greater extent than many of us care to admit, energy is a decision. To a greater extent than many of us care to admit to ourselves, whether or not we have the energy to do the things we want to do and the things we must do is based on a decision made at a point of apparent fatigue.
To demonstrate: imagine that you have come home at the end of a long, stressful and frustrating day. You have just plopped down on the sofa in front of the TV and there is a knock on the door. Reluctantly, you get up to answer it and there on your porch step, flanked by a camera crew, is Ed McMahon with a sweepstakes check made out in your name.
Now, if you tell him to come back tomorrow because you have no energy today, that’s fine. Go back to the couch. But that’s not likely, is it? No, you will find that you had an incredible store of energy, just waiting for the right catalyst to release it. If you want to live your life with a sense of purpose and a spirit of adventure, then it is your job to discover and activate those things which will galvanize your energy, because Ed McMahon is not going to do it for you.
This special report includes a number of great ideas and strategies for having the energy you need to pursue your greatest dreams and to become the person that you are meant to be. Your energy is perhaps your most precious physical resource, and how you choose to use that energy is perhaps the most important choice you make on a daily basis. So read this report, then get off the couch, turn of the television, and do something that moves you in the direction of your dreams. As Thoreau promised, you will meet with a success unexpected in common hours!
“If an unusual necessity forces us onward, a surprising thing occurs. The fatigue gets worse up to a certain point, then, gradually or suddenly, it passes away and we are fresher than before! We have evidently tapped a new level of energy. There may be layer of this experience, a third and a fourth wind. We find amounts of ease and power that we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength habitually not taxed, because habitually we never push through the obstruction of fatigue.”
William James

6 of 69 Erase the Graffiti of Negative Self-Talk
Nothing can sap your belief in yourself or in your dreams more quickly and thoroughly than your own negative self-talk. In his book The Evolving Self: A Psychology for the New Millennium, Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi showed that for a variety of evolutionary reasons, the human mind automatically gravitates toward negative, frightening, and depressing thoughts. It is your challenge to confront these self-inhibiting notions before they interfere with your pursuit of your future vision.

Here is a seven step process for using The Janitor in Your Attic to confront negative self-talk and transforming it into positive affirmations.

  1. Catalog: Pay attention to all of the negative self-talk going through your mind. Hint: it will almost always be in the second person (“You are an idiot,” not “I am an idiot”). Every time your Inner Critic verbally abuses you, make a note of what is being said. You might end up with pages full of such notes, but it’s an essential starting point for neutralizing what can in many cases be Your Own Worst Enemy.

   2.Identify: Negative self-talk is usually a voice from the distant past that has metastasized into something far more critical than was the original intention of the speaker. For example, I once had a teacher tell me that I’d “never amount to a hill of beans.” He was trying to get me motivated to complete an overdue homework assignment, but that accusation comes back to me every time I set out upon a new venture, every time I face rejection or failure, sometimes even before I get out of bed in the morning. Being able to identify its origin goes a long way toward helping me appreciate that it is not truth, it is mental graffiti.

   3.Pay Attention: Having made a catalog of your negative self-talk, and identified the source for at least some of it, now pay attention. It is important that these inner lies be confronted immediately, before they can take root. By paying attention to your inner soundscape, you can catch negative self-talk before it effects your attitudes and actions.

  4.Relabel: One reason negative self-talk can be so destructive is that we believe at some level of consciousness that it is telling us the truth. Offset this pernicious influence by relabeling negative self-talk for what it really is – graffiti being spray-painted on the walls of your mind. In my seminars, I actually encourage people to paint a mental picture of the little graffiti vandal, and to give it a name.

5. Erase: I then have seminar participants create a mental picture of The Janitor in Their Attic, and give him or her a name (my Janitor’s name is Spike). Every time their little vandal puts graffiti up on the walls of “the attic,’ they visualize “the janitor” coming along with a utility cart and painting it out.

6. Replace: Whatever the graffiti of negative self-talk that has been painted over (“You are such a loser”), then gets replaced with an attractive sign stating the exact opposite, along with a positive affirmation (“I’m a winner, and I keep on chugging when the going gets tough”). Notice that the graffiti was in the second person, while the affirmation is in the first person. That’s the difference between an ancient lie and a truth of today.

Repeat: It takes repetition to override harmful old mental circuits and replace them with positive new ones – what he called “survival of the busiest.” Likewise, overruling negative self-talk takes repetition over a period of time.




16 of 69. Take the Time to Enjoy Your Life
Success can give us many good things, but it usually fails to give us either time or the ability to enjoy it.” That is part of the paradox of success described in the book of the same title by John R. O’Neil. He says that the belief that every moment of our time must be somehow valuable and productive is actually pretty harmful. When you give yourself open-ended time, you can “create space for your seldom-heard desires, needs, and notions to assert themselves, and you begin creating a model for a different, more friendly relationship with time.”

