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★Priceless Qualities of Success

I really enjoy reading great ideas related to attributes defining success. I came across a site today that quoted Marshall Fields Twelve Priceless Qualities of Success from an interesting women’s site

“1. The value of time.
2. The success of perseverance.
3. The pleasure of working.
4. The dignity of simplicity.
5. The worth of character.
6. The power of kindness.
7. The influence of example.
8. The obligation of duty.
9. The wisdom of economy.
10. The virtue of patience.
11. The improvement of talent.
12. The joy of originating.”

What sizes up success to you? Maybe something in this list you relate to or may triggers some of your own ideas re:success?

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

One thing that wasn’t specifically mentioned in the list above is love. I am often surprised how when some driven-people are looking to be successful, and they seem to be always sweating from the brow, and nothing seems to be enough no matter how much they achieve that-> a love or passion for themselves, the goal, or and/or others seems to be forgotten.

For me if my motives come from a loving place, much seems to flow, even if the result isn’t always financially lucrative->I’m then feeling successful.

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

i would add: 13. The Love of Life

you can’t be successful (no matter how much you are making financially) if you don’t love life.

In response to se da luz’s post:
Absolutely! A passion for life, motivated by love of/for life.

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

I wish I would have read this post the other day, so I could quote it to my husband. I was asking him if he considered his life a success. By that, I meant the qualities listed in Laurie’s original post. However, he was a little irritated at the question as if I was talking about money. When I tried rephrasing the question to talk about the attributes of my definition of success, I fell waaaaaay short.

I wonder how it got to be that many people define success in terms of money. As se da luz inferrred, no amount of money will make you happy if you don’t love your life.

I am living in many dimensions at once; the appearance of being trapped in time and space is only an illusion.

In response to meditatingmama’s post:
I think one of the things people find when they stumble upon this site, are people who love life, and continously look for ways to love it even more!

My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

My partner is the same in regards to money, he thinks that money brings happiness more than spending quality time with family, doing family things etc, sometimes it quite frustrating when he consides money to be a priority. He was reading one of my affirmations “Money comes easily and effortlessly to me” , he had a chuckle and thought of it as negitive cause he is the bread winner and gives me money, I see it as our money and I spend it wisely. I explained to him that this affirmation is an OPEN affirmation, it opens the door to every avenue of money.

He is slowly coming to my side of positive, its been a stuggle and a real challenge, I keep my head up high and know everything will work out for me and my family.

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Back again as thinking about partners reaction to my affirmation in regards to “Money comes easily and effortlessly to me”. Dont you just love been confronted by challenges in turning negs into positives? I do! I love to act on them straight away. My new affirmation is “Money comes easily and effortlessly to me and my family”. Easy pezzy! lol

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Success is many things to many people, but to the vast majority, sucesss means the accumulation of material things – AKA financial success.

But too many people spend all their time on the accumulation of wealth & acquiring the material trappings to show their wealth, that they actually fail at most of the really important things in life that truely make anyone’s life a success, regardless of their financial situation.

Likewise, a love of life is many things to many people. What defines a love of life for me, could be completely boring to others. To some a love of life is defined by getting out there & getting involved in anything that gives an adrenalin rush. To others, it’s a quiet walk on the beach at sunset with a loved one & a glass of wine by the fire. Neither is right or wrong, as long as you are loving the life you are living & not trying to live a life for someone else.

If we can lie on our death beds & not utter the words “if only”, then is that not a life that has been lived successfully? Unfortunately though, too many people get into their twilight years & wish they had done things differently.

But the real sad fact is, that too many people live their entire life full of “if onlys”, even when they still have the opportunity to do something about it!!

“When you have the courage to step outside your comfort zone, life will never be the same again!”

Success is the feeling that tingle of excitement about what you do, living a life you can feel proud. Love your life as it is. Love and satisfaction is also very important to be successful.

liked looking at this thread and responses from everyone

will take more time w/it later

in the 'interim' tongue-out

loving this  by trikletrade


My spirit
has instructed my mind
and my mind has instructed my body
of complete internal and external wellness
(physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual)

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