21 of 69 ***Rewrite the Past***
Many of us have painful memories that drag us down. The troubling paradox is that many of those memories are simply not accurate. It’s amazing that someone who will forget the name of a person they were introduced to only moments ago will allow their lives to be made miserable by regret, anger, and guilt over things they remember from years, even decades, earlier. Those destructive memories can sap your energy and take the zest out of your life. What’s the answer? Change them. Dr. Kenneth Pelletier, in his book Sound Mind, Sound Body, said that: “The ability to reflect upon and consciously reconstruct an early life experience and thereby more comprehend it marks one of the most striking personal strategies in obtaining optimal health.” Psychologist James Hillman has done research on people of genius, in which he found that a great many of them “manufactured” a past by consciously directing their memories in directions that were nurturing and supportive of their desired futures. Every historian knows that the past is substantially what you choose to remember. That being the case, why don’t you choose to make yours a good one.
“The past lives now only in your memory, but the future holds a myriad of possibilities. No matter where you find yourself at this moment you, too, can begin the renewal process. Just as your body is constantly regenerating itself physiologically, you can renew yourself mentally be replacing worn out, stagnant thinking with thoughts that stimulate a sense of hope and positive anticipation about your future.”
David McNally: Even Eagles Need a Push

22 of 69 Placebo Yourself The Placebo Effect refers to the phenomenon of sugar pills making people well simply because they believe they’re taking medicine. Identify some food, activity, or location that does something positive for you, like increasing your energy or bringing you a sense of peace. Then believe that every time you expose yourself to that “placebo,” it will have the desired effect. One way to build that belief is to repeat a verbal affirmation each time you practice the intervention – “I love bananas because they taste so good, and I feel so energized every time I eat one!”

33 of 69 ***But… Master the Fine Art of Strategic Laziness***
Imagine trying to pound a nail into a piece of wood by pushing on it with a hammer. It will go a lot faster if you bring the hammer back to a resting position then swing it down hard onto the nail. That’s an apt metaphor for strategic laziness. We all need quiet time, time alone for reflection and recuperation. Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is stop working on the urgent demands that always seem to be at hand, and take some time to think about the important matters that can profoundly change the direction of your life.
“I’ve spent a good deal of time in ‘poor’ countries, particularly in Asia and the Caribbean. There, pleasure, laughter, and humanness seem more authentic. People stop to admire the sun on the sea, rather than just take a picture of it to bring back as proof to their friends of how worthwhile their vacation was. Everyday life seems richer and fuller. We have much to learn from them. I want to shout ‘slow down’ at those who believe that only money can buy them a ‘better life.’” Stephan Rechtschaffen, M.D., Timeshifting

69 Actions You Can Take To Have More Energy!! A Values Coach Special Report (copyright © 2005) excerpt of Page 1 of 28
Joe Tye, America’s Values Coachtm
Creator of The Twelve Core Action Values
Helping organizations tap into the Invisible
Treasure of Values to be more positive, more
productive, and more profitable.
319-624-3889 — www.joetye.com top (:

I AM THE automatic
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7 of 69. Believe in Yourself
Belief is a force of nature, like gravity or magnetism. There are two essential differences, however. First, unlike gravity or other fundamental natural forces, belief is subject to entropy, the law of thermodynamics that states things tend to fall apart if energy is not constantly applied. Unless positive mental energy is consistently applied, belief degenerates into wishful thinking, or worse, pessimism (believing that things will turn out badly).

Second (and here’s the good news), unlike gravity, belief is subject to mental control. By using techniques of affirmation and visualization you can boost your energy, enhance your belief, and wire yourself for success.

“[W]e are seeing evidence of the brain’s ability to remake itself throughout adult life, not only in response to outside stimuli, but even in response to directed mental effort. We are seeing, in short, the brain’s potential to correct its own flaws and enhance its own capabilities.”

Jeffrey M. Schwartz, M.D. and Sharon Begley: The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force

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I AM THE automatic
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In response to Selfcare-LivingLifeOfEase's post:Re: I will take full responsiblity for my health, happiness, my success, and my life, and will not blame others for my problems -

You are responsible for your life. You can't keep blaming somebody else for your disfunction. Life is really about moving on ~ Oprah Winfrey

Anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true

In response to The sunny side of the street's post:

Thanks for bringing this older thread new life!

great quote about blaming, btw!

Here's one I love by Robert Anthony:


I AM THE automatic
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begin & follow thru
to accomplish everything
I need to accomplish.
Thank you.

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